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==Phi (Strong's 5314-5462)==
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Phi (Strong's 5314-5462)

5315 ~φάγω~ phago \@fag’-o\@ a primary verb (used as an alternate of 2068 in certain tenses); ; v AV-eat 94, meat 3; 97

1) to eat
2) to eat (consume) a thing
2a) to take food, eat a meal
2b) metaph. to devour, consume

5316 φαίνω phaino [fah’-ee-no] prolongation for the base of 5457 phos light; v; TDNT-9:1,1244; [{See TDNT 824 }] AV-appear 17, shine 10, be seen 2, seem 1, think 1; 31

1) to bring forth into the light, cause to shine, shed light
2) shine
2a) to shine, be bright or resplendent
2b) to become evident, to be brought forth into the light, come to view, appear
2b1) of growing vegetation, to come to light
2b2) to appear, be seen
2b3) exposed to view
2c) to meet the eyes, strike the sight, become clear or manifest
2c1) to be seen, appear
2d) to appear to the mind, seem to one’s judgment or opinion
  • For Synonyms see entry 5837

5319 φανερόω phaneroo [fan-er-o’-o] from 5318 phaneros ; v; TDNT-9:3,1244; [{See TDNT 824 }] AV-make manifest 19, appear 12, manifest 9, show 3, be manifest 2, show (one’s) self 2, manifestly declare 1, manifest forth 1; 49

1) to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way
1a) make actual and visible, realised
1b) to make known by teaching
1c) to become manifest, be made known
1d) of a person
1d1) expose to view, make manifest, to show one’s self, appear
1e) to become known, to be plainly recognised, thoroughly understood
1e1) who and what one is
For Synonyms see entry 5812

5321 φανέρωσις phanerosis [fan-er’-o-sis] from 5319 phaneroo make known; n f; TDNT-9:6,1244; [{See TDNT 824 }] AV-manifestation 2; 2

1) manifestation

5328 ~Φαραώ~ Pharao \@far-ah-o’\@ of foreign origin 06547 ערפ^, n m AV-Pharaoh 5; 5 Pharaoh =" his nakedness" 1) was a common title of the native kings of Egypt

5331 ~φαρμακεία~ pharmakeia \@far-mak-i’-ah\@ from 5332 from pharmakon (a drug; n f AV-sorcery 2, witchcraft 1; 3

1) the use or the administering of drugs
2) poisoning
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4) metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

5332 ~φαρμακεύς~ pharmakeus \@far-mak-yoos’\@ from pharmakon (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion); ; n m AV-sorcerer 1; 1

1) one who prepares or uses magical remedies
2) sorcerer

5336 ~φάτνη~ phatne \@fat’-nay\@ from pateomai (to eat); n f AV-manger 3, stall 1; 4

1) a crib, a manger

5337 φαῦλος phaulos [fow’-los] apparently a primary word; adj; AV-evil 4; 4

1) easy, slight, ordinary, mean, worthless, of no account
2) ethically, bad, base, wicked
  • For Synonyms see entry 5908

5342 ~φέρω~ phero \@fer’-o\@ a primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only, namely, ~οιω~ oio \@oy’-o;\@ and ~ενεγκω~ enegko \@en-eng’-ko;\@ v AV-bring 34, bear 8, bring forth 5, come 3, reach 2, endure 2, carry 1, misc 9; 64

1) to carry
1a) to carry some burden
1a1) to bear with one’s self
1b) to move by bearing; move or, to be conveyed or borne, with
the suggestion of force or speed
1b1) of persons borne in a ship over the sea
1b2) of a gust of wind, to rush
1b3) of the mind, to be moved inwardly, prompted
1c) to bear up i.e. uphold (keep from falling)
1c1) of Christ, the preserver of the universe
2) to bear, i.e. endure, to endure the rigour of a thing, to bear patiently one’s conduct, or spare one (abstain from punishing or destroying)
3) to bring, bring to, bring forward
3a) to move to, apply
3b) to bring in by announcing, to announce
3c) to bear i.e. bring forth, produce; to bring forward in a speech
3d) to lead, conduct

