Hebrew hand

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The Hebrew word for hand is yad which is formed of the Hebrew letters ^די^ YodDelath.[1]

A common word for right is ^ינמי^ yᵉmaniy[2] This is composed of the letters YodMemNunYod. Other words like ^ןמי^ yaman ,[3] formed by the letters YodMemNun are also translated right hand. The word ^ןימי^ yamiyn [4] formed by the letters YodMemYodNun is also translated hand or right and is said to mean right hand.

Left hand is translated from ^לואמשׂ^ sᵉmo’wl ShemMemAlefVavLamed or ^לאמשׂ^ sᵉmo’l ShemMemAlefLamed[5] without the Vav.

But we also see the word ^ילאמשׂ^ sᵉma’liy ShemMemAlefLamedYod.[6] With no Yod it is said to mean just left.[7]

Letters are symbols of ideas

Hebrew letters have meanings.

The letter Yod or YUD י is the Infinite Point of essential good hidden in the ט TET. It may include ideas like closed hand but also deed, work, or to make.

The letter MEM מ [or at the end of a word ם] has to do with something that flow such as Fountain of water or fountain of the Divine Wisdom. It may suggest something that gives or overpowers or even suggest chaos depending on context.

The letter ן NUN may signify the Heir to the Throne. In Aramaic fish in the mem. or in Hebrew the nun may mean the kingdom.

On the other hand the ד Daleth represents Selflessness – Charity, back and forth or through a door or pathway.

The letter ל LAMED means Aspiration of the Heart or to learn or even direct like a shepherd. It has to do with what the Hand produces, or directs with staff, whip... like the tongue may direct.

The letter ת TAV is a Seal of a Higher kingdom or realm. The malchut to the keter (crown) through faith. It links the unseen worlds like a doorway. A sign or cross... seal.

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  1. 03027 ^די^ yad \@yawd\@ a primitive word; n f; AV-hand 1359, by 44, consecrate + 04390 14, him 14, power 12, them 11, places 8, tenons 6, thee 6, coast 6, side 5, misc 130; 1615 1) hand 1a) hand (of man) 1b) strength, power (fig.) 1c) side (of land), part, portion metaph.) (fig.) 1d) (various special, technical senses) 1d1) sign, monument 1d2) part, fractional part, share 1d3) time, repetition 1d4) axle-trees, axle 1d5) stays, support (for laver) 1d6) tenons (in tabernacle) 1d7) a phallus, a hand (meaning unsure) 1d8) wrists
  2. 03233 ^ינמי^ yᵉmaniy \@yem-aw-nee’\@ from 03231; adj; AV-right 32, right hand 1; 33 1) right, right hand
  3. 03231 ^ןמי^ yaman \@yaw-man’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-right hand 3, right 1; 4 1) (Hiphil) to choose the right, go to the right, use the right hand, be right handed
  4. 03225 ^ןימי^ yamiyn \@yaw-meen’\@ from 03231; n f; AV-hand 105, right 24, side 5, south 3, lefthanded + 0334 2; 139 1) right, right hand, right side 1a) right hand 1b) right (of direction) 1c) south (the direction of the right hand when facing East)
  5. 08040 ^לואמשׂ^ sᵉmo’wl \@sem-ole’\@ or ^לאמשׂ^ sᵉmo’l \@sem-ole’\@ a primitive word [rather perhaps from the same as 08071 (by insertion of the aleph) through the idea of wrapping up]; n m; AV-left 36, left hand 17, left side 1; 54 1) the left, the left hand, the left side 1a) left 1b) left hand 1c) north (as one faces east)
  6. 08042 ^ילאמשׂ^ sᵉma’liy \@sem-aw-lee’\@ from 08040; adj; AV-left 7, left hand 2; 9 1) left, left side, on the left
  7. 08041 ^לאמשׂ^ sama’l \@saw-mal’\@ a primitive root [denom from 08040]; v; AV-left 5; 5 1) to take the left, go to the left 1a) (Hiphil) 1a1) to go to the left 1a2) to turn (aside) to the left (fig) 1a3) to use the left hand

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