Template:Lambda (Strong's 2575-3091)

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Lambda (Strong's 2575-3091)

2672 καταράομαι kataraomai [kat-ar-ah’-om-ahee] middle voice from 2671 katara an execration, imprecation, curse; v; TDNT-1:448,75; [{See TDNT 90 }] AV-curse 6; 6

1) to curse, doom, imprecate evil upon

2832 Κλωπᾶς Klopas [klo-pas’] of Aramaic origin (corresponding to 256); n pr m; AV-Cleophas 1; 1 Cleophas  = "my exchanges"

1) the father of James the less, the husband of Mary the sister of the mother of Jesus

2847 κόκκινος kokkinos [kok’-kee-nos] from 2848 kokkos grain (from the kernel-shape of the insect); adj; TDNT- 3:812,450; [{See TDNT 396 }] AV-scarlet 4, scarlet colour 1, scarlet coloured 1; 6

1) crimson, scarlet coloured. A kernel, the grain or berry of the "ilex coccifera"; these berries are the clusters of the eggs of a female insect, the "kermes" (resembling the cochineal), and when collected and pulverised produces a red which was used in dyeing (Pliny)
2) scarlet cloth or clothing

2897 κραιπάλη kraipale [krahee-pal’-ay] probably from the same as 726 harpazo to seize, carry off by force; n f; AV-surfeiting 1; 1

1) the giddiness and headache caused by drinking wine to excess

2974 κωφός kophos [ko-fos’] from 2875; adj; AV-dumb 8, deaf 5, speechless 1; 14

1) blunted, dull
1a) blunted (or lamed) in tongue, dumb
1b) blunted, dull in hearing
1c) deaf

2976 Λάζαρος Lazaros [lad’-zar-os] probably of Hebrew origin 0499 אֶלעָזָר‎; n pr m; AV-Lazarus 11, Lazarus (the poor man) 4; 15

  • Lazarus  = "whom God helps" (a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar)
1) an inhabitant of Bethany, beloved by Christ and raised from the dead by him
2) a very poor and wretched person to whom Jesus referred to in #Luke 16:20-25

2983 λαμβάνω lambano [lam-ban’-o] a prolonged form of a primary verb, which is use only as an alternate in certain tenses; v; TDNT-4:5,495; [{See TDNT 424 }] AV-receive 133, take 106, have 3, catch 3, not tr 1, misc 17; 263

1) to take
1a) to take with the hand, lay hold of, any person or thing in order to use it
1a1) to take up a thing to be carried
1a2) to take upon one’s self
1b) to take in order to carry away
1b1) without the notion of violence, i,e to remove, take away
1c) to take what is one’s own, to take to one’s self, to make one’s own
1c1) to claim, procure, for one’s self
1c1a) to associate with one’s self as companion, attendant
1c2) of that which when taken is not let go, to seize, to lay hold of, apprehend
1c3) to take by craft (our catch, used of hunters, fisherman, etc.), to circumvent one by fraud
1c4) to take to one’s self, lay hold upon, take possession of, i.e. to appropriate to one’s self
1c5) catch at, reach after, strive to obtain
1c6) to take a thing due, to collect, gather (tribute)
1d) to take
1d1) to admit, receive
1d2) to receive what is offered
1d3) not to refuse or reject
1d4) to receive a person, give him access to one’s self, 1d41) to regard any one’s power, rank, external

circumstances, and on that account to do some injustice or neglect something

1e) to take, to choose, select
1f) to take beginning, to prove anything, to make a trial of, to experience
2) to receive (what is given), to gain, get, obtain, to get back

For Synonyms see entry 5877

2986 λαμπρός lampros [lam-pros’] from the same as 2985 a lamp; adj; TDNT-4:16,497; [{See TDNT 425 }] AV-bright 2, goodly 2, white 2, gorgeous 1, gay 1, clear 1; 9

1) shining
1a) brilliant
1b) clear, transparent
2) splendid, magnificent
2a) splendid things i.e. luxuries or elegancies in dress or style

