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It has been shown that whatever teeth aligning course you embark upon, without assessing and addressing any mouth breathing (to include: lips generally being carried apart [even just a bit], lips not coming together in talking, etc.), that that alignment will regress, and that the face/skull becomes malformed to varying degrees - and almost certainly will be accompanied with the associated host of life-long, ever-increasing, breathing related health issues which, in turn, are generally always passed throughout one's generations as those so malformed are attracted to and by others who are themselves so malformed.
It has been shown that whatever teeth aligning course you embark upon, without assessing and addressing any mouth breathing (to include: lips generally being carried apart [even just a bit], lips not coming together in talking, etc.), that that alignment will regress, and that the face/skull becomes malformed to varying degrees - and almost certainly will be accompanied with the associated host of life-long, ever-increasing, breathing related health issues which, in turn, are generally always passed throughout one's generations as those so malformed are attracted to and by others who are themselves so malformed.

I was introduced to, and have been revisiting, breathing since I first began developing my martial arts philosophy in my early teens, and have had cause over the decades to revisit breathing as I stumble upon new pieces of the puzzle; or as the needs of others arise. And although I did not come to this knowledge for teeth straightening purposes, the things here represent ancillary findings surrounding what I believe to be breathing's powerful effect on our teeth and overall health, and the teeth and overall health of our children and our future generations' teeth and overall health. It is offered here for you to make up your own mind about, and to do with as you see fit. - Nitsan-Parach
I was introduced to, and have been revisiting, breathing since I first began developing my martial arts philosophy in my early teens, and have had cause over the decades to revisit breathing as I stumble upon new pieces of this puzzle; or as the needs of others arise. And although I did not come to this knowledge for teeth straightening purposes, the things here represent an aspect of my ancillary findings supporting my position of breathing's powerful effect on our overall health, and the overall health of our children and our future generations' overall health. It is offered here for you to make up your own mind about, and to do with yourself, and pass on, as you see fit. - Nitsan-Parach

By way of introduction:
By way of introduction:

Revision as of 23:18, 4 November 2019

What can you do to improve the health of your teeth and prevent cavities and even promote healing in your teeth and gums?

Health of Teeth Linked to Health of Body

Viewing the Tooth as an Organ (Part 1) ~ 8 minPart 2Part 3Part 4
The Cause of Your Condition Might Be Here, Where Most Doctors Don't Look (YouTube Vid Duration - 7:55 min)

Tooth/organ relationships and links between poor tooth health or chronic diseases

Videos: Viewing the Tooth as an Organ -->


Cod liver oil has been used as a supplement to improve health in children for years and has lots of vitamins and other elements that you do not get readily in many foods.(Carlson Cod liver oil has been recommend by some because of the balanced vitamin A ratios).

Other natural virgin oils can aid in health. Fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and whole and unrefined foods is essential.

Fish and sea food (You need to consider contaminates in the Gulf of Mexico and the Fukushima Pacific Ocean).

Liver and other organ meats of naturally fed animals.

MilkWhole unpasteurized from grass fed cows or goats.

Eggs from free ranging naturally fed chickens.

Potatoes , carrots and other vegetables organically grown.

Meat - beef and lamb - naturally fed animals.

Cheese from whole milk and naturally fed animals animals.

Bone Marrow soups more of those natural oils cooked at low temperatures with other vegetables.

Stewed fruits cooked at low temperatures (154 degrees) with barley malt to help break down sugars.

Fresh salads including wild greens and not just head lettuce.

Cocoa made with whole milk either unsweetened or only use natural sweeteners. Do not over heat milk.

Horsetail (equisetum arvense) (may be an important herb that could accelerate the bodies production of enamel. The plant has a long history of medicinal uses, although modern sources include caution. A theory called "biological transmutation" suggests that horsetail is possibly a highly effective calcium supplement.(Horsetail needs more study to determine potential problems. The European Food Safety Authority issued a report assessing its medicinal uses in 2009.)

Focus Foods

Foods to focus on are:

• Coconut oil, grass-fed organic dairy (especially butter), grass-fed meats, seafood and bone broths. • Organic cooked vegetables (soups with bone broth are ideal). • Organ and gland meats, like liver.

Supplements to consider are:

• Fermented cod liver oil – very high in fat soluble vitamins A, D and K. • Magnesium – required to use calcium and phosphorous effectively. • Gelatin – if you don’t have time to make bone broth, this is a good alternative and is great for gums and digestion.

Foods to avoid

Stop eating over processed life-depleting foods.

Eat As Close to Nature As Possible Eating healthy is about eating enzymes, vitamins and mineral dense foods, regularly.

Avoid - It is important not to cheat here:

Foods that are high in phytic acid, like grains, beans, nuts and seeds, as well as limiting processed food intake full of processed flours and sugars that upset blood sugar balance.

