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When we see the word feast in Deuteronomy 16:16 it speaks or three particular feasts

feast of unleavened bread
feast of weeks
feast of tabernacles

The word used here from which we get the word "feast" is chag[1] Formed by the letters ChetGimel and used as a noun. It is from the root word chagag[2] Which is ChetGimelGimel a verb.

There are other words that are also translated into feast like mishteh[3] composed of the letters MemShemTavHey and from the word meaning to drink,[4] ShemTavHey. The letters ShemTavHey also means foundation or support or even purpose[5] and are even translate Buttocks[6] but supposedly from the root word shiyth[7] meaning to put, set or appoint.

There is another word translated feast at least 23 times and that is mow‘ed[8] formed by the letters MemVavAyinDeleth from YodAyinDeleth or ya‘ad [9]

The Hebrew word mow‘ed is commonly translated "congregation" and generally has to do with an "appointed place, appointed time, meeting".


  1. 02282 ^גח^ chag \@khag\@ or ^גח^ chag \@khawg\@from 02287; n m; AV-feast 56, sacrifice 3, feast days 2, solemnity 1; 62
    1) festival, feast, festival-gathering, pilgrim-feast
    1a) feast
    1b) festival sacrifice
  2. 02287 ^גגח^ chagag \@khaw-gag’\@ a primitive root [compare 02283, 02328]; v; AV-keep 8,  … feast 3, celebrate 1, keep a solemn feast 1, dancing 1, holyday 1, reel to and fro 1; 16
    1) to hold a feast, hold a festival, make pilgrimage, keep a pilgrim-feast, celebrate, dance, stagger
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to keep a pilgrim-feast
    1a2) to reel
  3. 04960 ^התשׁמ^ mishteh \@mish-teh’\@ from 08354; n m; AV-feast 31, banquet 10, drink 5; 46
    1) feast, drink, banquet
    1a) feast, banquet
    1b) drink
  4. 08354 ^התשׁ^ shathah \@shaw-thaw’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-drink 208, drinkers 1, drunkards 1, banquet 1, misc 6; 217
    1) to drink
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to drink
    1a1a) of drinking cup of God’s wrath, of slaughter, of wicked deeds (fig)
    1a2) to feast
    1b) (Niphal) to be drunk
  5. 08356 ^התשׁ^ shathah \@shaw-thaw’\@ from 07896; n m; AV-foundations 1, purposes 1; 2 1) foundation, support, stay
  6. 08357 ^התשׁ^ shethah \@shay-thaw’\@ from 07896; n m; AV-buttocks 2; 2 1) seat (of body), buttocks
  7. 07896 ^תישׁ^ shiyth \@sheeth\@ a primitive root; v; AV-set 23, made 19, lay 13, put 11, appoint 3, regard 2, misc 14; 85
    1) to put, set
    1a) (Qal)
    1a1) to put, lay (hand upon)
    1a2) to set, station, appoint, fix, set mind to
    1a3) to constitute, make (one something), make like, perform
    1a4) to take one’s stand
    1a5) to lay waste
    1b) (Hophal) to be imposed, be set upon
  8. 04150 ^דעומ^ mow‘ed \@mo-ade’\@ or ^דעמ^ mo‘ed \@mo-ade’\@ or (fem.) ^הדעומ^ mow‘adah (#2Ch 8:13) \@mo-aw-daw’\@ from 03259; n m; AV-congregation 150, feast 23, season 13, appointed 12, time 12, assembly 4, solemnity 4, solemn 2, days 1, sign 1, synagogues 1; 223
    1) appointed place, appointed time, meeting
    1a) appointed time
    1a1) appointed time (general)
    1a2) sacred season, set feast, appointed season
    1b) appointed meeting
    1c) appointed place
    1d) appointed sign or signal
    1e) tent of meeting
  9. 03259 ^דעי^ ya‘ad \@yaw-ad’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-meet 7, together 5, assemble 4, appointed 3, set 3, time 2, betrothed 2, agreed 1, appointment 1, gather 1; 29
    1) to fix, appoint, assemble, meet, set, betroth
    1a) (Qal) to appoint, assign, designate
    1b) (Niphal)
    1b1) to meet
    1b2) to meet by appointment
    1b3) to gather, assemble by appointment
    1c) (Hiphil) to cause to meet
    1d) (Hophal) to be set, be placed before, be fixed