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Israel and the early Church formed voluntary networks in a pattern of Tens for the purposes of God which was the purpose of Christ.

How did it it work and function?

The Levites were set up by Moses who was inspired of God. Those original Levites were to be the priests or first born of a nation but there roll in service to God and the people could not compromise the liberty of the people.

A very clever method of networking was devised to accomplish this unique form of self government, The Levites owned property in common but did not have a personal estate because they belonged to God. They did not have an inheritance in the land like the free people of Israel. Israel was not so much a geographical location or political corporation but it was the place where God prevailed. Israel like Christianity was a Way. In fact it was The Way.

The ministers appointed by Christ and Moses formed a unique political network[1] for a free government. That government was a pure republic. It was the government of a nation formed according to the pre-imperial Rome, Libera Res Publica, Free from things Public, consistently spoken of by Tacitas.[2]

In order to keep Israel a place where God prevailed the people need to remain free and independent of the government and the government of the Levites needed to remain separate instrument of service.

Jesus and Moses were in agreement and were applying the same principles that God intended for Israel and the Church, which were both institutions of the same God, for the same purpose. This was the kingdom of God which included two statuses.

One was the status that was enjoyed by every individual family where a husband and wife came together as one flesh in Holy Matrimony as free souls under God passing their inheritance from generation to generation in what was called the Kingdom of God.

The second status was that of the appointed minister of the Kingdom of God. Moses had appointed the Levites but Jesus, who was king and high priest, took the Kingdom of God from the Pharisees and appointed it to the Apostles so that they might bear fruit.

These new ministers like the Levites before them owned all things in common with no personal estate and belonged to God.

Both the Church and the Levites were to serve the people and feed the flock of God and both had to rely on Freewill Offerings and Charity of the people. They could not force the sacrifices of the people like other governments of the world.

Neither group of ministers had any exercising authority one over the other like other governments but their office was Titular. They were literally naked of any authority over the people. They had authority over what they were freely given by the people but they had no authority to force the people to give.

In this unique form of government the people remained in a state of freedom and the government remained representative but separate institution of service to the people.

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  1. 'political' of or relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.
  2. “Tacitus repeatedly contrasts the res publica under the emperors with the pre-Augustus libera res publica; and in the Germania 37, encountering the disasters which Germans inflicted upon the res publica Romanorum, he distinguishes between the old res publica, which he calls the populus Romanus, and the new res publica, which he calls ‘Caesar’. The old res publica hardly had the mixed constitution which dreamers assigned it and which actually never can exist, but it was something greater and majestic which lives on as a glorious memory in a mean age.” The Ruling Power: A Study Of The Roman Empire In The Second Century After Christ Through The Roman Oration Of Aelius Aristides, James H. Oliver, Kessinger Publishing, LLC (July 25, 2006). ISBN-13: 978-1428659315.

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