  • Sugar – White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Organic Sugar, Evaporated Cane Juice, Corn Syrup (almost all are GMO), Commercial Jams
  • Flour & Grain Products – White Flour, Wheat Flour, Organic Flour, any unsoaked grain products (bread made from sprouted grains and slow rise bread yeasts are best). Examples: bread, crackers, cookies, doughnuts, breakfast cereals, muffins, pastries, tortillas, bagels, and sandwiches (Most store-bought flour products even from the health food store, or labeled organic need to be avoided.)
  • Hydrogenated Oils - margarine and corn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, crisco, canola, and safflower and any GMO produced oil.
  • Modern fast food.
  • Soymilk (almost all are GMO), protein powder, and excess tofu.

Pasteurized milk, even if it is organic.

  • Non-grass-fed meat and eggs, and farm raised fish.
  • Coffee, soft drinks, sweeteners, and anything with artificial flavors, artificial colors, or artificial ingredients.
  • Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs (including most prescription drugs & vaccines)

Recipes and Protocol

1/2 teaspoon 2-3 times per day of Green Pasture's Royal Blend fermented cod liver oil / butter oil mix (1-1.5 teaspoons per day)

1-4+ cups of raw grassfed milk daily, or 4 ounces of raw grassfed cheese

2 cups daily of bone soup, made from slow cooking the bones and organs of fish, chicken, beef and so on.

Optional, and helpful: 1-4 tablespoons of grassfed bone marrow. Either raw or cooked.

Also make sure to avoid, limit and monitor the intake of the foods that cause and promote cavities.

  • 5 parts Calcium powder
  • 1 part Diatomaceous Earth (optional- contains trace minerals and silica but can be abrasive.)
  • 2 parts Baking Soda
  • 3 parts Xylitol Powder– not completely necessary.
  • 3-5 parts coconut oil to get desired texture
  • Optional Essential oils for flavor (mint, cinnamon, and orange), Myrrh and Trace Minerals


  • Mix all powdered ingredients.
  • Add Coconut Oil one part at a time until you get desired consistency.
  • Add any optional ingredients)
  • Store in small container like ½ pint glass jar.

Got a tooth problem now

Some home remedies people say helped.

  • olive oil soaked on cotton applied to the tooth
  • vanilla extract or almond extract applied to your tooth
  • cut a slice of onion and put it into your mouth near pain
  • crushed garlic on the tooth
  • oregano oil
  • clove oil
  • goldenseal powder
  • baking soda swished in mouth
  • oil pulling (swishing in the mouth organic sesame seed or coconut oil for 5-10 minutes)
  • Marine grade coral calcium applied to the tooth or mouth
  • Other: Ozone treatments from a dentist.
  • Consider dabbing a drop of Thieves Oil on the gum area around the painful tooth for immediate relief until the issue causing the pain is resolved.

Vegan Diet

Joel Salatin on Sustainable Farming ~ 1 hr(with intro by member of Weston A Price Foundation)

People may develop dental health problems because of a vegan diet. Vegan diets have cleansing benefits. They can allow the digestive system to relax. But they are not building, nor are they sustaining. People feel good on a vegan diet because of the cleaning and detoxification benefits. But after the cleanse, one needs to build and sustain. See Weston A Price intro on the Joel Salatin video at right. -->


Sanguinaria root mouthwash (Nasty) Herbal Mouthwash Recipe[1] Making Mouthwash[2]

  • 1 quart Mason (canning) jar with a lid
  • 3 Tbsp. spearmint leaves (dried, cut, and sifted)
  • 1 rounded Tbsp. blood root (Sanguinaria) pieces, dried
  • 1 tsp. Myhrr pieces
  • 1 cup 100 proof (80 proof is also acceptable) high-quality vodka
  • 1/2 cup aloe juice
  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 2 1/4 cup filtered water
  • flour sack dish towel
  • glass bottle with a tight fitting lid/cork

Combine the dried spearmint, blood root, and myrrh in your Mason jar. Add the vodka. Mix thoroughly. Label and set aside for 2 weeks mixing once or twice daily. Strain liquid through dish towel. Add aloe, witch hazel, and water. Store in dark glass bottle.

Alternative Concentrate

  • 1 quart Mason (canning) jar with a lid
  • 1 rounded Tbsp. blood root (Sanguinaria) pieces, dried
  • 3 Tbsp. spearmint leaves (dried, cut, and sifted)
  • 1 tsp. Myrrh pieces
  • 1 cup 100 proof (80 proof is also acceptable) high-quality vodka
  • drops? spearmint or peppermint oil
  • drops? clove oil
  • drops? oregano oil
  • - Or just use Thieves oil
  • dish towel or linen cloth
  • dark glass bottle with lid that can drip contents when opened

Combine the dried spearmint, blood root, and myrrh in your Mason jar. Add the vodka. Mix thoroughly. Label and set aside for 2 weeks shake daily. Strain liquid. Add oils. Store in dark glass bottle. This is a concentrate and only a drop or two is needed in the mouth, hold and then rinse.


Description Fluoride Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay-But THIS Does! (Time 6:56)

Dangers of Fluoride

Fluoride-free toothpaste & mouthwash

Mercury Fillings and Root Canals

Smoking Tooth ~ 8 min

DANGER! See Smoking Tooth video -->

Why and How to Say No Root Canal
Say No Root Canal Dr. Lina Garcia "n the case of a root canal procedure, it can lead to a number of chronic health problems and even degenerative diseases."

Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe


5 Tbsp calcium powder
4 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp xylitol
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp bentonite clay
1/2 tsp calcium/magnesium powder
40 drops peppermint essential oils
20 drops trace minerals

Directions: Mix thoroughly with a spoon (you may need to heat the coconut oil a bit to do this). Store in a squeezable bottle (piping it with a plastic bag was very helpful). Brush twice daily!

Read more


"A man is responsible for his own face after age 40" (or words to that effect) - Abraham Lincoln (attributed)

It has been shown that whatever teeth aligning course you embark upon, without assessing and addressing any mouth breathing (to include: lips generally being carried apart [even just a bit], lips not coming together in talking, etc.), that that alignment will regress, and that the face/skull becomes malformed to varying degrees - and almost certainly will be accompanied with the associated host of life-long, ever-increasing, breathing related health issues which, in turn, are generally always passed throughout one's generations as those so malformed are attracted to and by others who are themselves so malformed.

I was introduced to, and have been revisiting, breathing since I first began developing my martial arts philosophy in my early teens, and have had cause over the decades to revisit breathing as I stumble upon new pieces of this puzzle; or as the needs of others arise. And although I did not come to this knowledge for teeth straightening purposes, the things here represent an aspect of my ancillary findings supporting my position of breathing's powerful effect on our overall health, and the overall health of our children and our future generations' overall health. It is offered here for you to make up your own mind about, and to do with yourself, and pass on, as you see fit. - Nitsan-Parach

By way of introduction:

(Just a couple/few minutes each):




(Slightly longer ones should you choose to delve a bit more deeply):



See more here:

The Orthotropic Method Strives to guide facial growth naturally through muscle strengthening exercises, posture improvement and non-intrusive, discrete orthotropic appliances.

Local Food and Water Locator Sites

The truth behind organic food, and organic labels you can trust

Local Grass-fed Meats & Pasture Raised Poultry and Eggs Locator

Local Grass-fed Meat, Eggs & Dairy Eatwild's Directory of Farms lists more than 1,400 pasture-based farms, with more farms being added each week. It is the most comprehensive source for grass-fed meat and dairy products in the United States and Canada. Products include: Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Goat, Elk, Venison, Yak, Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Turkeys, Eggs, Milk, Cheeses, Wild-Caught Salmon and more!

Farms, CSAs and Farmer's Markets Locator

Local growers and/or sellers of real food "Buying local is about enjoying real food, grown yourself or purchased from people you trust. It's about developing strong local economies and producing food on a human scale. It's about eating seasonally, practicing the art of cooking, and sitting down to enjoy meals together.

Milk Specific (Pasture-fed, Unprocessed, Full-fat)

Real, raw, milk "Real milk is milk that comes from pastured cows, that contains all the fat and that has not been processed in any way—it is raw and unhomogenized."

Mail-Order Meats and Other Food Stuffs

For rich, creamy, quality Lard US Wellness Meats’ Pork Lard is not bleached, deodorized, hydrogenated, or altered." (Also, pork and 100% grass-fed/finished beef, lamb, bison, pastured and free range poultry and duck, and wild-caught fish meats.)

Grocery Deals From Local Stores

Great grocery deals from local stores. Find Grocery Deals FAST. This search tools get you straight to the deals you are interested in. You can view deals by store, category, or item and sort them any way you like. Use the powerful QuickShop feature to find deals for items on your shopping list.

Local Natural Springs/Artesian Wells Locator

Local Natural Springs and Artesian Wells "FindaSpring.com" is a community and user created database of natural springs around the world. If you know of a spring that is not on their map or in their database, please click on 'Submit a Spring' and send as much information as you can.

Public Water Systems Nationwide

Radium contamination; zip code interactive map search for

(Note: After entering your zip or just zooming in as close as the map gets to your area, be sure to click on your actual "dot" to verify whether your city is in fact the one associated with that particular dot [can be tricky as the map doesn't zoom in for pinpoint accuracy, and so some dots are rather small]. For example, the city 7 miles north of me is named on the map, but the "dot" is located on the wrong side of a major waterway, and, when I clicked on it, the name came up of the water system that serves the town/district that I know to be on that other side of the waterway.)

The EPA's Web site - Provides directions for finding out more information about your drinking water.

(Note: The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) contains information about public water systems and their violations of EPA's drinking water regulations, as reported to EPA by the states. These regulations establish maximum contaminant levels, treatment techniques, and monitoring and reporting requirements to ensure that water systems provide safe water to their customers. This search will help you to find your drinking water supplier and view its violations and enforcement history since 1993.)



Links wholehealthsource[3]

Horse tail (Equisetum hymale)[4]

Blog [5] Books

Cure tooth decay [6]

Horse tail (Equisetum hymale) [7]


There is no offer of any "effective treatment or cure." This information is based on personal experiences, what people have learned, as well as what is available on web sites. It is not meant or offered as medical advice or diagnosis and the information provided does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners of PreparingYOU.com or the site itself, but is offered for educational purposes only.

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