January 2011
1/1/11 HHC Guidelines 11-20
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast January 1, 2011
Spiritual constipation, Satan's force, Man-created governments, Swearing allegiance, What is a "Republic"?, Churches in early America, The spirit in today's churches, How to start a church, self-government, Stones of the altar, Burnt offerings, Responsibilities of a Minister, Guidelines of His Holy Church (11-20), Christ is overseer of His church, purpose = to return every man unto his possessions, Usury?, Recognition of ministers, no forced contributions, Waiving rights in society, Owing pharaoh, Grantor gives up full control of gifts, When a minister dies, Inheritance tax, Ministers to consider requests of giver, Ministers to keep records, Who are "elders"?, Only recourse is withdrawal of recognition, May appeal withdrawal, Adding flesh to dry bones, Ministers may resign, Dissolving a non-maintainable altar, Governments that empower the people, Addressing the weightier matters in one accord, Returning to the ways of Christ.
1/8/11 Governed By God
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast January 8, 2011
2011 Whirlwind Tour, Christ's directives for free government, No treaties, Levites = public servants = Health, Education, and Welfare, People remain free souls under God, Boaz story - jury of peers, Cities of Refuge, Bearing false witness, Contracts supersede common law remedy, Public schools = socialism?, Made men, How 'bout welfare?, Today's ministers deny Christ - by policy, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?", Seek the kingdom, Where else are you hearing this message?, Government by brotherhood, Show me "righteousness", Show me "humility", Show me Christ, To "Do", or not to "Do", No pedestals allowed, Fear = selfish emotion, Much "good" happening, YOU are the treasure of the Kingdom, Feet washing, Do you "believe"? - Even the devil "believes", Do you DO?, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
1/15/11 You the People
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast January 15, 2011
You the People, Kingdom of God = Right to be ruled by God, "Community" made America great, Covenanting with Caeser is Contrary to Christ, Having form of godliness but denying the power thereof, Nation = people - neither here nor there, Subject to God - not other men, Knowledge of Gospel is a gift of God, Comfortable in sin? Churches keep you that way, Why the "Whirlwind Tour"?, The easy and hard way to learn, "gods" = magistrates or judges - make no covenants with them, Offices of power beget men of power; offices of service beget men of service, Do you desire the wealth of your neighbor?, Sunday vs Monday, Diabolos, To whom do you pray?, If you have a contract with Caesar - fulfill the contract, Even the devil believes in God - but doesn't DO what He says, We must DO!, "Repent" is not "I'm Sorry", "Coming Out" is at the END of the bible, Seek ye FIRST..., Why the early church was prosecuted, You are "merchandise", What to do about it?, Finding the Kingdom, Today's "world", Paying your tally of bricks, Ministers = bondservants of Christ, Who is my neighbor?, HHC FEMA, The Red Heifer, Being forgiven because you forgive, Doomsday?, "Coercive Church", The Purpose of the Church.
1/22/11 Who's Guarding the Republic
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast January 22, 2011
Growing the Living Network, Bonds of trust, Mechanics of ministry, In God's kingdom you keep your rights, "Guardians of the Republic", Governments require consent, "Pure republic" defined, What about "democracy"?, Re-living the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, What was the church doing?, All our books are free!, The Constitution did NOT form the republic, What was left out of the Constitution?, Christ's solution, The perfect law of liberty, America - pre Declaration of Independence, "Free" education is worth exactly what you pay for it, 14th amendment, Constitution - ratified or not?, Who were "We the People"?, Administrative law, How much have you agreed to already?, "Corban" at the time of Christ, Sanhedrin = Congress, Making the word of God to none effect, Man's government says it's OK to covet, Modern churches say it's OK to covet?, Christ said NO!, "It is not to be that way with YOU", The Gospel of Churchianity, We must become the Church of Life - in Christ's name/character, At which door do you knock?, Have they gotten you to commit a crime?, Contract is law by consent, Lawmakers - not representatives, God already gave us the law, How to get back our rights.
1/29/11 Restoring the Republic
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast January 29, 2011
Restore America Plan - some thoughts (cont), Government of Man vs Government of God, Rejections of God, Why are we in bondage?, Idols of Jesus, "Not those that call me Lord, Lord, but those that DO the will of the father", Can't repent for others, Republic vs Democracy, What of "Full Disclosure"?, Solving deciet by deception?, Step 1 = Admitting where you are at, What to do now?, Your choices are..., Purpose of the Constitution, Unrighteous mammon about to fail, Jobs of a minister, History - when (and why) things went wrong, A little leaven..., US Federal Government was never a republic!, Purpose of Bill of Rights, What did Christ say?, Individuals coming together, Improving old wine skins, The Fate of Jerusalem, Getting realistic, Creed of the United States, Constitution is NOT your salvation - Christ is, How to pull this all together, Finding the sheep, Feeding the sheep.
