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Jennifer Marohasy

We fist wrote about the honest scientist Jennifer Marohasy during the Fire down under and why "Why was Australia burning?". We could see from her Climate data not only the dishonest hype coming from misinformed media but the fraud and fiction coming from financially hijacked scientists.
we asked:
Who should you listen to? Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Marohasy.

Jennifer Marohasy shows the scientific evidence that:

Oceans, Not C02, Warming the Atmosphere – April 2024 Update

Also, in 20177 she showed evidence that:

She "showed there was a lack of equivalence between the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s temperature measurements from platinum resistance probes in automatic weather stations and traditional mercury thermometers for the weather station at Mildura."

Her work demonstrates with facts that "many scientist just make it up; their peer-review publications are as good as fiction.". See also https://jennifermarohasy.com/2021/06/the-injustice-of-blowing-up-turtles-for-convenience/

About Jennifer

Batchelor of Science and a PhD from the University of Queensland.

Worked at universities, with the Indonesian Bureau of Meteorology,

Ran a research station in Madagascar,

Implemented an environmental audit for the Queensland sugar industry, and

Currently(2022) a Senior Fellow at the Melbourne-based think-tank, the Institute of Public Affairs,

Hoping to make more short documentary films about environmental issues.