2990 ~λανθάνω~ lanthano \@lan-than’-o\@ a prolonged form of a primitive verb, which is used only as an alt. in certain tenses; ; v AV-be hid 3, be ignorant of 2, unawares 1; 6

1) to be hidden, to be hidden from one, secretly, unawares, without knowing

2992 ~λαός~ laos \@lah-os’\@ apparently a primary word; TDNT-4:29,499; {See TDNT 426} n m AV-people 143; 143

1) a people, people group, tribe, nation, all those who are of the same stock and language
2) of a great part of the population gathered together anywhere
  • For Synonyms see entry 5832 & 5927

2999 ~λατρεία~ latreia \@lat-ri’-ah\@ from 3000 to service or worship; n f AV-service 4, divine service 1; 5

1) service rendered for hire
1a) any service or ministration: the service of God
2) the service and worship of God according to the requirements of the Levitical law
3) to perform sacred services
John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service <2999>.
Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom [pertaineth] the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service <2999> [of God], and the promises;
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service <2999>.
Hebrews 9:1 Then verily the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service <2999>, and a worldly sanctuary.
Hebrews 9:6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service <2999> [of God].

3000 ~λατρεύω~ latreuo \@lat-ryoo’-o\@ from latris (a hired menial); TDNT-4:58,503; {See TDNT 428} v AV-serve 16, worship 3, do the service 1, worshipper 1; 21

1) to serve for hire
2) to serve, minister to, either to the gods or men and used alike of slaves and freemen
2a) in the NT, to render religious service or homage, to worship
2b) to perform sacred services, to offer gifts, to worship God in the observance of the rites instituted for his worship
2b1) of priests, to officiate, to discharge the sacred office
  • Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship<4352 proskuneo> the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve <3000 latreuo>.
  • Luke 1:74 That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve <3000> him without fear,
  • Luke 2:37 And she [was] a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served <3000> [God] with fastings and prayers night and day.
  • Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve <3000>.
  • Acts 7:7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, said God: and after that shall they come forth, and serve <3000> me in this place.
  • Acts 7:42 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship <3000> the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices [by the space of] forty years in the wilderness?
  • Acts 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I <3000> the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:
  • Acts 26:7 Unto which [promise] our twelve tribes, instantly serving <3000> [God] day and night, hope to come. For which hope’s sake, king Agrippa, I am accused of the Jews.
  • Acts 27:23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve <3000>,
  • Romans 1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve <3000> with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;

3004 ~λέγω~ lego \@leg’-o\@ a root word; TDNT-4:69,505; {See TDNT 431} v AV-say 1184, speak 61, call 48, tell 33, misc 17; 1343

1) to say, to speak
1a) affirm over, maintain
1b) to teach
1c) to exhort, advise, to command, direct
1d) to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say
1e) to call by name, to call, name
1f) to speak out, speak of, mention

3007 ~λείπω~ leipo \@li’-po\@ a root word; ; v AV-lack 2, be wanting 2, want + 1722 1, be destitute 1; 6

1) to leave, leave behind, forsake, to be left behind
1a) to lag, be inferior
1b) to be destitute of, to lack
2) to be wanting, to fail

3008 ~λειτουργέω~ leitourgeo \@li-toorg-eh’-o\@ from 3011; TDNT-4:215,526; {See TDNT 434} v AV-minister 3; 3 [see also liturgy, 3008, 3009, 3010, & 3011.]

1) to serve the state at one’s own cost
1a) to assume an office which must be administered at one’s own expense
1b) to discharge a public office at one’s own cost
1c) to render public service to the state
2) to do a service, perform a work
2a) of priests and Levites who were busied with the sacred rites in the tabernacle or the temple
2b) of Christians serving Christ, whether by prayer, or by instructing others concerning the way of salvation, or in some other way
2c) of those who aid others with their resources, and relieve their poverty

3009 ~λειτουργία~ leitourgia \@li-toorg-ee’-ah\@ from 3008 [leitourgeo minister 1) to serve the state at one’s own cost 1a) to assume an office which must be administered at one’s own expense ]; n f AV-service 3, ministry 2, ministration 1; 6 [see also liturgy 3011, 3009, 3010.]