February 2011
2/5/11 False Prophets
The above recording was recorded here in the studio. The one below was recorded at the station.
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast February 5, 2011
People who lead away from the Kingdom of God - Cain, Nimrod, Lamech..., "Egypt" means "bondage", God's welfare system, Contractual nature of Government, Man is "allowed" to create governments - rejection of God, Warnings from Proverbs, You have coveted your neighbor's goods for your benefit - Repent!, Start coming together, Don't send people with guns to your neighbor's house, Solution is Christ, Was Moses's message different?, Be DOers, Strive - Christ said it!, United States is not a republic, Do you think you are "We the People"?, More on Restore America Plan - (RAP), What did first century church DO?, Unrighteous mammon, Example of Pompey, Do your homework, Socialism = Bread + Violence, Electing "Lawmakers"? Why do you need more laws?, Christ's "weightier matters", Finding the right(eous) guys, "Love" is pretty simple, Is your faith on your lips or in your heart?, Long way back to Christ - worth every sacrifice, Realize the deception, Understand the Kingdom, Tree of Life vs Tree of Knowledge, Whirlwind Tour: March - May, Expose the lie and teach the truth, Focus on the Way of Christ.
2/12/11 Meet the Ministers
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast February 12, 2011
Brother Paul interviews Jeff Parrot (in South Carolina) and George Mason (in Massachusetts), The topic today is "The Kingdom Without and The Kingdom Within"..., Brother Jeff's view of life, the kingdom within with scripture, putting on a new nature or the new man, The difference between the empires of man and the Kingdom of God, He comes to live on the inside of us, so we yield to the Holy Spirit, How do we do community?, practicing community and handling conflict, "everything that comes from a man comes from within", what is happening in Massachusetts?, set up for the Whirlwind Tour, concentrating on health, sustaining each other on natural ways and nutrients, the need and importance of Congregation of Record, flare ups and putting on the character of Christ, how to transition to an outward witness of the internal kingdom, how the Congregations develop, recent regional gathering in South Carolina, real servant leaders, reflections on forming a Congregation of Record, what is available on His Holy Church?
2/19/11 Temples and Churches A Must Hear Episode
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast February 19, 2011
"Grace" = "charis" in Greek = a given benefit, Who believes the Pharisees?, How about the Sadducees?, Essenes?, God will never OWE you salvation, Wycliffe and ekklesia, Who are robbers of churches?, Does God need us to sing to him?, Saving one another, Social Welfare through history, False salvation, Temples, Freedom takes courage, Civil law, Serfdom again, Notes or money?, Kingdom of Heaven is the answer - seek it and His righteousness!, Herod's welfare system, Losing spirit, Strengthen vs bail out, The sin of Sodom, Saul's folly, Temple at Ephesus, Making the word of God to none effect, Are you numbered?, Give - carefully, Today's temples, Today's churches, Who were the Tetons?, Invisible bread lines, Going the way of Christ, Moses, and Abraham, Inflation, What your minister didn't tell you, How to repent, The Prodigal Son and you, It's your responsibility, We don't tickle your ears, Stop blaming - start working.
2/26/11 Doctrines of the Christ
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast February 26, 2011
His doctrines - not ours, The "Weightier matters", Christ preached government of the people, for the people, by the people, Free governments make life difficult for the immoral, Levite = public servants, No help for the slothful, Foolish Virgins, 4 biblical elements to put in your constitution - all 4 are violated today, The Bible is a book about government - good and bad, A little leaven, Are men property of the state?, The Higher Liberty book, Living by the Sword, Early Israelites - embryonic republics, Cashless society?, What is a minister?, Public School - tsk tsk, What is a Republic?, U.S. Constitution = Indirect Democracy, Repent and head toward pure republics - libera res publica, What is Pure Religion?, Pure Republics require Pure Religion, Global Warming?, What about the Sun?, US Grain Reserves, Do YOU love your neighbor?, Christ's motly crew, More on Ministers, Consent thee not, Creeping wolves, Making the word of God to none effect, Who were the Essenes?, Today's problem = SELFISHNESS.
