Free Justina
1. Justina's father could be held in contempt of court now that DCF has filed against him.
2. Lou Pelletier talks to Glenn about the contempt of court charges and what comes next for his family
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:54 AM EST
"Despite the fact that the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) filed for Lou Pelletier, the father of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier who is being held against her parents’ will, to be held in contempt of court, Lou joined Glenn on radio this morning to discuss what comes next in the fight to save his daughter’s life." Read more:
This story is really about the people in society that think they are good because they go to Church, synagogues and mosques etc.
Why HHC cares
Christ warned us in Matthew 23:23 "Woe unto you... for ye... have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone." You cannot attend to the weightier matters in Church. You do that on the streets and in the courts and in the institutions of power and corruption in high places. You do it by standing up and standing together for righteousness.
I have seen stories like this up-close. I Have seen this kind of thing and worse happen to many families for decades all over the country. It comes about because bureaucracies are given to much power by the apathy and complacency of the people who do not love their neighbor as themselves.
Many of them go to church and think they are saved but because of their sloth and denial they become workers of iniquity by omission.
When you actively care about Justina as if she was your daughter then your daughter will be safer. Until then no one's daughter is safe.
The Glenn Beck Program - The Glenn Beck Program - 02/18/14
to Justina's legal fund
Article on Justina's Fundraiser
New HHC Audio
Our Broadcast on the issue of Free Justina. <mp3player width="300"></mp3player>
We are also looking into the Mark Taylor Story
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