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Jesus as the Christ told all to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness rather than force and the perfect law of liberty rather than bondage. There would be no other Fathers nor rulers who could exercise authority one over the other in His government.

Jesus taught us how to pray, not just by what he said but with what He did. While I am a firm believer in the effectiveness of prayer, I think it is essential that the individual praying must also not make their neighbor prey as a matter of personal practices for their prayers to actually be heard.

This might include a forbearance of the covetous practices among their religious philosophies, often even condoned by modern Churches and their ministers who love their pulpits more than the truth.

We should also believe that prayer may incur a cost to the one who prays. If we love one another that would be a minor consideration[1] but still remains a part of the overall process. Just as Christ picked up His cross there was a price he was willing to pay, the followers of The Way of Christ consent daily to pick up their own cross.

  1. John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.