Template:Lone sheep
Lone Sheep
Someone on the network got a visit from CPS.
You never know when such visits can turn into nightmares with the state abducting your children.
I have seen it for decades.
What the parents try to do when it happens is often too little and too late.
Eric Holder who said that Homeschooling is Not a Fundamental Right is resigning but no one should be fooled when it comes to a spirit that will violently oppose individual freedom to raise your children or even gather and live like early Christians.
The World has taken the same course as Rome and Herod did in creating a Socialist state.
John the Baptist was not just dunking people in water and calling it Baptism. He preached that people needed to be caring for one another in faith, hope and charity.
This is what the early Christians learned to do. When persecution came they were able to survive and thrive.
As a shepherd on the high desert I know lone sheep do not last long. They are easy prey for the predators of the desert. I give some insight into the nature of the kingdom and kingdom seekers in the parable of the Goats and Sheep.
We are told to gather together and above all things have fervent charity. We gather for the same reason Christ came - not to save ourselves but to save others.
- "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
The Supreme Judge
A few days later after I heard that Eric Holder was resigning I also heard he was going to be a candidate for the Supreme Court of the United States. If he obtains that position as one of the Supreme Court judges he will have the power to decide good and evil for the People of the United States.
Over two decades ago I began publishing the book The Covenants of the gods. It tells us about the contractual nature of government.
In the ten commandments we are told to make no covenants or contracts with the inhabitants where we go.
We are also told not to covet our neighbor's goods or any thing that is thy neighbor's.
We know that the ten commandments hinge upon two laws - love God and love thy neighbor as thyself.
Christ did not do away with that law of love but confirmed it with His blood.
The problems of the world today all stem from our neglect of that law of love and liberty.
In a Facebook conversation, "Michael B." somehow thinks we suggest that people should not pay taxes that they owe and he talks about Jesus giving us "permission" to pay taxes when He said, "give to Caesar what is Caesar's".
You not only have permission to pay taxes but most people have an obligation to pay taxes to make their "yes", "yes".
We are talking about coveting benefits from men who force the contributions of the people.
Certainly we are to pay our tale of bricks but seek our benefits through charity and love for one another,
That is the mark of God, to live by faith in the ways of God rather than the ways of Cain, Nimrod, and the Mark of the Beast.
Do not eat at the table of kings, presidents, or prime ministers who "exercise authority one over the other" if you can avoid it.
- "When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what [is] before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat." Proverbs 23:1
The very beginning of the thread on Facebook was about prohibition of sharing food in schools and a student who was suspended because they did.
The whole message of the Bible is about sharing life by your love for one another which is the way of God of heaven. The way of Nimrod is to turn your neighbor into a human resource so you can have benefits for "free". Christ came to set men free and we should gather for that reason as well.
The modern Churches and the modern Christians who attend them are not doing what the early Church was doing but they are doing what the pagans did and what the Pharisees and Herodians did.
The right to choose
The conversation continued about Pelosi and Boehner and their bills to fund abortion, support ISIS and Obamacare. The common complaint was that we have no choice and must support them. That may be true but our comments have been about why you have no choice anymore.
Jesus and Paul talk about it all the time. But the Modern Christian does not have ears to hear. What has happened is false preachers have crept in and said it was okay to desire and covet benefits of men who exercise authority over your neighbor. Now since you and the generation before you looked to these benefactors you must fund abortion....
You must serve Pelosi and Boehner because you have sworn to obey them against the words of Christ. The headlines today is Pelosi Says Boehner Should Start War Debate in Congress. They will be able to take your sons and daughters because the Modern Christian, like in the days of Samuel, has "rejected" God. All this has gone on while the Devil and Michael were saying "HeHeHe".
Jesus and James say not to take oaths, to pray to the Father in heaven not the "fathers upon the earth", not to covet what is your neighbors and to give to God what is God's. But modern Christians swear to and pray to the "fathers upon the earth" and covet their neighbor's goods through the authority of those "fathers upon the earth" - those Benefactors who exercise authority - giving them more authority like the Israelites did when they "rejected" God that he should not rule over them, but Saul.
Which history repeated when the Pharisees rejected God that Jesus should not be their King but Caesar. And again like Michael when he denies that Jesus preached a way separate from the Benefactors who exercise authority one over the other and bows down to serve Pelosi and Boehner. He and the others have no choice any more because they say Lord, Lord but do not do what Christ said.
Whenever the fathers of the earth say give to us so we may kill the unborn you must now bow down and serve them. When they say give us your sons and daughters to make war and serve us you have no choice any more.
You have given to Caesar what you should have given to God - your endowed right to choose. Now Caesar can take and take and take and when you cry out God has said He will not hear you. http://www.preparingyou.com/wiki/Father