March 2011 Archive
3/5/11 Whirlwind Tour and Contact Ministers
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast March 5, 2011
Whirlwind Tour Schedule, Living Network modeled after Early Israel and the 1st century church, Why should I choose a Contact Minister?, Kingdom thinking, Holy Matrimony vs Marriage, Cain's folly, Structuring the Kingdom, Job description for a Contact Minister, 1 Cor 13:3, Agape = love/charity, Our fragile society, YOU are the government that should take responsibility, Misunderstanding "names", Purposes of ID cards, CMEs and the power grid, How you have been lead astray, Generating interest for the Whirlwind Tour, How quickly technology grows, What is our priority?, "Grass roots" networking, Pearls in the congregations, Letting God be your god, What do you have to offer?, "Kingdom tracks" - home schooling, home health, Community Supported Architecture, Identifying the motives, Join us on the Living Network, law makers vs public servants, Returning to "the Way".
3/12/11 Prepare!
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast March 12, 2011
Japan earthquake, Caused by CME?, Watching for signs in the sun, Auroras at the time of Christ, FEMA vs F.E.M.A, What can you do?, Pure Religion defined, The cure for misery, 40,000 denominations?, Rebuke and repent, let the dead bury their dead, Do you have Jesus in your heart?, Let go!, Will the Father accept us prodigal sons?, Churches let in wolves but keep out shepherds, Humility is key, How did the early church function?, BE what Christ said, DO what Christ said, Enough Doodoo - just DO! DO!, Don't tell me you're saved - show me Christ in you, If you ARE saved you don't have to convince others, 4 ways to get out of debt, Want liberty? - set your neighbor free, How do you know who your neighbor is?, Contact ministers, You always have a right to choose, All Contact Ministers must be DOers, Don't be afraid - love one another, What is the "wrath of God"?
3/19/2011 Not Ear Tickling
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast March 19, 2011
Fear vs Courage - source and solution to problems, To do or not to do?, The "Way", "Altars of Blood", Is Rome burning?, Dangers of speaking the truth, Socialism = living by the sword, Do you love truth?, Parable of the big horn sheep, Radiation danger?, "You can so this", Working the network, Food Matters, A dose of Radiation Reality, Can nature handle it?, Who's tending the weightier matters?, Leaders vs Law-makers, What happened to the BP "spill"?, Fukushima facts, Looking for signs in the sun, The solution defined, Christ - congregation - kingdom, Wisely meeting the needs, Social re-assurance, Religiosity today, How to change direction, Examples, The temptation of the foolish virgin, Power corrupts! Don't give it, David repented - what about today's rulers?, Honor! Keeping your word!, Finding others who want righteousness, "Love" explained, What "love" is flowing from you?, Spiritual affects physical, Why does Christ love you?, Why do we love you?, History will happen - what part will you play?, It's your choice!
3/26/11 Live From Colorado on the Whirlwind Tour
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast March 26, 2011
Greeley - to be specific, "Pilgrims and Strangers" book, re-learning the right to choose, re-birth to the spirit of freedom, alternative = human merchandise, Do your ministers teach Christ's weightier matters?, Striving today, You can't love Christ if you don't love service, Have you been called?, We will know you by your fruits, Changing direction isn't easy, The kingdom is in the moment, Don't turn your back on God, Signs of evil, Women in the bible, Bride of Christ, You cannot conjure the Holy Spirit, Angry? Let go!, The system is not fixable, His kingdom is not breakable, Examples of faith, The perils of "easy" Christianity, Idolatry, Where to look for God, Persevere, What seeds are growing within you?, Pure Religion, What "world" do you live in?, Preachers should know these things, Who will wake up?, Overcome!, The "doctrine" is simple - love God, love your neighbor, "His" doctrine is what "He" said, Are you going about your Father's business?, Be fishers of men.
April 2011
4/2/11 The Higher Liberty - Audio Book - Pages 1-21
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast April 2, 2011
Paul Bethke is the guest host of "Keys of the Kingdom" while Brother Gregory is in Omaha, Nebraska, on the whirlwind tour. Brother Paul begins his reading of Brother Gregory's book "The Higher Liberty" and begins by reading sections titled "Romans 13", "Social Contracts", "No King but Caesar", "Republics", "Democracy", "Deception", and "Church and State ".
4/9/11 The Higher Liberty - Audio Book - Pages 22-39
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast April 9, 2011
Paul Bethke is the guest host of "Keys of the Kingdom" while Brother Gregory is around Dallas, Texas, on the Whirlwind Tour. Brother Paul continues his reading of Brother Gregory's book "The Higher Liberty" and begins by reading sections titled "A Kingdom not of this World", "The Natural Law", "These Cometh from Evil, "The Rule of Right", "One Form of Government", "The Natural Error", "Consent thou Not", "The Curse and the Contract", "The Price of Surety", "Elements of the World and the Kingdom", "Mammons", and "The Dedication of the Book".
