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In the EP 438. Entitled Aboutness secular vs religious Jordan Pederson interviews Daniel Clement Dennett III who is an American philosopher, writer, and scientist in particularl within those fields related to evolutionary biology and cognitive science.

Bennett along with other influential atheists believe all forms of religion to be false and that advocated an atheist movement. worldview.

The discussion would have been of more value to the individual had a true understanding of the pragmatic "meaning" and "intention" of the "religion" ancient scriptures as described by Moses. We covered what Moses taught in our own series on "Exodus". Unfortunately Bennett is ignorant of Moses' meaning and morality because he, like most of modern moralists, has unmoored the meaning of the metaphor that points to the "affordances" of the government of the people, for the people, and by the people that were captive and now were free.

Basically, the "trust" and "good will" Bennette suppose to be so important for "freedom" and "government" but he is ignorant of the "aboutism" and the "affordances" of the "[[religion]" and "government" referenced in the Bible.

In general, the term Aboutness refers to the concept that a text, utterance, image, or action is on or of something, considered synonymous with a document's subject involving the 'summarization' of the texts most important concepts to be included in your translation or interpretation.

“The aboutness of religious Scriptures like the bible includes the philosophy, psychology and physics of the mind, means, and manner of man and the cause and effects of a relationship with nature and nature's God, the creative force power of the universe.

Yet, the gods of religions are as numerous as the gods of governments.

They feel the need to name God which includes the desire to define God which is an attempt to place God into the bottle of our imagination.

Once, we think we have done that religion becomes an ideology instead of a duty of the people.

The moral authority

Daniel Bennett, the author of Breaking the Spell, sees the Evolution of ethics for the last ten thousand years has been the secularization of ethics which he thinks has nothing to do with religion.

Bennett has been an influential atheist along with Sam Harris[1] and Richard Dawkins.

Sin is an archery term about missing the target or not preserving or observing what IS...what is true.

God is ineffable too great or extreme to be expressed, observed, or described in words, even the words of our mind.

Daniel Bennett believes man has evolved systems of morality which he does not think animals can. 16 Daniel Bennett believes we have evolved away from the Old Testament mortality standards and done away with cannibalism and with slavery.

JJ Gibson He defined an affordance as what the environment provides or furnishes the animal. Notably, Gibson compares an affordance with an ecological niche emphasizing the way niches characterize how an animal lives in its environment.

JJ Gibson did not track affordance in the brain.??

Entropy is a lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

Daniel Bennett does not believe there is a supernatural agent whose approval must be bargained for.

But is that what God is?

Daniel Bennett as an atheist sees emotions s doing all the pushing and pulling in the mind. There is no unifying Spirit of morality .

If God in the bottle of our imagination is a production of the pushing and pulling of our emotions and the words of our mind we may eventually divide God into many gods.

If we are in denial about the trauma of our confusion we will compartmentalize our emotions and divide our mind until our gods begin to war with one another.

Even if we could evolve the singular "unmoved mover" back into a monotheist God who merely exists, the existing one, we would soon endow him with our own scysophrenia.

Jordan suggest that God is a voice that is calling mentioning the burning bush. 31 min What Moses saw and spoke to him called but was not named, even by Moses. It is identified as the I AM, or the EXISTING ONE.

God is not a "supernatural agent whose approval must be bargained for." The Torah is defining the cause and effect, the psychology and physics, the purpose and practicality, of the practices of mankind in their rituals and ceremonies but through metaphors and allegories.

Summum bonum

Summum bonum is a Latin expression meaning the highest or ultimate good, which was introduced by the Roman philosopher Cicero to denote the fundamental principle on which some system of ethics is based — that is, the aim of actions, which, if consistently pursued, will lead to the best possible life.

Pederson imagines that Thought is secularized prayer and that were thinking religiously longer than we have been thinking rationally. 41:

Daniel Bennett sees trust is what allow science and society. 39

Goodwill and trust

Is trust and faith the same ???

Bennet sees there needs to be goodwill and trust. How do you cultivate that "goodwill and trust" in society and how do you undermine that "goodwill and trust".

He also see an need for freedom and government and it's law making ability to create order and "No one is above the law."

Breakdown of trust in "government and science". To these atheists like Sam Harris[1] their trust is in their intellect and in themselves.

Sam trusted in his version of science and wanted to force his will on his neighbor. We can trust Sam to be a tyrant.

To the atheist there is no humbling power, no tree of life nor God to walk with and obey but the governments the create for themselves.

Never trust the good will of a atheist who loves his opinion more than his neighbor. He will become a tyrant who is untrustworthy.

Science is not the solution but a quest.

Can science save

Science in China produced a Skynet that watches the people.

Peterson mocks the idea of the Chinese that they are making the good Skynet just as he mocks the communists who think they are the saviors of the good social justice.


