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Is God actually angry and vengeful or loving and correcting?
Is God actually angry and vengeful or loving and correcting?

Is the Wrath of God actually just the ''natural consequences'' of straying from the life giving patterns of nature?
Is the Wrath of God actually just the ''natural consequences'' of straying from the life giving patterns of nature created by the God of nature?

We can see the Lord's wrath mentioned in [[Zephaniah 1]]:18   
We can see the Lord's wrath mentioned in [[Zephaniah 1]]:18   

Latest revision as of 16:30, 13 October 2022

What is the wrath of God?

Is God actually angry and vengeful or loving and correcting?

Is the Wrath of God actually just the natural consequences of straying from the life giving patterns of nature created by the God of nature?

We can see the Lord's wrath mentioned in Zephaniah 1:18

"Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’S wrath<ebrah>[1]; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land." Zephaniah 1:18

The Hebrew term aph[2] appears as wrath 42 times but anger some 172 times.

"If thou hast done foolishly<nabel>[3] in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil<ZaMaM>[4], [lay] thine hand upon thy mouth. 33 Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife." Proverbs 30:32

The word "foolishly" is from NunBeitLamed which means to sink or drop to senselessness. But only in this verse do we find the form NunBeitLamedTav <נָבַ֥לְתָּ> translated in the word "foolishly". And the words for "thought evil" is said to mean in the context "in lifting up thyself[5], or if thou hast thought evil," and also translated "you have devised evil" and appears in the Hebrew as ZayinMemVavTav <בְהִתְנַשֵּׂ֑א> only in this verse. It is about devising ways to exalt yourself by thinking an evil thought.[6]

The word producing "in lifting up" is from NaSA NunShinAlef[5] but in only in this verse it appears in the Hebrew as בְהִתְנַשֵּׂ֑א BeitHeyTavNunShinAlef

Job 20:23 "[When] he is about to fill his belly, [God] shall cast the fury <02740> of his wrath <0639>[2] upon him, and shall rain [it] upon him while he is eating."

charown [7]

chemah [8]

qatsaph [9]

qëtsaph [10]


orge [12]

thumos [13]

Psalms 78:31 The wrath <0639> of God <0430> came <05927> (8804) upon them, and slew <02026> (8799) the fattest <04924> of them, and smote down <03766> (8689) the chosen <0970> [men] of Israel <03478>.

John 3:36 He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> the Son <5207> hath <2192> (5719) everlasting <166> life <2222>: and <1161> he that believeth not <544> (5723) the Son <5207> shall <3700> <0> not <3756> see <3700> (5695) life <2222>; but <235> the wrath <3709> of God <2316> abideth <3306> (5719) on <1909> him <846>.

Romans 1:18 For <1063> the wrath <3709> of God <2316> is revealed <601> (5743) from <575> heaven <3772> against <1909> all <3956> ungodliness <763> and <2532> unrighteousness <93> of men <444>, who hold <2722> (5723) the truth <225> in <1722> unrighteousness <93>;

Ephesians 5:6 Let <538> <0> no man <3367> deceive <538> (5720) you <5209> with vain <2756> words <3056>: for <1063> because <1223> of these things <5023> cometh <2064> (5736) the wrath <3709> of God <2316> upon <1909> the children <5207> of disobedience <543>.

Colossians 3:6 For <1223> which things’ sake <3739> the wrath <3709> of God <2316> cometh <2064> (5736) on <1909> the children <5207> of disobedience <543>:

Revelation 14:10 The same <846> <2532> shall drink <4095> (5695) of <1537> the wine <3631> of the wrath <2372> of God <2316>, which <3588> is poured out <2767> (5772) without mixture <194> into <1722> the cup <4221> of his <846> indignation <3709>; and <2532> he shall be tormented <928> (5701) with <1722> fire <4442> and <2532> brimstone <2303> in the presence <1799> of the holy <40> angels <32>, and <2532> in the presence <1799> of the Lamb <721>:

Revelation 14:19 And <2532> the angel <32> thrust in <906> (5627) his <846> sickle <1407> into <1519> the earth <1093>, and <2532> gathered <5166> (5656) the vine <288> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> cast <906> (5627) [it] into <1519> the great <3173> winepress <3025> of the wrath <2372> of God <2316>.

Revelation 15:1 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) another <243> sign <4592> in <1722> heaven <3772>, great <3173> and <2532> marvellous <2298>, seven <2033> angels <32> having <2192> (5723) the seven <2033> last <2078> plagues <4127>; for <3754> in <1722> them <846> is filled up <5055> (5681) the wrath <2372> of God <2316>.