4/16/11 The Higher Liberty - Audio Book - Pages 40-54
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast April 16, 2011
Paul Bethke is the guest host of "Keys of the Kingdom" while Brother Gregory visits South Carolina during the 2011 His Holy Church Whirlwind Tour. Brother Paul continues his reading of Brother Gregory's book, The Higher Liberty. Paul begins this week by reading the dedication of The Higher Liberty and then picks up where he left off the previous week by reading: "Religion of the People", Mighty Hunters", "The Gospel of Love", "The Gospel of Freedom", "For Concience Sake", "Daily Bread", "Father Upon the Earth", "Modern Christians", "The Gods Many", "Sacrificed to Idols", "Denying the Kingdom at Hand", and does not quite get all the way through "1 Peter 2:13".
4/23/11 The Higher Liberty - Audio Book - Pages 55-69
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast April 23, 2011
Paul Bethke is guest host of "Keys of the Kingdom" while Brother Gregory visits Cape Cod, Massachusetts during the 2011 His Holy Church Whirlwind Tour. Brother Paul continues reading from the book, The Higher Liberty, and begins this week in the section titled, "1Peter 2:13" and also reads sections, "Supreme, Higher, Better, Excellence", "Unheard Cries", "Titus 3:1", "Obey Magistrates", "Be the Magistrate", "Public Servants", "Elders", "The Office of Diakonos", "Deaconus of Ten", "Union and Discipline", "Executive Officers" and finishes the broadcast reading the first paragraphs of "The Apostolic Church".
4/30/11 Live From Wisconsin During the Whirlwind Tour
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast April 30, 2011
Brother Gregory hosts "Keys of the Kingdom" on the road in Wisconsin during the 2011 His Holy Church Whirlwind Tour. Gregory discusses the differences between the systems of socialism, corvee or corban or the world practiced by Cain, Nimrod, Pharaoh, Caesar and selfish survivalists looking out for their own stuff versus the system of God which operates on free will offerings and service based on faith, hope and charity. Gregory lays out some real world examples of how the system of God works. Gregory discusses kingdom tracks of homeschooling and network apprenticeship programs through local congregations of record, network permaculture and healthy sustainable food production based on congregational supported agricultural (CSA) with seed saving and seed sharing programs, network health care systems based on kingdom principles of natural healing, network welfare systems to aid those families that have suffered loss or lack due to natural disasters. Gregory discusses how all this service to the network by the character of the Messiah being made manifest through us is only accomplished by doers of the Word and not just hearers only.
May 2011
5/7/11 Live From Minnesota During the Whirlwind Tour
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast May 7, 2011
Brother Gregory hosts Keys of the Kingdom from Minneapolis while on the 2011 His Holy Church Whirlwind Tour. What are we talking about when we are preaching the Kingdom? Gregory reveals some real world examples of how we fail to keep the commandments. What does true repentance look like and what is the direction we are supposed to be going look like? Gregory discusses real world examples of we should be doing to seek and return to the Way, character, name or spirit of God.
5/14/11 Snake Oil Salesmen - MUST HEAR episode!
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast May 14, 2011
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! - Are your ministers preaching this?, There is another king - one Jesus, Pentecost in the New Testament, "Church" in Black's Law Dictionary, What the heck is "Corban"?, Social Security in Christ's time, Public Education?, Are you bound by debt or are you a thief?, How to get free..., Snake oil salesmen, The Right of Self-determination, Pirates, Where does government get your benefits?, Egypt today, "The Way", What Abraham, Moses, and Christ had in common, "Socialist Christian" = oxymoron, Making the word of God to none effect, "Accepting" Jesus vs the idea of Jesus, How the charlatans react to the light, Land Patents, Sovereigns without Subjects, Family Guardian, Who are the police?, WWJD?, Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, How to build the Kingdom, Most haven't heard yet, HHC is not a stage show, Temples then and now, Social Security across the world, It must come from YOU, Working it out with fear and trembling, "Theology" won't get you into the Kingdom, Christ wants DOers, Signs in the sun, Are you ready?, Have you prepared - for others?, Where are the grain reserves?, Can it happen here?, Are we acting like foolish virgins?, Think Kingdom!
