Exiting Babylon

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What is Babylon and which way is it to the exit.

One individual suggested that Babylon is an ecclesiastical Babylon "church" that Jesus did not establish. Others state that "Babylon is a system that encompasses the realm of economics, religion, political and social structures." Some suggest that Babylon refers to the "world" as a system composed according to Satan or the anti Christ spirit.

Nimrod who was a mighty provider who subjugates the people with the offer of benefits, appealing to the flesh. God provides for those who love their neighbor as themselves through Faith, Hope and Charity according to the Perfect law of liberty. To apply or pray for benefits from Benefactors who exercise authority instead of the Lord God of Creation will make us Merchandise. It will entangle us in the Elements of the World.

So can Exit Babylon or and how does one do that?

People often suggest that there is some special paper work. It is true paper evidence, which is personal testimony can play a part but it is not an essential element. But to imagine that you can throw of supposed oppressors or usurpers by filing papers cannot be a Biblical solution.

  • Could the Israelites in Egypt throw off the Pharaoh?
  • Did Jesus or John preach to throw off the government of the Pharisees?

Yes to be free one must one must give up ALL benefits of the State including, but not limited to:

accepting welfare benefits
accepting Social Security benefits
applying for licenses
use of Social Security # (bank accounts / insurance / etc, etc.)
employment with the Federal Government.

You could still owe income tax if you were to get some income so I would not include giving up filing income tax returns.

But likely you would have none since you could not use a Social Security Number. Using that number would be using a system of Corban that makes the word of God to none effect.

Some suggest that you can control your own birth certificate. As to being able to control the Birth-Certificate citizen without being surety for it I seriously doubt that is true.

Over the last half century I have seen many different process and almost all of them fail to be righteous in their legal logic. This takes us back to the questions

Could the Israelites in Egypt throw off the Pharaoh?
Did Jesus or John preach to throw off the government of the Pharisees?

No... the plan was that you learn or at least learn The Way of the Kingdom of God first which is a matter requiring repentance.

To be bound by love instead of contract, faith instead of allegiance and hope trusting in charity and honor is clearly a key to the kingdom.

I see few gathering sharing a provision for a Daily ministration.

Anyone wanting to just be free free but they will come out naked.

I have not examined every process so I cannot say for sure but the idea that one can become a government of one, and remove themselves as surety does not make much sense in any forum. There is debt owed third parties for which US citizens are a surety. You say you are going to take over control of that surety note which does not leave you free by any means. It simply means you now personally owe the note and are directly answerable to the third party.

It is our own Covetous practices that makes us Merchandise.

The Bible and common sense tells it does.

If we have been made merchandise through our covetousness how do we undo that? By refusing to pay the debt we created and our parents created by going to public schools, by letting our parents take SS benefits, by failing to provide a daily ministration through charity... all of which people are presently guilty of many times over and worse.

Refusing to pay debt or abandoning others to pay the debt accrued by you is neither righteousness nor love.

Coming out is not where you start unless you are like the Levites or Ministers of the early Church.

Seeking the Kingdom of God, Pure Religion , a charitable Daily ministration and the Corban of Christ is where you must begin according to all instructions and precedent.

But again I have not examined every process but I can assure all that without a Daily ministration on a broad scale like Israel and the early church or even Abraham's altars there does not seem to be any commonality with The Way of Christ and the prophets with your plan to just get out.

What debt you may ask?

Did you go to Public Schools?
Did you honor and take care of your parents or did they collect social security?
Did they depend on the State and the collective it rules over for their medical or any other care or benefit while the state was operating in the red[since at least 1933]?

There is a collective debt since 1933 at least.

Anyone receiving government welfare which include public education, social security benefits, income tax deductions is surety for that public debt and their children Just the food given in Egypt on condition put Israel in collective bondage for 400 years.

The debt then was collective and it is now collective and has been for years.

Moses did not come and say file these papers one at a time and we can get out of here for free.

Jesus did not do the same but did what Moses did.

He told the people to even be friends with the unrighteous Mammon and Moses told them to pay their Talley of bricks but glean in the field for your straw and other benefits.

And of course then like now every one would pay that debt with their labor just like they did in Egypt. Then and now we are in a Corvee system of Bondage.

They do not want you to actually "pay it off" but there is a way to do so but it is not for the Slothful.

It will still take a miracle but if people did Repent and become Doers of the Word and practice Pure Religion like the early Church God would do the rest. There would be some Christian conflict but that would merely test the soul.

That is where real faith comes in.

But some people do not have as much faith in facts and the hope of fruit by grace as they have in folly.

Now the system is failing.

And people want out.

Will God hear your cries?

Israel was in bondage in Egypt?

That bondage was the result of coveting government benefits offered to members and their children?

The Covetous practices of the parents curses the children.

They could not just file papers and leave.

They could not just dissolve the bands which had connected them through violent.

What they did historically was help each others and their neighbors during hard times.

They learned to live without the benefits of rulers and kings.
They learned to live by love.
They changed their thinking and their ways which was called repenting and seeking the righteousness of God.

Because Abraham built his living altars of "friends" and then left Ur with many souls. Moses taught the people how to get through the plagues and even help the Egyptians before they were ready to leave Egypt in one day.

John and Jesus and the Apostles taught the people to love one another, "Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others" provided for their ministry to the needy in pure religion with their "substance" long before the coming out at Pentecost.

What they did worked.

We all need some kingdom Perspective.

We need to return together to the ways of the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

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