Christian Preppers

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Christian Preppers ponder

The people on an internet group called Christian Preppers often ask some good question but are almost as often just as unwilling to see the problem clear enough to seek out the Christian solution.

Arora asked:

"Why are most preppers loners? Doesn’t seem like it helps esp with what we see going on in aurora and Chicago."

" Their question continued, "How is that a Biblical worldview to have? Esp in light of examples in the Bible of Joseph & the people in the book of acts."

At the time armed migrants were taking over places where they lived with impunity.

Of course many at know what the problem is and show the solution of Jesus, Moses, and Abraham in great detail.

American Christians, Jews, and Muslims are all under a strong delusion. They think they understand the teachings in the Bible but have been doing the opposite of what doctrine of Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were telling their followers to do for over a century.