5/21/11 Bonds of Freedom
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast May 21, 2011
The Kingdom of God has been here from the Beginning, Cain's concept of kingdom, Deuteronomy's 5 conditions you MUST put in your constitution, Who's responsible?, Can you claim "fraud"?, The bible tells you how to be and stay free, Repenting, Truth gives life, Why KJV?, Why is networking hard?, Forming real congregations, Who were the apostles really?, Pentecost - freeing of souls, Buddy system times ten, Tens, hundreds, and thousands, Obamacare?, Think congregation - think kingdom, Are you a mere "human resource"?, The "feasts" are important, The bondage of eschatology vs the freedom of Christ, Seeking righteousness, The end of the world?, The voice cries in the wilderness again, Clearing the cobwebs, Government of, for, and by the people, Where to find healing, Show me the love, More than just e-mails, Does your minister say "Support one another" or "Support this ministry"?, Christ's two commandments, Christ's weightier matters, Church is singing you to sleep, Servants vs Rulers, What do you think of your neighbor?, Who are the DOers?, Freedom is within your grasp.
5/28/11 Judgement and Choice
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast May 28, 2011
June 2011
6/4/20011 Growing Power
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast June 4, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - "Growing Power" = Aquaculture meets fish farming = local food supply, Kingdom Tracks, This fragile economy, The Spirit of Commerce, Working for Christ, The Covenants of the gods book, How the system works, The right to choose, The pit, Hebrew "mem" = "flow", Being compatible with the Holy Spirit, Raw Milk, Alternatives for health, Where is the love?, Universal health care - in Christ's day, The source of power in society, You want miracles?, The Kingdom of God at hand, The essence of Nimrod, Who is your provider?, The Kingdom of God in action, Reaching the world, How to be a part of the Living Network, Liberty under God, What is your part?, Feast of tents, Pentecost, The corban of the Pharisees, Congregation extends to Kingdom, Have you been deceived?, Can you admit it?, Church vs Government, Church = Government, The Red Heifer sacrifice, What has my neighbor done for me?, Care to be cared for, Forgive to be forgiven, Love to be loved, Give life as God gave you life.
6/11/2011 The Righteousness of God
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast June 11, 2011
What is the Righteousness of God?, Words and their meanings, Sovereign Citizens, Pentecost, Tongues of fire, Chariots of fire, Understanding the language of the day, Understanding the bible - problems of language + preconceptions + influence, Who do we judge?, Making Christians think, Are you humble enough to admit when you're wrong?, Repent = turn around - from what?, Spiritual constipation, Freedom takes diligence, Is your government the Kingdom of God?, Pentecost the feast, Why be a DOer of the Word?, Are you "saved"? - from what?, What do we do?, Our constitution, Loving liberty, What part of History do you want to be on?, Did the apostles stay in the "upper room"?, Talk is cheap - faith costs, Righteousness costs, Things you can do..., His Church credit union, Living Network of thousands, Dry bones coming together, Making room for the Holy Spirit, You already KNOW what you should do - will you?, Or will you find excuses?, Internet = Haystack - finding the needle, The system of Christ - choose it!
6/18/2011 The Lost Kingdom
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast June 18, 2011
Bureaucracy, Domestic violence, gods many = gospel of central authority, Deciding fact AND law, 5 items for your constitution, Priests in the welfare office, Who is the Lost Kingdom?, Who is "We the People"?, US Constitution = corporate charter - people are not a party to it, President same as Roman Emperor?, In Christ's Kingdom you are free!, Pedophile preachers?, State marriage = 3 party contract, Taking God's name in vain, Is the United States a Christian nation?, Are you in bondage?, Kingdom structure, Police in the Kingdom, Seed sharing, David vs Saul, Choosing your minister, Who is the "state"?, Why we need a congregation, Simply the "buddy system" - times ten, How to survive emergencies, The Kingdom of God is for the living - not the dead, Pharisees chose Caesar, US citizens elect a new Caesar every 4 years, GMOs are killers, Where is the love?, Who do you pray to?
6/25/2011 Keys to Freedom
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast June 25, 2011
Teachings of the modern church, "Believe" or "Do"?, How to inherit eternal life, Benefactors who exercise authority, Home schooling in community, Rural electrification, Liberty Dollars, Banks vs Credit Unions, What history are you reading?, Commodity money, Beginning the journey back, Range sheep vs farm sheep, Kingdom of God = Right to be ruled by God, Details from the early church, Modern Church = the great dis-tractors, Perils of nuclear power plants, People helping people, Nobody gets left behind.
July 2011
7/16/11 What Was the Early Church Doing?
