Template:Some Questions

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We need to ask some questions about the meaning of words that are commonly misunderstood in relationship to the teachings of Christ.

Do governments of the world operate according to the ways of Christ or the ways of Cain?

And what of the people who seek those different types of governments?

And who is The Beloved Anarchist?

And how did the Corban of the Pharisees make the word of God to none effect?

And who are the Fathers of the earth?

And how does covetousness make us Merchandise?

And how could our Welfare be a snare and a trap?

And what does this all have to do with Cain and Nimrod and those Benefactors who exercise authority>

And what do they have to do with the Cain Syndrome?

What do we do about all this?

Strive to do what Jesus said the way He said to do it...