5345 ~φήμη~ pheme \@fay’-may\@ from 5346; ; n f AV-fame 2; 2 1) fame, report

5346 ~φημί~ phemi \@fay-mee’\@ properly, the same as the base of 5457 and 5316; ; v AV-say 57, affirm 1; 58

1) to make known one’s thoughts, to declare
2) to say

5355 ~φθόνος~ phthonos \@fthon’-os\@ probably akin to the base of 5351; ; n m AV-envy 8, envying 1; 9

1) envy
2) for envy, i.e. prompted by envy

5356 φθορά phthora [fthor-ah’] from 5351 corrupt; n f; TDNT-9:93,1259; [{See TDNT 829 }] AV-corruption 7, to perish + 1519 1, destroy 1; 9

1) corruption, destruction, perishing
1a) that which is subject to corruption, what is perishable
1b) in the Christian sense, eternal misery in hell
2) in the NT, in an ethical sense, corruption i.e. moral decay

5360 φιλαδελφία philadelphia [fil-ad-el-fee’-ah] from 5361 philadelphos love as brethren; n f; TDNT-1:144,22; [{See TDNT 21 }] AV-brotherly love 3, brotherly kindness 2, love of the brethren 1; 6

1) love of brothers or sisters, brotherly love
2) in the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren

5368 ~φιλέω~ phileo \@fil-eh’-o\@ from 5384; TDNT-9:114,1262; {See TDNT 831} v AV-love 22, kiss 3; 25

1) to love
1a) to approve of
1b) to like
1c) sanction
1d) to treat affectionately or kindly, to welcome, befriend
2) to show signs of love
2a) to kiss
3) to be fond of doing
3a) be wont, use to do
  • For Synonyms see entry 5914

5384 ~φίλος~ philos \@fee’-los\@ a primitive word; TDNT-9:146,1262; {See TDNT 831} adj AV-friend 29; 29

1) friend, to be friendly to one, wish him well
1a) a friend
1b) an associate
1c) he who associates familiarly with one, a companion
1d) one of the bridegroom’s friends who on his behalf asked the hand of the bride and rendered him various services in closing the marriage and celebrating the nuptials

5389 ~φιλοτιμέομαι~ philotimeomai \@fil-ot-im-eh’-om-ahee\@ middle voice from a compound of 5384 and 5092; ; v AV-strive 1, labour 1, study 1; 3

1) to be fond of honour
1a) to be actuated by love of honour
1b) from a love of honour to strive to bring something to pass
2) to be ambitious
2a) to strive earnestly, make it one’s aim

5399 φοβέω phobeo [fob-eh’-o] from 5401 n fear, dread, terror; v; TDNT-9:189,1272; [{See TDNT 833 }] AV-fear 62, be afraid 23, be afraid of 5, reverence 1, misc 2; 93

1) to put to flight by terrifying (to scare away)
1a) to put to flight, to flee
1b) to fear, be afraid
1b1) to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm
1b1a) of those startled by strange sights or occurrences
1b1b) of those struck with amazement
1b2) to fear, be afraid of one
1b3) to fear (i.e. hesitate) to do something (for fear of harm)
1c) to reverence, venerate, to treat with deference or reverential obedience
  • For Synonyms see entry 5841

5408 ~φόνος~ phonos \@fon’-os\@ from an obsolete primary pheno (to murder); ; n m AV-murder 8, slaughter 1, be slain + 599 1; 10

1) murder, slaughter

5411 ~φόρος~ phoros \@for’-os\@ from 5342; TDNT-9:78,1252; {See TDNT 827} n m AV-tribute 5; 5

1) tribute, esp. the annual tax levied upon houses, lands, and persons
For Synonyms see entry 5941
  • Other words translated tribute in the New Testament include 2778 and 1323.