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast July 16, 2011
Many hands=light work. Radio syndication. Understand bible through it's context and context of history. I.D. - no guarantee if it's not who you are. People's needs haven't changed - NetWORKING is still the answer. Bible/History = Record of our lives. The PRICE of FREEdom. You DO NOT own YOUR property. "Worship" defined. CoR's are loving your neighbor. Summer Lake Retreat and how benefits. Training our children and REtraining ourselves. Preaching, yes; but DOing too. Dividing the Word and the bread (same thing). Build the net you want to catch YOU. Kingdom-iters vs. Congregation-alism. The World fears - this! "World-hood" watch. Paul's appeal to Rome (Luke 12:11) was a BIG help. The Nature of Christ - in you - is the answer to all your questions. Who will care for your children when you canNOT - "choose this day." Lawful legal records matter. Love=sharing=love. Walking toward kingdom=DOing kingdom things. Calendars are crutches. The Beast's uniform. Perfect Law = taxing yourself. Begin seeking from where you're at. Providing more than a token. Seeking = DOing - with whom, to whom. Kingdom thinking. We are NOT His holy church. Sabbath ORDER - rest AFTER laboring. Focus is service, NOT survival. One person is NOT a congregation. Live wires stay plugged in.
7/23/2011 Rights and Responsibilities
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast July 23, 2011
On this edition of the Keys of the Kingdom on Liberty Radio Live Brother Gregory wastes no time rabble rousing and tickling the people's ears by telling them how awful and wicked their elected leaders are for taking away the people's rights and usurping power, but rather Gregory again explains the hard truth that the people freely let their rights go by letting their responsibilities go in order to covet and ask their gods many to steal and kill their neighbor to provide what the people are unwilling to provide for themselves by freely participating in the Babylonian system of Corban which was also practiced by the Pharisees, Rome. Phyllis in Pennsylvania calls in to ask questions about how to get rid of State issued driver's license and the other benefits Caesar or Uncle Sam offers his resident children. Phyllis also asks for an explanation of the differences between commissioned, licensed and ordained ministers. Claude in Vermont calls in with follow-up questions about the State's driver's license and Gregory explains why Pharaoh, Caesar or Uncle Sam will not let someone go just because the individual has filed paperwork telling their gods many that they are freeing themselves and cancelling their licenses, privileges and benefits offered by the gods many.
August 2011
8/13/11 Our Fall is Our Fault
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast August 13, 2011
Who is the enemy? No enemy has been defeated without first knowing who the enemy is, so who is the enemy? Is the enemy a cabal of elite and powerful bankers, politicians, businessmen and royalty conspiring to implement a new world order? No. The real enemy is us. Not the devil, not the bankers, not governments because the devil, bankers and governments do not have any power other than what we give them. We are the enemy because of the larceny in our own hearts. This week's discussion focuses on a series of emails that were being passed around on the HHC New York group talking about identifying the enemy. Gregory also touches on the current events of the day: comet Elenin and other geologic and celestial events. Hadar in Minnesota calls in with questions about Elenin and the theory of a rapture. Richard from Florida calls in and asks about "Universal Restoration". Dee in California's gold country calls in about the great tribulation and how God allows Satan to do his thing. Mark in Texas calls in to comment on the new audio system used to broadcast the Keys of the Kingdom.
Baldwin on Romans Thirteen
8/20/11 Timothy Baldwin Interview
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast August 20, 2011
1/4: Read referenced sources to confirm/deny their accuracy; Challenge others' assertions = sparks may fly (iron sharpens iron); Education is a personal responsibility; OT/NT actually agree - not so with translators; Want to understand the bible? Understand meaning of the words; From Adam and Eve, The Deceiver uses words to deceive; God created us, then WE created governments; God gave guidelines for government; Subsequent incorporation voids previous; To what government did Abraham belong?; Christ preached...government?; Early church (and early America) cared for all social welfare through faith, hope, and free-will charity offerings; 2/4: We're looking to governments of the world now, whether overtly or through neglect; We deserve the government we're getting; Before governments can change, people must change; (Righteous) law starts...where?; U.S. Constitution allows right to contract; "Rulers" of Rom. 13 are "ministers of God" for "evil doers" (definition: those who put their trust in THEM); Modern "churches" don't preach THE (=true=full) gospel - REPENT (stop, turn around, go the right way); 3/4: World governments meant for evil doers (see definition above); Meaning of "religion" and "unspotted"; State fills vacuum created by NOT preaching THE gospel; Shirking our duty is shifting (our) power to world's governments; Align with what Christ started - ONE church; Righteous power comes from what's given; "Oath" can be "to 'pray'"; You get from to Whom you pray!; Clarifying lines blurred by others/neglect; Christ's Way antithesis to world's forced contribution; History's repeating; THE gospel = YOU be the government; Timothy Baldwin stated he'd be leaving early, and did so at end of this quarter; 4/4: Paul's "power" means original, higher, supreme "liberty" God bestowed on all; no law makers needed - we have THE law; Israel elected (and governed/policed) ministers; Stop making contracts, and start...what?; PCM => MoR = White Regiment (of Christ/Service); Constitution is for sinners rejecting God (I Sam 8:); U.S. Constitution lacks four out of five key precepts/safeguards; "Liberty" to choose makes doing what's "Right" your choice; Choosing another way is not without consequence; Greek dictionaries of the time, define usage at the time; "Punishment" is "Reward" for choosing Tree of Knowledge; Two ways to learn; Not ruling over your neighbor does not mean not rebuking; Christ withstood temptation of Power; Modern "Churches" try to alleviate/eliminate suffering (built-in motivator to repentance) of sin.
