Rob Hansen
Rob is a Personal Contact Minister in Kentucky

After much reflection and prayer I humbly offer my services as a PCM hailing from West Kentucky. Me, my wife Tracy and our 6 home schooled daughters and son live on our farm just outside the Land Between the Lakes recreation area located between Kentucky and Barkley lakes. We try and live off the land as much as possible having mixed success and much trial and error. I have been working as a Health Physics Technologist at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant for the past 19 years and while blessed to have a good job through difficult times I long to sever my ties with the corporate enfranchised world. Long ago I became deluded with organized religion after taking the time to actually read my Bible from cover to cover. This started me on a journey to acquire knowledge that will undoubtedly follow me throughout my days. I stumbled upon the HHC website as I was researching birth certificates and their purpose prior to the birth of my son. This ultimately led me to record the birth of my son through the ministry of HHC in lieu of offering him up to Nimrod and to also form a Sacred Purpose Trust with other families through His Church at Loess Hills. I have since completed reading the writings and books offered through HHC. Much of the information was familiar to me and it was refreshing to find another out there who had come to the same conclusions. To my surprise, I found a network of individuals being called out from the world that believed the same. Our family attended the fall gathering in Missouri in 2011 and made many new friends, this led us to return again this spring of 2012. It was during this last gathering that I made the decision that I must offer my services to help build His Kingdom in preparation for the Messiahs impending return and those things that are coming upon the earth. I can be contacted at 270-nine two eight-3710 or emailed via