5413 φορτίον phortion [for-tee’-on] diminutive of 5414 phortos loading; n n; TDNT-9:84,1252; [{See TDNT 827 }] AV-burden 5; 5

1) a burden, load
1a) of the freight or lading of a ship
2) metaph.
2a) of burdensome rites
2b) of the obligations Christ lays upon his followers, and styles a "burden" by way of the contrast to the precepts of the Pharisees, the observance of which was most oppressive
2c) faults of the conscience which oppress the soul
  • For Synonyms see entry 5819

5414 φόρτος phortos [for’-tos] from 5342 phero to carry; n m; AV-lading 1; 1

1) a load, burden
1a) of a ship

5423 ~φρεναπάτης~ phrenapates \@fren-ap-at’-ace\@ from 5424 and 539; ; n m AV-deceiver 1; 1

1) a mind deceiver, a seducer

5424 ~φρήν~ phren \@frane\@ probably from an obsolete phrao (to rein in or curb, cf 5420); TDNT-9:220,1277; {See TDNT 834} n f AV-understanding 2; 2

1) the midriff or diaphragm, the parts of the heart
2) the mind
2a) the faculty of perceiving and judging

5438 ~φυλακή~ phulake \@foo-lak-ay’\@ from 5442; TDNT-9:241,1280; {See TDNT 835} n f AV-prison 36, watch 6, imprisonment 2, hold 1, cage 1, ward 1; 47

1) guard, watch
1a) a watching, keeping watch
1a1) to keep watch
1b) persons keeping watch, a guard, sentinels
1c) of the place where captives are kept, a prison
1d) of the time (of night) during which guard was kept, a watch i.e. a period of time during which part of the guard was on duty, and at the end of which others relieved them. As the earlier Greeks divided the night commonly into three parts, so, previous to the exile, the Israelites also had three watches in a night; subsequently, however, after they became subject to the Romans, they adopted the Roman custom of dividing the night into four watches

5440 φυλακτήριον phulakterion [foo-lak-tay’-ree-on] neuter of a derivative of 5442; n n; AV-phylactery 1; 1

1) a fortified place provided with a garrison, a station for a guard or garrison
2) a preservative or safeguard, an amulet. The Jews used this word to describe small strips of parchment on which were written the following passages of the law of Moses, #Ex 13:1-10, 11-16; #De 6:4-9, 11:13-21, and which, enclosed in small cases, they were accustomed when engaged in prayer to wear fastened by a leather strap to the forehead and to the left arm over against the heart, in order that they might thus be solemnly reminded of the duty of keeping the commands of God in the head and in the heart, according to the directions given in #Ex 13:16, De 6:8, 11:18. These scrolls were thought to have the power, like amulets, to avert various evils and to drive away demons. The Pharisees were accustomed to widen, make broad, their phylacteries, that they might render them more conspicuous and show themselves to be more eager than the majority to be reminded of the law of God.

5442 ~φυλάσσω~ phulasso \@foo-las’-so\@ probably from 5443 through the idea of isolation; TDNT-9:236,1280; {See TDNT 835} v AV-keep 23, observe 2, beware 2, keep (one’s) self 1, save 1, be  …  ware 1; 30

1) to guard
1a) to watch, keep watch
1b) to guard or watch, have an eye upon: lest he escape
1c) to guard a person (or thing) that he may remain safe
1c1) lest he suffer violence, be despoiled, etc. to protect
1c2) to protect one from a person or thing
1c3) to keep from being snatched away, preserve safe and unimpaired
1c4) to guard from being lost or perishing
1c5) to guard one’s self from a thing
1d) to guard i.e. care for, take care not to violate
1d1) to observe
2) to observe for one’s self something to escape
2a) to avoid, shun flee from
2b) to guard for one’s self (i.e. for one’s safety’s sake) so as not to violate, i.e. to keep, observe (the precepts of the Mosaic law)
For Synonyms see entry 5874

5456 φωνή phone [fo-nay’] probably akin to 5316 phaino "to bring forth into the light", through the idea of disclosure, from 5457 φῶς phos light; n f; TDNT- 9:278,1287; [{See TDNT 838 }] AV-voice 131, sound 8, be noised abroad + 1096 1, noise 1; 141

1) a sound, a tone
1a) of inanimate things, as musical instruments
2) a voice
2a) of the sound of uttered words
3) speech
3a) of a language, tongue