Money can be anything
Not Real Money
Of course a NOTE was not a DOLLAR. A note is at best a promise to pay.
Someone said "Money can be anything, even paper." He actually thinks that "Stocks represent the real wealth, production based on consumption by people. They are the new gold."
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Stocks are seldom valued based on assets or actual productivity. They are all valued in dollars which further clouds the issue.
A dollar use to be a measure of weight.
This is not real money.
I tried to explain to him that:
The only lawful money is money of "present value" which means "commodity money".
Once a value is imposed by stamp or imprint resulting from arbitrary determination then the money is not lawful. It may be legal tender but legal tender is not lawful money.
Fed notes have two stamps because they are three party notes.
You would have been better off with sea shells....
You cannot pay a debt with a note. That is the law.
You can create a legal system that says you pay the debt with the imprinted value but a portion of the debt remains within the authority of the legal system.
This is why you do not own your property except by government permission.
This is why you are not free people although there are several other reasons too.
Once you looked to government to make your money you were doomed.
In the case of fed notes debt is hypothecated along with the title of everything you purchase with them.
No you have spent a century an more digging your own economic grave and you can't get out by uttering another form of money.
There is a lot more you have to start doing first.
Metal has always been a good source of commodity money but you cannot stamp any thing on it but its weight. Value will be determined by the market only.
His only response was "Ok, prove it. List some court cites, law, etc."
Of course I already ha explained it to him an told him so:
I have already proved it on this group but people did not read the links I provided. This is why these kind of groups are so unproductive and often a waste of time. People want to do more posturing an name calling than actually do the work.
The phrase "legal tender" is found on the paper currencies of the world, including those used by the United States. Blue-sealed certificates, red-sealed United States notes, or green-sealed Federal Reserve notes all state that they are "legal tender for all debts public and private." For decades, these notes also stated that they were "redeemable in lawful money." If they were redeemable in lawful money then it should be clear that they are not lawful money. Gold and silver are lawful money, which is used as "payment of debt."44 Legal tender is a legal offer in place of payment of debt and does not lawfully pay a debt. Although it may legally discharge debt, the tender or offer does not pay the debt at law. "There is a distinction between a debt discharged and one paid. When discharged the debt still exists, though divested of its character as a legal obligation during the operation of the discharge. Something of the original vitality of the debt continues to exist." Stanek v. White. 172 Minn. 390, 215 N. W. 784.
It goes on to say, ".which may be transferred, even though the transferee takes it subject to its disability incident to the discharge. The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration for a new promise to pay, so as to make an otherwise worthless promise a legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment." Stanek v. White. 172 Minn. 390, 215 N. W. 784.
"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called 'ownership' is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." Senate Document No. 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933.
Chapter 2. of the book The Covenants of the gods Law vs Legal Audio
Law vs Legal SS Video Series 8-10 7:28
I told Bernard (Von NotHaus) he would end up in jail if he tried to do what he was suggestion to do years ago. When he was doing it I warned him that he was out of line with putting dollar on his coins.
Also it is not stealing what you already own.
If you do not own the land under your feet why do you think you own the land in your pocket. Gold and silver are just dirt.
If you do not have capacity you do not own a lawful title.
There are solution but you wont find them with wishful thinking.
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Again he only responds with:
Only one court case? I'm willing to bet there are other cases that say otherwise.
But even if all court cases say the same thing, that does not signify a valid principle. The IRS may win every case, but they are still thieves. BTW, a Senate Resolution is not law either.
So now if I send him more cases it does not seem to matter and it is clear he does not see the principle already laid out in front of him. Am I trying to explain color to a blind man? But there is hope and others on the group so I respond with:
Stanek v. White is quoted time and time again in other cases an in law dictionaries etc.
It has expressed basic fundamental truths common in foundational law.
All legal systems are dependent upon natural law which is described as right reason.
It should be obvious that you cannot pay a debt with a note.
The nature of a note is not present value but a promise to pay at another point in time.
It should be obvious that you cannot buy lawful title with legal tender.
It should be obvious that the use of fed notes by US citizens create a division in the title to property.
The article takes you step by step to the inevitable conclusion.
And the whole book shows you this same process of social contract used for centuries to bring the people into bondage time and time again.
It should be obvious that anyone who uses a social security number or national labor number used in country after country is a numbered member of a corvee system of statutory labor which means the use of their own labor will be regulated and taxed by statute and therefore the IRS is not stealing but often doing their job correctly.
The real crime is in the covetousness of the people which makes people merchandise, literally human resources.
But people often do not want to see the logical chain of events found in natural law that has brought them into bondage and make them a surety for debt.
People o not want to believe the truth already proven by their own actions through constructions of law and testified to even in Senate resolutions.
This is the wishful thinking I have warned people about.
This spirit of denial an refusal to see the truth laid out before them will squander energy and time.
This is why groups like this seldom bear any real fruit. They simply do not want to know the whole truth if it brings their own actions or sloth into question.
There are solution but you wont find them with wishful thinking and email posturing or profanity.
Peace on your house Gregory at