1) a public office which a citizen undertakes to administer at his own expense
2) any service 2a) of military service 2b) of the service of workmen
   2c) of that done to nature in the cohabitation of man and wife
3) biblical usage 3a) a service or ministry of the priests relative to the prayers and sacrifices offered to God 3b) a gift or benefaction for the relief of the needy

3010 ~λειτουργικός~ leitourgikos \@li-toorg-ik-os’\@ from the same as 3008; TDNT-4:231,526; {See TDNT 434} adj AV-ministering 1; 1 [see also liturgy, 3008, 3009, 3010, & 3011.]

1) relating to the performance of service, employed in ministering

3011 ~λειτουργός~ leitourgos \@li-toorg-os’\@ from a derivative of 2992 Laos/people and 2041 ergon work, deed, laborer; TDNT-4:229,526; {See TDNT 434} n m AV-minister 4, he that ministers 1; 5 [see also liturgy, 3008, 3009, 3010, & 3011.]

1) a public minister, a servant of the state
2) a minister, servant
2a) so of military labourers
2b) of the temple
2b1) of one busied with holy things
2b2) of a priest
2c) of the servants of a king

3014 λέπρα lepra [lep’-rah] from the same as 3013 λεπίς lepis scale; n f; TDNT-4:233,529; [{See TDNT 436 }] AV-leprosy 4; 4

1) leprosy
2) a most offensive, annoying, dangerous, cutaneous disease, the virus of which generally pervades the whole body, common in Egypt and the East

3015 λεπρός lepros [lep-ros’] from the same as 3014 λέπρα lepra leprosy; adj; TDNT-4:233,529; [{See TDNT 436 }] AV-leper 9; 9

1) scaly, rough
2) leprous, affected with leprosy

3027 λῃστής lestes [lace-tace’] from leizomai (to plunder); n m; TDNT-4:257,532; [{See TDNT 442 }] AV-thief 11, robber 4; 15

1) a robber, plunderer, freebooter, brigand
  • For Synonyms see entry 5856 one who steals by stealth and deception. To lurk privily as we see in Proverbs 1:11
  • lēstēs is translated as "an insurrectionist". "is a thief who also plunders and pillages – an unscrupulous marauder (malefactor), exploiting the vulnerable without hesitating to use violence." The Discovery Bible

3037 λίθος lithos [lee’-thos] apparently a primary word; n m; TDNT-4:268,534; [{See TDNT 446 }] AV-stone 49, one stone 4, another 4, stumbling stone + 4348 2, mill stone + 3457 1; 60

1) a stone
1a) of small stones
1b) of building stones
1c) metaph. of Christ

3042 ~λιμός~ limos \@lee-mos’\@ probably from 3007 (through the idea of destitution); n m AV-famine 7, hunger 3, dearth 2; 12 1) scarcity of harvest, famine.

3046 ~λίτρα~ litra \@lee’-trah\@ of Latin origin [libra]; ; n f AV-pound 2; 2

1) a pound, a weight of 12 ounces (340 gm)

3048 ~λογία~ logia \@log-ee’-ah\@ or ~λογεία~ logeia \@log-i’-ah\@ from 3056 (in the commercial sense); n f AV-collection 1 in 1 Corinthians 16:1, gatherings 1 in 1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 1) a collection 1a) of money gathered for the relief of the poor

3049 ~λογίζομαι~ logizomai \@log-id’-zom-ahee\@ middle voice from 3056; TDNT-4:284,536; {See TDNT 449} v AV-think 9, impute 8, reckon 6, count 5, account 4, suppose 2, reason 1, number 1, misc 5; 41

1) to reckon, count, compute, calculate, count over
1a) to take into account, to make an account of
1a1) metaph. to pass to one’s account, to impute
1a2) a thing is reckoned as or to be something, i.e. as availing for or equivalent to something, as having the like force and weight
1b) to number among, reckon with
1c) to reckon or account
2) to reckon inward, count up or weigh the reasons, to deliberate
3) by reckoning up all the reasons, to gather or infer
3a) to consider, take into account, weigh, meditate on
3b) to suppose, deem, judge
3c) to determine, purpose, decide
  • This word deals with reality. If I "logizomai" or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions.