Revelation 15:7 And <2532> one <1520> of <1537> the four <5064> beasts <2226> gave <1325> (5656) unto the seven <2033> angels <32> seven <2033> golden <5552> vials <5357> full <1073> (5723) of the wrath <2372> of God <2316>, who <3588> liveth <2198> (5723) for <1519> ever <165> and ever <165>.

. Revelation 16:1 And <2532> I heard <191> (5656) a great <3173> voice <5456> out of <1537> the temple <3485> saying <3004> (5723) to the seven <2033> angels <32>, Go your ways <5217> (5720), and <2532> pour out <1632> (5657) the vials <5357> of the wrath <2372> of God <2316> upon <1519> the earth <1093>.

Psalms 78:31 The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen [men] of Israel.

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Ephesians 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Colossians 3:6 For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:

Revelation 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

Revelation 14:19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast [it] into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

Revelation 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

Revelation 15:7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.

Revelation 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

  1. 05678 עֶבְרָה‎ ‘ebrah [eb-raw’] AyinBeitReishHey from 05676; n f; [BDB-720b] [{See TWOT on 1556 @@ "1556d" }] AV-wrath 31, rage 2, anger 1; 34
    1) outpouring, overflow, excess, fury, wrath, arrogance
    1a) overflow, excess, outburst
    1b) arrogance
    1c) overflowing rage or fury
  2. 2.0 2.1 0639 אַף‎ ‘aph [af] AlefPei from 0599 AlefNunPei the primitive root of "to be angry, to be displeased, to breathe hard"; n m; [BDB-60a] [{See TWOT on 133 @@ "133a" }] AV-anger 172, wrath 42, face 22, nostrils 13, nose 12, angry 4, longsuffering + 0750 4, before 2, countenance 1, forbearing 1, forehead 1, snout 1, worthy 1; 276
    1) nostril, nose, face
    2) anger
    • א Alef Father-Son- begin- The Paradox: God and Man - (ox bull) [strength, leader, first] (Numeric value: 1)
    • ? נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    • פ ף Pei Communication: The Oral Torah The mouth, blow, edge. [Mouth speak open word] (Numeric value: 80)
  3. 05034 ^לבנ^ NunBeitLamed nabel \@naw-bale’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-fade 8, fade away 3, wear away 2, wither 2, disgrace 1, surely 1, dishonoureth 1, fall down 1, esteemed 1, falling 1, foolishly 1, come to nought 1, fall off 1, surely 1, make vile 1; 25
    1) to be senseless, be foolish
    1a) (Qal) to be foolish
    1b) (Piel)
    1b1) to regard or treat as foolish
    1b2) to treat with contempt
    2) to sink or drop down, languish, wither and fall, fade
    2a) (Qal)
    2a1) to sink or drop down
    2a2) to fall, wither and fall, fade
    2a3) to droop
    • נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    • ב Beit Purpose: God's Dwelling Place Below - a house or God's house here. [household, in, into] (Numeric value: 2)
    • ל Lamed means Aspiration of the Heart or to learn or even direct like a shepherd. It has to do with what the Hand produces, [hand is די YodDalet] or directs with staff, whip... like the tongue may direct. (Numeric value: 30)
  4. 02161 זָמַם‎ zamam [zaw-mam’] a primitive root; v; [BDB-273a] [{See TWOT on 556 }] AV-thought 5, devise 3, consider 1, purpose 1, imagine 1, plot 1; 13
    1) to have a thought, devise, plan, consider, purpose
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to consider, fix thought upon
    1a2) to purpose, devise
    1a3) to plot (of evil intent)
  5. 5.0 5.1 05375 ^אשׂנ^ nasa’ NunShinAlef \@naw-saw’\@ or ^הסנ^ nacah (#Ps 4:6) \@naw-saw’\@ a primitive root; v; {See TWOT on 1421} AV-(bare, lift, etc … ) up 219, bear 115, take 58, bare 34, carry 30, (take, carry)  … away 22, borne 22, armourbearer 18, forgive 16, accept 12, exalt 8, regard 5, obtained 4, respect 3, misc 74; 654
    1) to lift, bear up, carry, take
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to lift, lift up
    1a2) to bear, carry, support, sustain, endure
    1a3) to take, take away, carry off, forgive
