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Your lungs are one of nature’s natural marvels. Each day they take in about 5,000 gallons of air. They transport it through an estimated 600 million air sacs (called alveoli) into your bloodstream. Each day you breathe around 25,000 times a day, delivering life giving oxygen throughout your body. So what happens when congestion, pollution, allergies, colds, and more get a grip on your respiratory system? You get less life sustaining oxygen delivered throughout your body.

This Is The Formula That So Many People Rely On To Safeguard Their Lungs. Here's why it should be a part of your daily respiratory alternative holistic program:

Fenugreek – This herb has natural expectorant properties that can help the body in expelling excess mucus and phlegm.

Hyssop – This herb is prized for its detoxifying and cleansing properties, and for supporting respiratory health.

Mullein – This herb is rich in nutrients. It has the ability to bring soothing relief to bronchial passageways and to irritated respiratory tissues.

Thyme – This wonderful smelling herb helps to relieve coughs and expel mucus within the lungs and bronchial passageways.

Horehound – This herb for over 2,000 years has been used to help expel mucus and phlegm from air passageways. It also works to relax and soothe bronchial muscles.

Mustard – This herb has demonstrated the ability to help cleanse the respiratory system, and to help fight congestion.

Nettles – This nutrient dense herb has a long history of use by Herbalists to help fight and help expel mucus from the respiratory system.

Elecampane – This herb has been recommended by Herbalists to help fight coughs and congestion in the lungs.

Skullcap – This herb helps promote clear breathing by relaxing the body and air passageways.

Yarrow – It is believed that this herb has the ability to help the body in toxin removal and to supply nourishment to the respiratory system.

Sage – This herb is used extensively in Europe and aids sensitive and irritated throat tissues in the air passageways. It is also rich in antioxidant protecting nutrients. [1]--User:Agape|Joey 08:24, 12 January 2010 (UTC)