News With Views
- Schools as Tools , Part 3, 11-9-14
- Schools as Tools , Part 2, 9-28-14
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- School to fool
- Are schools and educational institutions used as a social tool?
- School to fool
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- Are You Using That Word - Religion? , Part 3, 10-13-13
- Are You Using That Word - Religion? , Part 2, 8-18-13
- Are You Using That Word - Religion? , Part 1, 6-23-13
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- Pure Religion
- What is it and who does it?
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- A Republican Form , 8-19-12
- Are Christians Idiots? 9-4-11
- Are Christians Idiots?
- Were the apostles unlearned, uneducated and unlettered?
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- Full Faith or Allegiance 3-27-11
- Christianity Derailed 3-2-11
- Christianity Derailed
- Has the Church lost it way and taken the people with it?
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 3-2-11
- The Crisis Equation 2-6-11
- The Crises Equation
- The equality and choice of good and evil
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 2-6-11
- Heal Our Land , 12-19-10
- To Heal Our Land
- The Hateful Connection, The Unrighteous Corban, The Indictment
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 12-19-10
- The Coercive Church , 11-14-10
- The Coercive and Non-Coercive Churches
- Concerning what the "Church" is or should be and what it is not.
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 11-14-10
- Audio On the Coercive Church
- The Coercive Church BlogTalkRadio 29:10
- The Coercive Church TalkShoeQandA 48:43
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews
- Defining Lies , 9-11-10
- No Bread in the Land , 8-15-10
- No Bread in the Land
- Your Daily Bread and
- Your Faith Emergency Management Auxiliary!
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 8-15-10
- Not so Secure Socialism , 8-1-10
- Not so Secure Socialism
- Same old promise, Same old lie!
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 8-1-10
- The Higher Liberty , 3-21-10
- Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense , Part 4, 1-2-10
- Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense , Part 3, 12-5-09
- Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense , Part 2, 11-22-09
- Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense , Part 1, 11-7-09
- To Enslave a Nation 8-29-09
- Laws and Loves 6-22-09
- Gloom, Doom and Democracy 4-30-09
- Not My Tea Party 4-11-09
- Not My Tea Party
- Universal Service vs. Universal Choice
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 4-11-09
- The Decline of Freedom 3-21-09
- The Decline of Freedom,
- The Foundation of Tyranny
- Part two of The Real Destroyers of the Liberty of the people?
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 3-21-09
- The Real Destroyers of Liberty
- Who are the real destroyers of the liberty of the people?
- Appeared first on NewsWithViews 3-10-09
- Unarmed and Dangerous
- Is it criminal negligence to disarm those who should protect the innocent
- The Ugly Capitalist
- Evil ism or what God wants?
- Christian Anarchism
- Oxymoron or What Christ taught?
- Occupying the Chessboard of the Dialectic
- Does the Devil fear your Resistance?
- Does the adversary grow powerful with conflict?
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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.
About the author, Brother Gregory
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