Template:Critical thinking

Critical thinking without critical knowledge is like target practicing without bullets.
Everyone is a crack shot.
Long before CRT was brought into schools they stopped teaching civics and history. The textbooks were being changed and our view of history was being altered by design.
Before they started to dumb down your children they had to dumb down your parents' children and your grandparents' children..
If we are to become critical thinkers we will have to think differently which was called repentance in the Bible. Only love for your fellow man through the willingness to forgive, seek the righteousness of God and the daily ministration by the practice of "Pure Religion".
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is defined as "disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence". Critical thinking, is supposed to be "the analysis of facts to form a judgment". Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. For critical thinking to produce a viable critical theory there must be an "objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment." In order to produce an objective evaluation of an issue you need to have an objective evaluation of your self.
All critical thinking must be devoid of all prejudice, both positive and negative. Prejudice from Latin praejudicium (prae ‘in advance’ + judicium ‘judgement’) is based on the idea that something is preconceived without the observation of the present facts.
All judgment based on preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience and observable facts. Prejudice is an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership.
Characteristic of Critical thinking
Anyone who is capable of critical thinking would naturally cultivate the habit of curiosity about all things. They would by their nature be desiring to reserve judgment until all the facts were present, known and confirmed. Rushing to judgment of what is good or evil would seldom lead to right reason.
A critical thinker would need a fundamental compassion about others, desiring to know the motivation and circumstances of events in an attempt to understand the thinking and motive of participants.
Awareness of all observable information can only be realized in those who are not carried away or easily distracted by emotions. You must be willing to see the whole truth, not only about that which can be observed but about the observer.
Good Judgment
Good Judgment is the result of hundreds of individual decisive choices in many areas made without the presence or influence of any bias. Many of those choices must be made on a wide range of facts and information not readily observable in the present situation but is the result of the accumulation of understanding about the nature of things and people.
Totally Honest
To arrive at a place where we are Honest we must have a history of moral integrity and ethical consideration in the actions in our own life. There should be no illusory superiority or pride which can only be avoided with the constant presence of humility in the examination of all things including ourselves.
A critical thinker is always accepting of others, their customs, cultures and opinions with a willingness to be open-minded and to hear people out with patience. That loving compassion only exists where there is humility that allows for a willingness to admit that their own knowledge base may be inadequate. This guards against the Dunning-Kruger Effect of cognitive bias.
Because the critical thinker is slow to judgment, patient, willing to honestly look at things from all points of view they also would be more flexible with an eagerness to learn more they are often more Creative.
A proficient critical thinker can evaluate a multitude of facts which allows them to Think Analytically examining various forms of information and their relationships to each other.
Critical thinkers communicate in a concise manner attentive listeners to the thoughts and expression of others to understand their reasoning and the thought process.
Without a willingness to be honest about our own failings we cannot judge others rightly. Without humility and patience we will not be objectively able to analyze the facts to judge rightly. Without persistent compassion one cannot remain in the high ground of love and judge rightly. To use critical thinking and to seek to judge rightly is to seek the righteousness of God rather than the self-righteousness of self.
You have to love your neighbor as yourself even if he has made himself your enemy. You have to be as concerned about the one who victimizes another as you are about the one who is the victim. To become a critical thinker is something that is pursued. You cannot begin that journey without forgiveness. It can only be found with a daily practice of social virtues.