
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” If you see evil harming and violating people, you are aiding the criminal in their violent act by your silence. That is what makes silence violence by omission.
In John 4 verse 9 "the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans".[1] but Jesus evidently did.
Samaritans were viewed as a mixed race by some of the Judeans at that time. They were accused by the Pharisees to be practicing an impure, half-pagan religion.
That may have been the "pot callin' the kettle black" since the Pharisees were not practicing pure Religion when Christ came.
Their schism dates back to at least Nehemiah.
Samaritans saw there interpretation of the Torah as accurate. The Essenes also saw the interpretation of the Torah as a 'fiction and a fraud'.
Even Jesus condemned the practice of the Corban of the Pharisees that 'made the word of God to none effect' and were not bearing fruit.
Jesus praised the charity of the "Good Samaritan" while finding fault with with the Samaritan women at the well who had not been constant in marriage.
They saw themselves as the true descendants of Israel.
This was not that they tried to proclaim Israel as a singular bloodline only. But Israel, to the Samaritan, is actually "the place where God prevails".
They did claim to be from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. They seem to have a unique version of the Pentateuch and may have preserved some of the intent of the original Mosaic religion.
At the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity there was a conflict growing between the two groups.(See Ezra 4:17; Nehemiah 2:10). Also the Elephantine Papyri points to a growing division between the Jews and Samaritans.
While some will blame this schism on the Jews of the northern kingdom who intermarried with Assyrians in 721 BC during the captivity of the northern kingdom. That may not have been the true point of division.
The true schism has always the willingness to live by the ways of Cain, Nimrod, and the men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other.
It is that covetous practices and the covenants required by the rulers of those systems that makes them a surety for debt.
The masses will not only develop an appetite for benefits at the expense of your neighbor but because the people become so accustomed and dependent upon those "grants, gifts, and gratuities" that the righteous social bonds of a free society begin to degenerate.
This process of the degeneration of social bonds divides not only the people from each other but the whole of society from the morality of God himself by the institution of legal charity.
These brings those masses back into the bondage of Egypt and the captivity of Assyria.
This will cause the people to become merchandise and curse children as Peter said.
Jesus was accused of being a “Samaritan” in John 8:48 do to some presumed question of his mother's unfaithfulness.