When we see the word feast in Deuteronomy 16:16 it speaks or three particular feasts
- feast of unleavened bread
- feast of weeks
- feast of tabernacles
The word used here from which we get the word "feast" is chag[1] Formed by the letters ChetGimel and used as a noun. It is from the root word chagag[2] Which is ChetGimelGimel a verb.
There are other words that are also translated into feast like mishteh[3] composed of the letters MemShemTavHey and from the word meaning to drink,[4] ShemTavHey. The letters ShemTavHey also means foundation or support or even purpose[5] and are even translate Buttocks[6] but supposedly from the root word shiyth[7] meaning to put, set or appoint.
There is another word translated feast at least 23 times and that is mow‘ed[8] formed by the letters MemVavAyinDeleth from YodAyinDeleth or ya‘ad [9]
The Hebrew word mow‘ed is commonly translated "congregation" and generally has to do with an "appointed place, appointed time, meeting".
- ↑ 02282 ^גח^ chag \@khag\@ or ^גח^ chag \@khawg\@from 02287; n m; AV-feast 56, sacrifice 3, feast days 2, solemnity 1; 62
- 1) festival, feast, festival-gathering, pilgrim-feast
- 1a) feast
- 1b) festival sacrifice
- 1) festival, feast, festival-gathering, pilgrim-feast
- ↑ 02287 ^גגח^ chagag \@khaw-gag’\@ a primitive root [compare 02283, 02328]; v; AV-keep 8, … feast 3, celebrate 1, keep a solemn feast 1, dancing 1, holyday 1, reel to and fro 1; 16
- 1) to hold a feast, hold a festival, make pilgrimage, keep a pilgrim-feast, celebrate, dance, stagger
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1a1) to keep a pilgrim-feast
- 1a2) to reel
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1) to hold a feast, hold a festival, make pilgrimage, keep a pilgrim-feast, celebrate, dance, stagger
- ↑ 04960 ^התשׁמ^ mishteh \@mish-teh’\@ from 08354; n m; AV-feast 31, banquet 10, drink 5; 46
- 1) feast, drink, banquet
- 1a) feast, banquet
- 1b) drink
- 1) feast, drink, banquet
- ↑ 08354 ^התשׁ^ shathah \@shaw-thaw’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-drink 208, drinkers 1, drunkards 1, banquet 1, misc 6; 217
- 1) to drink
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1a1) to drink
- 1a1a) of drinking cup of God’s wrath, of slaughter, of wicked deeds (fig)
- 1a2) to feast
- 1a1) to drink
- 1b) (Niphal) to be drunk
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1) to drink
- ↑ 08356 ^התשׁ^ shathah \@shaw-thaw’\@ from 07896; n m; AV-foundations 1, purposes 1; 2 1) foundation, support, stay
- ↑ 08357 ^התשׁ^ shethah \@shay-thaw’\@ from 07896; n m; AV-buttocks 2; 2 1) seat (of body), buttocks
- ↑ 07896 ^תישׁ^ shiyth \@sheeth\@ a primitive root; v; AV-set 23, made 19, lay 13, put 11, appoint 3, regard 2, misc 14; 85
- 1) to put, set
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1a1) to put, lay (hand upon)
- 1a2) to set, station, appoint, fix, set mind to
- 1a3) to constitute, make (one something), make like, perform
- 1a4) to take one’s stand
- 1a5) to lay waste
- 1b) (Hophal) to be imposed, be set upon
- 1a) (Qal)
- 1) to put, set
- ↑ 04150 ^דעומ^ mow‘ed \@mo-ade’\@ or ^דעמ^ mo‘ed \@mo-ade’\@ or (fem.) ^הדעומ^ mow‘adah (#2Ch 8:13) \@mo-aw-daw’\@ from 03259; n m; AV-congregation 150, feast 23, season 13, appointed 12, time 12, assembly 4, solemnity 4, solemn 2, days 1, sign 1, synagogues 1; 223
- 1) appointed place, appointed time, meeting
- 1a) appointed time
- 1a1) appointed time (general)
- 1a2) sacred season, set feast, appointed season
- 1b) appointed meeting
- 1c) appointed place
- 1d) appointed sign or signal
- 1e) tent of meeting
- 1a) appointed time
- 1) appointed place, appointed time, meeting
- ↑ 03259 ^דעי^ ya‘ad \@yaw-ad’\@ a primitive root; v; AV-meet 7, together 5, assemble 4, appointed 3, set 3, time 2, betrothed 2, agreed 1, appointment 1, gather 1; 29
- 1) to fix, appoint, assemble, meet, set, betroth
- 1a) (Qal) to appoint, assign, designate
- 1b) (Niphal)
- 1b1) to meet
- 1b2) to meet by appointment
- 1b3) to gather, assemble by appointment
- 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to meet
- 1d) (Hophal) to be set, be placed before, be fixed
- 1) to fix, appoint, assemble, meet, set, betroth