Peaceful invasion of Canaan

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The Bible seems to indicate that there was a military invasion of Palestine when Israel came into Canaan. But a growing number of archaeologists are now contending that such a violent invasion of Canaan by Israel is inconsistent with the archaeological record.

Evidently this modern view began to change in the 1930s when John Garstang and William F. Albright excavated at Jericho and Beitin. But the beliefs of some of the people of Judea at the time of Christ also thought military genocide was unacceptable. Certainly Christ would not and he seemed to be in agreement with Moses.

Yet, some still some believe that ancient Israel was a theocracy in which God commanded the nation through prophets and gave them power and authority to carry out genocide and defeat what we imagine to be idolatrous peoples. And then we are suppose to believe Jesus changed the policy of God to "forgiveness and grace .... and the rule is nonviolence, gentleness, and love".

According to Matt Flannagan and Paul Copan a two-pronged argument by Nicholas Wolterstorff s that “First, it is quite implausible that those who authorized the final form of the text [of Joshua] were affirming that all Canaanites were exterminated at God’s command. Second, the accounts that appear to say otherwise are utilizing extensive hyperbole and are not intended to be taken literally” (84-85)

They go onto complex arguments suggesting that Joshua was using “hagiographic hyperbole".

But if we just look at the text we see.

Deuteronomy 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy[1] them; [namely], the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Did we read the Bible wrong in these accounts of genocide. Was . Allegory | Metaphor | Sophistry | Strong delusion | Golden calf | Red Heifer |
The Allegories of the Sacred Laws by Philo Judaeus | Priests |
Altars | Clay and Stone | Stones | Stoning | Sabbath | Canaan
Breeches | Cloths of service | Wedding garment | Fringes |
Calendars | One purse | Fathers | Peaceful invasion of Canaan | Trees |

We hope to explore this view in the future........

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  1. 02763 ^םרח^ charam \@khaw-ram’\@ a primitive root ChetReishMem; v; AV-destroy 34, utterly 10, devote 2, accursed 1, consecrate 1, forfeited 1, flat nose 1, utterly to make away 1, slay 1; 52 and is also a noun 02764 ^םרח^ cherem
    1) to ban, devote, destroy utterly, completely destroy, dedicate for destruction, exterminate
    1a) (Hiphil)
    1a1) to prohibit (for common use), ban
    1a2) to consecrate, devote, dedicate for destruction
    1a3) to exterminate, completely destroy
    1b) (Hophal)
    1b1) to be put under the ban, be devoted to destruction
    1b2) to be devoted, be forfeited
    1b3) to be completely destroyed
    2) to split, slit, mutilate (a part of the body)
    2a) (Qal) to mutilate
    2b) (Hiphil) to divide
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
    • ר Reish Process of Clarification The "head" or "beginning". Life's revelation. [Head... Person head highest] (Numeric value: 200)
    • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)

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