3050 λογικός logikos [log-ik-os’] from 3056 logos; adj; TDNT-4:142,505; [{See TDNT 431 }] AV-reasonable 1, of the word 1; 2

1) pertaining to speech or speaking
2) pertaining to the reason or logic
2a) spiritual, pertaining to the soul
2b) agreeable to reason, following reason, reasonable, logical

3053 ~λογισμός~ logismos \@log-is-mos’\@ from 3049; TDNT-4:284,536; {See TDNT 449} n m AV-thought 1, imagination 1; 2

1) a reckoning, computation
2) a reasoning: such as is hostile to the Christian faith
3) a judgment, decision: such as conscience passes

3056 ~λόγος~ logos \@log’-os\@ from 3004; n m AV-word 218, saying 50, account 8, speech 8, Word (Christ) 7, thing 5, not tr 2, misc 32; 330

1) of speech
1a) a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea
2) its use as respect to the MIND alone
3) In John, denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world’s life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man’s salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.
  • 4487 ρημα rhema can mean word or saying.

3060 ~λοίδορος~ loidoros \@loy’-dor-os\@ from loidos (mischief); TDNT-4:293,538; {See TDNT 450} n m AV-railer 1, reviler 1; 2

1) a railer, reviler

3076 λυπέω lupeo [loo-peh’-o] from 3077 lupe sorrow, n; v; TDNT-4:313,540; [{See TDNT 454 }] AV-be sorrowful 6, grieve 6, make sorry 6, be sorry 3, sorrow 3, cause grief 1, be in heaviness 1; 26

1) to make sorrowful
2) to affect with sadness, cause grief, to throw into sorrow
3) to grieve, offend
4) to make one uneasy, cause him a scruple
  • For Synonyms see entry 5932

3077 λύπη lupe [loo’-pay] apparently a root word; n f; TDNT-4:313,540; [{See TDNT 454 }] AV-sorrow 11, heaviness 2, grievous 1, grudging + 1537 1, grief 1 16

1) sorrow, pain, grief, annoyance, affliction
1a) of persons mourning

3080 λύσις lusis [loo’-sis] from 3089 luo; n f; AV-to be loosed 1; 1

1) a loosing, setting free
1a) of a prisoner
1b) of the bond of marriage, divorce
2) release, ransoming, deliverance
2a) of liquidating a debt
3) means or power of releasing or loosing

3081 λυσιτελεῖ lusitelei [loo-sit-el-i’] third person singular present indicative active of a derivative of a compound of 3080 lusis (luo) and 5056 telos; v; AV-it is better 1; 1

1) to pay the taxes
2) to return expenses
3) to be useful, advantageous, it profits

3085 λύτρωσις lutrosis [loo’-tro-sis] from 3084; n f; TDNT-4:351,543; [{See TDNT 456 }] AV-redemption 2, redeem + 4160 1; 3

1) a ransoming, redemption
2) deliverance, esp. from the penalty of sin

3089 λύω luo [loo’-o] a root word; v; TDNT-2:60 & 4:328,543; [{See TDNT 456 }] AV-loose 27, break 5, unloose 3, destroy 2, dissolve 2, put off 1, melt 1, break up 1, break down 1; 43

1) to loose any person (or thing) tied or fastened
1a) bandages of the feet, the shoes,
1b) of a husband and wife joined together by the bond of matrimony
1c) of a single man, whether he has already had a wife or has not yet married
2) to loose one bound, i.e. to unbind, release from bonds, set free
2a) of one bound up (swathed in bandages)
2b) bound with chains (a prisoner), discharge from prison, let go
3) to loosen, undo, dissolve, anything bound, tied, or compacted together
3a) an assembly, i.e. to dismiss, break up
3b) laws, as having a binding force, are likened to bonds
3c) to annul, subvert
3d) to do away with, to deprive of authority, whether by precept or act
3e) to declare unlawful
3f) to loose what is compacted or built together, to break up, demolish, destroy
3g) to dissolve something coherent into parts, to destroy
3h) metaph., to overthrow, to do away with