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Rho (Strong's 4460-4517)

4461 ῥαββί rhabbi [hrab-bee’] of Hebrew origin 07227 רַבִּי‎ meaning many or great with pronominal suffix; n m; TDNT- 6:961,982; [{See TDNT 685 }] AV-Master (Christ) 9, Rabbi (Christ) 5, rabbi 3; 17

1) my great one, my honourable sir
2) Rabbi, a title used by the Jews to address their teachers (and also honour them when not addressing them)

4464. ραβδος rhabdos hrab’-dos; from the base of 4474 rhapizo (from a primary ρεπω rhepo (to let fall, "rap"); to slap: —  smite (with the palm of the hand)); a stick or wand (as a cudgel, a cane or a baton of royalty): —  rod, sceptre, staff.

4467 ῥᾳδιούργημα rhadiourgema [hrad-ee-oorg’-ay-mah] from a comparative of rhaidios (easy, i.e. reckless) and 2041; n n; TDNT-6:972,983; [{See TDNT 687 }] AV-lewdness 1; 1

1) a piece of knavery, rascality, villainy.See also 4468 mischief in Acts 13:10

4468 ῥᾳδιουργία rhadiourgia [hrad-ee-oorg-ee’-a] from the same as 4467; n f; TDNT-6:972,983; [{See TDNT 687 }] AV-mischief 1; 1

1) ease in doing, faculty
2) levity or easiness in thinking or acting
2a) love of a lazy effeminate life
3) unscrupulous, cunning, mischief

4469 ῥακά rhaka [rhak-ah’] of Aramaic origin, cf. 07386 רֵיק‎ empty; n; TDNT-6:973,983; [{ See TDNT 688 }] AV-Raca 1; 1 (See vanity)

1) empty, i.e. a senseless, empty headed man
2) a term of reproach used among the Jews in the time of Christ

4487 ῥῆμα rhema [hray’-mah] from 4483 Rheo speak; n n; TDNT-4:69,505; [{See TDNT 431 }] AV-word 56, saying 9, thing 3, no thing + 3756 1, not tr 1; 70

1) that which is or has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken, word
1a) any sound produced by the voice and having definite meaning
1b) speech, discourse
1b1) what one has said
1c) a series of words joined together into a sentence (a declaration of one’s mind made in words)
1c1) an utterance
1c2) a saying of any sort as a message, a narrative
1c2a) concerning some occurrence
2) subject matter of speech, thing spoken of
2a) so far forth as it is a matter of narration
2b) so far as it is a matter of command
2c) a matter of dispute, case at law
  • distinctly different than the word logos.

4491. ριζα rhiza hrid’-zah; apparently a primary word; meaning both a "root" (literally or figuratively): —  AV-root 17; 17

1 a root
2 that which like a root springs from a root, a sprout, shoot
3 metaph. offspring, progeny

4496 ῥίπτω rhipto [hrip’-to] a primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden motion); v; TDNT-6:991,987; [{See TDNT 691 }] AV-cast down 2, cast 2, scatter abroad 1, cast out 1, throw 1; 7

1) to cast, throw
2) throw down
3) to cast forward or before
4) to set down (with the suggestion of haste and want of care)
5) to throw to the ground, prostrate

4505 ῥύμη rhume [hroo’-may] prolongation from 4506 rhuomai in its original sense "to draw to one’s self, to rescue, to deliver", akin to 4482 "to flow" (4511 a flowing issue);; n f; AV-street 3, lane 1; 4

1) a swing, rush, force, trail, of a body in motion
2) a tract of way in a town shut in by buildings on both sides
3) a street, a lane

4506 ῥύομαι rhuomai [rhoo’-om-ahee] middle voice of an obsolete verb, akin to 4482 rheo to flow (through the idea of a current, cf. 4511 a flowing issue); v; TDNT-6:998,988; [{See TDNT 693 }] AV-deliver 17, Deliverer 1; 18

1) to draw to one’s self, to rescue, to deliver
2) the deliverer