The Kingdom of God Q and A

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The Kingdom of God, Q and A.

Question: What is the Kingdom of God?

Answer: The Kingdom of God is a unique government form taught by Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ that is in accordance with the way of God the Father. It is a different type of self government which sets men free rather than bringing them into bondage.

Question: How does the Kingdom of God differ from other governments?

Answer: The Kingdom of God does not exercise authority one over the other, but depends on the perfect law of liberty. It consists of people who seek the justice and mercy, forgiveness and thanksgiving of God for others as much as they do for themselves.

Question: What rights do I have in the Kingdom of God?

Answer: All the rights given you by God. You give up no rights, but remain free souls under God.

Question: What responsibilities do I have in the Kingdom of God?

Answer: All responsibilities of dominion on earth as given you by God, dress it and keep it, have no other gods, honor your Fathers and Mothers, love your neighbor and his rights as much as your own...

Question: Wasn’t the Kingdom of God postponed because the Jews did not accept Christ?

Answer: The power was not restored for another ten days after the ascension. The apostles who had been called out and appointed the kingdom which Jesus had already received were told to go back and wait in Jerusalem. At Pentecost thousands of Judean citizens and others accepted Christ as king and were cast out from the unfruitful government system of the Pharisees. Jesus had already taken their rights in the kingdom away from them and they had agreed they had no king but Caesar.

Question: Doesn’t Romans 13 tell us to obey government?

Answer: Jesus preached a government that operated under the perfect law of liberty, by faith, hope and charity and Paul said to let every soul remain subject to the higher “liberty” because all liberty is of God, there is not liberty but of God and anyone who opposes liberty opposes God. The word he used means “right” or “power to choose”. God gave men freewill. The word ‘exousia’ is even translated liberty in 1 Corinthians 8:9 and is the strongest word in the Greek language for “the right to choose”.

Question: Is the kingdom for everyone?

Answer: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21 [Mt 5:20, 18:3, 19:23, 24, 23:13, Mk 10:15-25, Lk 18:17-25, Jn 3:5, Acts 14:22]

Question: How is the government supported in the Kingdom of God?

Answer: Freewill offerings of the people, through a network of ministers chosen by the people, for the people. These ministers are the public servants of the people who seek the kingdom and His righteousness.

Question: What was wrong with Christians? Why were they persecuted?

Answer: Christians would not apply for the benefits of authoritarian benefactors. They remained within each family structure in free association with only titular leaders who served their needs through a community bound only by faith, hope and charity. Most governments increase their power by offering benefits financed at the expense of your neighbor.

Question: What was the doctrine or error of the “Nicolaitans”?

Answer: The Nicolaitan or error of Balaam is when the people eat of the tables or altars of benefactors who exercise authority. The people do not remain under the higher liberty or right to choose but are snared or trapped in a state where others choose for them. Ruling elite obtain the authority to decide what they will contribute and what they will receive. The people are no longer free souls under God the Father but are literally the “conquered people”, nikaw laov, under men who would be god or ruling judges over them.

Question: “Are men the property of the state?”256

Answer: In most national government in these modern times the people are property of the state. They are subjects of the state called human resources or as Peter said they are merchandise. God does not want this but he allows it if we do not follow his ways.

Question: How may we become free souls under God?

Answer: We must repent and seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must forgive so that we may be forgiven and we must give of ourselves so that we may be given unto. It is a process of repentance and striving to follow the ways of God that will set you free by His grace.

Question: What is His righteousness?

Answer: The Greek word translated into righteousness dikaiosune from the word dikaios righteous or just. The word dikaiosune is defined as the “state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God”.


  • 256Cecil B. DeMille in “The Ten Commandments.”

Free Church Report Study Group schedule

The Free Church Report

The Free Church Report presents a unique path for the modern Church according to the nature of the first century Church by explaining the duty and purposes of that institution appointed by Christ. While Rome declined under runaway inflation, corrupt government, martial law, and endless threats of war, the Christians found an alternative to the men who “called themselves benefactors but exercised authority one over the other.”
The early Christian knew rights and responsibilities were indivisible. They sought the right to be ruled by God by taking back their responsibility, through the service of “called out” ministers who lived in the world, but were not of it. Their government benefits came through a divine network instituted in their hearts and minds by faith, hope, and charity under the perfect law of liberty as their Qorban of the unrighteous mammon failed the Roman society. Order

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are all online for free in numerous formats with audio support and hundreds of articles along with study series and audio explanations and podcasts. What has been freely shared with the author is freely shared with you and that is an essential element to the true keys of the kingdom. Covenants of the gods | Thy Kingdom Comes | The Free Church Report |
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