    1b) (Niphal)
    1b1) to be lifted up, be exalted
    1b2) to lift oneself up, rise up
    1b3) to be borne, be carried
    1b4) to be taken away, be carried off, be swept away
    1c) (Piel)
    1c1) to lift up, exalt, support, aid, assist
    1c2) to desire, long (fig.)
    1c3) to carry, bear continuously
    1c4) to take, take away
    1d) (Hithpael) to lift oneself up, exalt oneself
    1e) (Hiphil)
    1e1) to cause one to bear (iniquity)
    1e2) to cause to bring, have brought
    • נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
    • ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
    • א Alef Father-Son- begin- The Paradox: God and Man - (ox bull) [strength, leader, first] (Numeric value: 1)
    See study of wrath
  6. Ezekiel 38:10... Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, [that] at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: (take a spoil))
    Deuteronomy 15:9 Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD against thee, and it be sin unto thee.
  7. 02740 חָרוֹן‎ charown [khaw-rone’] ChetReishVavNun or (shortened) חרן‎ charon [khaw-rone’] from 02734 ChetReishNun Kindel. hot. angry; n m; [BDB-354b] [{See TWOT on 736 @@ "736a" }] AV-fierce 23, fierceness 9, wrath 6, fury 1, wrathful 1, displeasure 1; 41
    1) anger, heat, burning (of anger)
    1a) always used of God’s anger
    • ח Chet The Life Force - Dynamic nature of - cause and effect - give life and live.[fence, thread, hedge, chamber...cycle] (Numeric value: 8)
    • ר Reish Process of Clarification The "head" or "beginning". Life's revelation. [Head... Person head highest] (Numeric value: 200)
    • ו Vav Connection, Connecting realms and worlds or the dividing veil between them. [nail... And, Add, secure, hook] (Numeric value: 6)
    • נ ן Nun Heir to the Throne, Aramaic fish in the Mem (fish moving in flowing waters) or in the Hebrew the Nun may mean the kingdom with a double Nun suggesting spiritual insight in two realms. [fish moving... Activity life] (Numeric value: 50)
  8. 02534 חֵמָה‎ chemah [khay-maw’] or חמא‎ chema’ [khay-maw’][{ #Da 11:44 }] from 03179 YodChetMem to conceive; n f; [BDB-BDB-328a, BDB-404a] [{See TWOT on 860 @@ "860a" }] AV-fury 67, wrath 34, poison 6, furious 4, displeasure 3, rage 2, anger 1, bottles 1, furious + 01167 1, furiously 1, heat 1, indignation 1, wrathful 1, wroth 1; 124
    1) heat, rage, hot displeasure, indignation, anger, wrath, poison, bottles
    1a) heat
    1a1) fever
    1a2) venom, poison (fig.)
    1b) burning anger, rage
  9. 07107 קָצַף‎ qatsaph [kaw-tsaf’] a primitive root; v; [BDB-893a] [{See TW:OT on 2058 }] AV-wroth 22, wrath 5, displeased 3, angry 2, angered 1, fret 1; 34
    1) to be displeased, be angry, fret oneself, be wroth
    1a) (Qal) to be wroth, to be full of wrath, to be furious
    1b) (Hiphil) to provoke to wrath or anger
    1c) (Hithpael) to put oneself in a rage, anger oneself
  10. 07109 קְצַף‎ qëtsaph (Aramaic) [kets-af’] from 07108; n m; [BDB-1111b] [{See TWOT on 2975 @@ "2975a" }] AV-wrath 1; 1
    1) wrath (of God), anger
  11. 07110 קֶצֶף‎ qetseph [keh’-tsef] from 07107; n m; [BDB-893b] [{See TWOT on 2058 @@ "2058a" }] [{See TWOT on 2059 @@ "2059b" }] AV-wrath 23, indignation 3, sore 2, foam 1; 29
    1) wrath, anger
    1a) of God
    1b) of man
    2) splinter, twig, broken twig
    2a) meaning dubious
  12. 3709 ὀργή orge [or-gay’] from 3713; n f; TDNT-5:382,716; [{See TDNT 560 }] AV-wrath 31, anger 3, vengeance 1, indignation 1; 36
    1) anger, the natural disposition, temper, character
    2) movement or agitation of the soul, impulse, desire, any violent emotion, but esp. anger
    3) anger, wrath, indignation
    4) anger exhibited in punishment, hence used for punishment itself
    4a) of punishments inflicted by magistrates
  13. 2372 ~θυμός~ thumos \@thoo-mos’\@ from 2380; TDNT-3:167,339; {See TDNT 316} n m AV-wrath 15, fierceness 2, indignation 1; 18
    1) passion, angry, heat, anger forthwith boiling up and soon subsiding again
    2) glow, ardour, the wine of passion, inflaming wine (which either drives the drinker mad or kills him with its strength)