8/27/11 Are Christians Idiots? MUST HEAR episode!
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast August 27, 2011
1/4: We're to preach gospel of kingdom at hand - and commandments; Even Peter needed help with his unbelief; Effort to keep commandments will show lacks where our belief falls short; We follow Satan from time to time; Know "righteousness of God"; Contracts => Sin of Sodom = poor not strengthened by faith, hope, charity; Gathering to care for one another = coming together in Christ's name/character/spirit; Kingdom of God is devoid of contracts; We're bound by OUR debts; What we're told about bible, and those telling us...all wrong; Scholars disagreeing - BIG clue language is but babble; Chugging up (the[ir]) "belief hill," ignoring the "WRONG WAY" signs; Be like Peter - turn around; They want us (need us)...lazy...and dumb; 2/4: Belief has levels; Loving God/Christ linked to loving our neighbors; Kingdom is 50/50 minimum and needs ministers to effect; Power to force our neighbor, is power to force us; Only salvation is to repent; Belief, not of(from) God, imprisons; Internet, phones, etc. a means to the Living Network; World wants you angry, fearful, hating; Misconceptions connected to translations; Holy Spirit guides to truth; Preconceived notions/degrees of knowledge = degrees of imprisonment; Humility is cure to degrees of unbelief; 3/4: "Strong delusion" begins at Eden; Bible not source of truth; Back in Egypt by apostate ministers; Scribes = accountants; Compelled contributions start small; Jesus in royal treasury, etc. because He's King; Your minister is to whom you tithe; Common word for "ignorant" and "unlearned" not found in Acts 4:13; Power to heal - tempered by H.S., or else...; Belief (in what?) saves; Deceived. Daily?!; KJV translators taught by post-inquisition "church" run schools; Thayers made changes to his work; Current tax system, etc. evidences turning our backs on God; Only virtuous thrive; True ministers prepare Lord's table - for others; Love for real - forsake not gathering 10s, 100s, 1000s; Idiots vs. Idiotes; Seek!; 4/4: Same message, but in different ways; Call in to radio broadcasts with questions for others' sake; Building codes in bible as examples/application of the 10 kingdom principals; What to say to folks, when - depends; Gambling is coveting; Abraham spent 70 years getting the "many souls" out; What is/how to tell "true love" in self/others; "Sweet in mouth, sour in belly;" Your life is for learning voice of H.S.; We can't get of Babylon if not wanting to set our neighbor free; Your neighbor maybe needs to remain bound!?
September 2011
9/3/11 Networking for Life
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast September 3, 2011
1/4: Gospel of kingdom of God - at hand - always been only salvation NOW; Extended network part of Living Network; Not "Congregationalists"; Oath = vow or prayer; "Law" enforcement - duty of all; Seek righteousness for others; Socialism breeds stupidity, etc.; Know your neighbors; Police ministers, then network about who's trustworthy; You're the government - responsible agents!; Police ministers and call them out; THAT is road to freedom - when not only for self, but others - not attained another way; Practicing charity = helping others to find others; 2/4: Fall retreat site development; CME in 1895, and at time of Christ; More prepared every day; Networking = living for another; Algae, fungus, and micro organisms; Immunity for Doers by Spiritual covering; Backyard garden knowledge/practice for children; "Quality food" shortage already; FEMA builds bonds; Sacred Purpose Trusts; Nature of "Hebrew" language; FEMA cares for needy and strengthens them; The best get the most - takes awhile to understand; 7-8 men to deal with calamity; You will need help in future; Alternative system; Tables = banks; 3/4: Apostles preached Kingdom of God at hand = daily administration of care of needy; Done by freewill offerings; Tithing - how they supported needy; What turns titular leaders and representatives rouge?; Most common form of government in history; International "banking" system sends real aide - fast; Not righteous to neglect neighbor; "Study" = "diligent" (in loving neighbor as self); Ruling over neighbor is Satanic; Can not be free unless neighbor is free; Build w/people who will share w/you when you really need it; You're to believe your heart; Syndication; Church working to serve "'lower'-archy;" 4/4: Should be networking; Join Living Network; Form Congregations linked to other Congregations; No apathy catering to sloth/selfishness; Self-interest vs. self-less-interest; New World Order's counting on your self-interest/preservation - to betray your neighbor/community/freedom in the world; Balance self-interest with interest in others; Spiritual constipation?; Change flow from out-in, to in-out - start caring for others; Mutual love for one another; Give up life - for life (more abundant); Taking back responsibilities results in "right to be ruled by God"; Redistributing funds strengthens bonds; Witness the "miraculous" - but without needing to have your batteries charged; Winds of wisdom = not turning to and fro; Make local contacts; We've forgotten how to work together.
