Marriage by the state is a three party contract giving the state not only judicial power over the contract but legislative and executive power. That is way to much power with little balance. That is not "The natural family" institutions of the past.
Marriage use to be a two party contract establishing a union based on that contract and fundamental natural law as "Husband and Wife", a great "domestic relationship".
January 30, 2014 Alan Keys wrote an article entitled 'Why government involvement in marriage is vital.' As much as I may respect him, I believe he is wrong in his conclusion along with Rep. Mike Turner and other Lawmakers who are considering to prevent ALL Marriage In Oklahoma see the following article 'Lawmakers Consider Preventing ALL Marriage In Oklahoma.' I believe that they are missing some important elements of the problem. They do not understand what they want to create and how to go about it.
With a two party contract you can still use civil courts to settle disputes but it would be the jury or if you choose together the judge who decides "fact and law" as we once did in the republics of America and not the legislature nor the executive branches of government which is what you have now...
It was Marie Antoinette's brother Joseph the II of the Holy Roman Empire from 1765 to 1790 who began to redefine marriage as a civil contract outside the province of the Church. Most Americans do not understand the nature of that license and contract which is changing.
With new rulings of the Supreme court and redefining the term marriage we will soon see ministers sued for refusing to perform gay marriages. The truth is ministers should have never agreed to perform state marriage contracts.
Read Holy Matrimony vs Marriage to find out more about that contract...
Articles and Audio files
Holy Matrimony vs Marriage
Read Chapter 1 of the book The Covenants of the gods
Listen to Part 1 Marriage v. Matrimony Part 1 [2 hours]
2/15/2013 A discussion on the first chapter of book, The Covenants of the gods, titled Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage. Husbands and wives are joined together in a binding agreement under the authority of a higher power, but what higher power? Holy matrimony is a covenant under the authority of God the Father; whereas marriage is a three party contract between the couple and the State who grants permission for the union. Brother Gregory examines the differences and similarities between legally and lawfully joining husband and wife, and the spiritual ramifications for each.
Listen to Part 2 Marriage v Matrimony Part 2
2/15/2013 A continuation of Brother Gregory's discussion on the first chapter of the book, The Covenants of the gods, tiled Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage.
The International Acceptance and Validity of Holy Matrimony
Is Holy Matrimony a Valid Union of a Man and a woman?
Printable 5" X 8 1/2" Pamphlets
Standard 8 1/2"X 11" Print Friendly
Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage from the book "The Covenants of the gods"
What is the difference between Matrimony by the authority of God and Marriage as it is defined in a legal system?