Daniel Bennett states that is why we need law and government.

Daniel Bennett thinks all the advances In ethics has been fought by religion but has come about by the secular advances.

I have seen secular corruption in Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, and many city-states and finally Rome.

It appears we are undergoing a degeneration of the moral ethics in societies from the early 1900's.

Dual magisterium

Daniel Bennett does not see the dual magisterium is government and religion.

There was a dual system in the government of Moses and neither Peterson nor Daniel Bennett understand how it worked.

Daniel Bennett complains that Stephen J. Gould should not have assumed that religion is the moral authority of society.

Stephen J. Gould's definition of magisteria means the teaching domain of each subject, referring to what both science and religion teach humanity about the empirical and metaphysical world. Science's magisterium is more focused on the empirical world whereas religious magisterium is concerned with human morals.

But is the real flaw in the dual magisterium theory a failure of mis- gendering.

The magisterium swells

Even "real communism" degenerates the people including the trust between the people. communism denies God and overthrows the family.

Rome over through the Tarquinian kings and formed a Republic and promoted the family as sacred.

Much of the power of government was in the hands of the fathers of those families .

When families gathered in small groups they respected the elders as the counsel of the Senate which had little power at first.

Over centuries they looked more and more to government to provide for more and more benefits until the protests and imperium of the natural family was in the hands of men who desired to rule.

Power shifted from the fathers of families to the Fathers of the State.

Power corrupts. Institution that endow divisions of society to obtain powe will be corrupted by that power.

What tools of society builds trust?

What tools of society cultivates and nurtures good will?

Society must have fundamental and foundational guidelines that Mark a departure from a healthy society.

The magisterium gendered

Society consists of men and women who form family that produce the next generation.

Biblically the traditional family is one man and one woman who produce and raise of spring.

When Families come together they form clans and tribes, tribes form nations. As groups become larger governments are instituted. That process may consolidate power where families rule over families giving rise to abuse and oppression, kings and tyrants.

"Every tool will become a weapon in your enemies hands." And everyone who loves them self or heir family mor than their neighbor becomes an instrument of oppression and a tool of tyranny. The unique gendered divisions placed in the structure of the government as explained by an inspired Moses was tampered with, distorted and degraded in succeeding generations by greed and sloth, pride and avarice, of the church and state respectively.

The church in the wilderness and the people of the nation of Israel, before the kings, represented distinct and well defined responsibilities within society for properly attending to the weightier matters of law, judgement, mercy and faith.

The pattern and purpose created by the dual exercise by the laity[2] and the clergy or the church in the wilderness, the Levites, (representative of the feminine gender of society)</Ref> of the natural and divine responsibilities and rights which form the DNA of free society with both secular and spiritual entanglement.

This same pattern of a corrupt blending of the clergy and laity has lead to the error of Balaam and the deeds of the Nicolaitans time and time again.

That corruption, like a cancer, eroded the reproduction of the next generation. The bondage produced by the covetous practices that flourished under the counterfeit interpretation, apostasy, brings a pain that calls for repentance.

The church as an institution becomes a harlot of tyrants instead of the Bride of Christ. The??.......

The need for a divine intervention of the spiritual DNA of man becomes paramount but only comes with a renewal of humility through the sincere prayer of, "Thy will be done."

  1. 1.0 1.1 "And the patience, there would've been no f**king patience for vaccine skepticis m, right. And everyone would've recognized, this is not my body my choice. This is you're not gonna kill my kids with your ignorance." "It was obviously reasonable to get vaccinated, especially because there was every reason to expect that while it wasn't a perfectly sterilising vaccine, it was going to knock down transmission a lot…so it wasn’t just a personal choice — you were actually being a good citizen when you decided to run whatever risk you were going to run to get vaccinated.” Sam Harris: "Vaccines were reasonably safe and Covid was reasonably dangerous....the tradeoff for basically everyone was it was rational to get vaccinated given the level of testing...given what we were seeing with Covid"
    Claim (paraphrased):
    “Scientists such as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya have proven their unreliability due to their erroneous Covid death predictions. In a March 2020 op-ed, Jay gave an unreasonably low estimate of Covid deaths in the United States, whereas Nicholas Christakis correctly predicted 1 million Covid deaths on my podcast.” Sam listened to Ferguson and Topol and others who he should not have trusted but in truth he listened to himself. As Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Even Ben Shapiro stated Pfizer has now admitted they did not test whether the COVID vaccines prevented transmission before releasing them. That didn't stop them from making false claims about stopping transmission. Ivermectin worked and was suppressed, that the COVID vaccine did not and was and is killing people suddenly, and that the threat of COVID is a hoax and its less deadly than the flu,
  2. free people, in free assemblies, the State, as a Republic of natural citizens "not subject to the administration of government" .(representative of the male gender of society)