9/24/11 Summary pending
October 2011
10/1/11 Summary pending
10/8/11 Summary pending
10/15/11 Summary pending
10/22/11 Summary pending
10/29/11 Summary pending
November 2011
11/5/11 Summary pending
11/12/11 Summary pending
11/19/11 Summary pending
11/26/11 Summary pending
December 2011
12/3/2011 The Saul Syndrome
The Saul Syndrome.....Corrupting your leaders.?
From Presidents to pastors, from dictators to doctors if you give men power they will become corrupted by that power.
We do it every day.
We give men the right to choose for us, to rule over us, our minds and our bodies and we wonder why we are not free?
Blog talk warm up half hour
Keys of the Kingdom 2 hours
Freedomizer final afternoon show one hour
Summary pending
Authority Part 1 Authority, lies and liberty
Government of God
How deep does it go? half hour on BlogTalk.
What is the stumbling block that keeps us from the liberty of Christ?
It is often found in our imagination through Deception?
For us to believe we are saved when you are not?
How do you know you are saved? How do you find the kingdom of God? 29:52
The relationships that set you free?
What is the welfare that is a snare and a trap?
And what are the bonds that set you free? Dropping the weightier matters?
2 hour show
Sabbath Hour follow-up.
When charity is not charity?
When is love not love?
Taxation in a free government!
False Faith of a fool? John 3:15 and the rest of the story???
Scary Christians? 54:15
Authority Part 2
1/2 hour on BlogTalkRadio
2 hours LibertyRadioLive
- 1/4 Bold humility! Worshiping words with poor Tom? Electing to connect! Or hanging Mary?
The full armor of the light!!! How networks work??? Celebrate?
Ministers or worker-bees and Deacanus or Diakonos?
- 2/4 Doctrines of Christ are His doctrines, His words... Tracks of the Holy Spirit... The Rock... Electing a PCM and rebuking poor Tom... and poor Bob!!! National Defense Act and real Christian... John 3:15 and more...
- 3/4John 3:21 the rest of the story and doers of the truth coming to the light... receiving the truth with others... gatherings on the record despite the sparks... and loving rebukes... fear not to make mistake... Call no father and fattening your father and the kingdom of free congregations... daily ministration that strengthens the needy. Ministering with the truth.
- 4/4 Hating your family and real believers who count the cost. Going on record...Mt. 10:37...
Real love and where it starts... Did God love the world ...Restore the kingdom??? gathering in kingdom ways.
Sabbath Hour on Freedomizer
Point of contact on Liberty Radio Live, 1:43 minutes
- 1/4 5 minutes about Xmas... The "cruelty" of Christ... standing fast in the way of the liberty... loving rebuke of ambassadors and other foolish virgins. Shallow roots of Messianic Jews and modern Christianity. Fasting from your hiding place... suffering the light...18min Handling the truth that you might not be saved... balking at picking a PCM 29mi
- 2/4 Ways that expose the evil in the dark and sort the sheep from the goats... before the things to come... Scaring emperors in righteousness, The master of tough love...there is the rub,,, in the name of Christ??? The red letter doctrines.
- 3/4 Quantum spiritual reality... PCMs are connection points... living network hubbub and worker bees
- 4/4 1812 war and beyond "the-power-that-would-be" who hate you keeping records... "A PCM" This guy has go it... weather in the chat the room. Living Networks work... with team work... the gift that keeps on giving... blunt love...
A Peculiar People BlogTalkRadio
- The corporation of God and the titular republic of God and how a free government works. The body bound to free the people... Separation of Church and state of freedom. And the corporate church under Caesar.
Corporate banks of your government and daylight robbery it has led to. Woe to the Brutish pastors who fail to attend to the weightier matters. The shoulders of the free Elders of the faithful.
A Peculiar People Liberty Radio Live
2 hours on Keys of the kingdom covering this same topic.
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