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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

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Paul Bethke

Paul Bethke

Paul is a full-time Minister of His Holy Church from Wisconsin

Paul Bethke is husband to Lisa and father of four. Paul has been diligent in studying how the early Church has worked, offered invaluable service in technical areas of broadcasting. He runs the website which includes our podcast and manages our Facebook page.

He is both a Minister of Record for His Church at Lake Country and a Personal Contact Minister who offers assistance all over the Network. Paul and Lisa are active in the HHC Mobile Ministries constantly travelling to meet with kingdom seekers across the land and help others to build and embrace the Living Network.

Email: Paul ãt BethkeFamily dot com

Phone: 414 area code 467-9978

Caleb Eaton

Caleb Eaton

Caleb is a Minister of His Church at Ouichita in Texas

Caleb Eaton has a large and close family so he intuitively understands that the family structure is the fundamental building block of any Godly government. He was attracted to HHC with the article Holy Matrimony vs. Marriage.

Caleb also has a fondness for teaching people about personal health independence.

Caleb is currently serving as minister (administrator) for His Church at Ouichita after being chosen by the group of elders that freely gather.

Email: eathawk ãt gmail døt com

Phone: 9Ø3 — 4eight4 — 4972

Claude Emerson

Claude Emerson

Claude is a Minister of Record for His Church at Skytop for the North East.

Claude Emerson lives in southern Vermont and is a minister of Record for the North East. He and his congregation are seeking to build a community of people helping neighbors within the network of HHC, using the charity that comes from the fruits of the spirit.

“The workers are few and the harvest is great.”

Email: emerson4you at yahoo dot com

Phone: Eight zero 2 six 8 1 six 3 six 6

Claude Memma

Claude is a Minister of His Church at Blue Lake in Australia

Claude Memma
Adelaide, South Australia

Claude Memma is in Adelaide, South Australia. Born in Basel, Switzerland to parents of Italian origin and migrated to Australia in 1967. Has experience in administration, electrical trades, nursing, and Federal, public service and a strong musical background.

It is his hope and prayer that by genuinely seeking the kingdom of God through an evergrowing living network that operates on faith, hope and charity, we may one day be able to return every man unto his possessions and every man unto his family.

May we strive and continue to learn how to do what Christ preached in a way that glorifies our Father in Heaven.

Contact me at Email: claudem777 at gmail døt com


Douglas Scofield

Douglas is a Personal Contact Minister in Oregon.

Douglas Scofield is husband and father, self-employed handyman and community volunteer. His wife, Diane, serves in the family residence, home schooling the last 4 of their ten Scofield children (the youngest is age 15); the seven children still living at home are quite actively employed. This is a close-knit family of 8 boys and 2 girls who are good friends with one another, except a son who lives in Texas is hardly ever seen anymore.

Being shaped by the need to show compassion toward Diane’s many health struggles, the Scofield family cultivates a nearly non-toxic lifestyle together with frequent use of herbs as medicine; no microwave cooking and no cell phones or Wifi are allowed in the house.

Living 2 miles from the Oregon's Pacific waters, his family is committed to gardening; raising poultry, goats and sheep to provide food (milk, meat, eggs), and Douglas has skills for using local wild edibles.

His local outreach is both one-on-one and group interactions. The intent of ministry is for disciples in a growing family linked by purity to a network committed to principles founded upon the true wisdom.

Douglas is elected as Minister of Record by elders gathering by freewill, by which is established His Church at New River. They gather to form a true community within the kingdom of heaven, serving especially the Pacific Northwest.

email: homeblessings [at] mercysmanna [dot] com

phone: 541 3four7 42two6

Abraham Vargas

Abraham Vargas

Abraham Vargas is a Personal Contact Minister in California

Abraham V is currently located in the South Los Angeles Area of southern California and is currently a Minister of Record for His Church at The Angels (HCTA). Abraham V is looking forward to working with like minded folks who desire the power of God's perfect love and liberty in order help set people free and to set the Table of the Most High Creator in Heaven and make it a little bit easier for others to enter HIS everlasting Kingdom of Heaven at hand.

E-mail: avrjuniors at gmail dot com

Phone: [323]770 eight2eight5

Mark Vernuccio

Mark Vernuccio

Mark is a Personal Contact Minister in Australia and a Minister Trustee.

Mark Vernuccio is from Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Born in 1974 to Italian and Maltese immigrants, and presently works in the precious metals industry.

He understands the charitable nature of Pure religion is striving down under and internationally to form that Network of hope which Christ and the prophets preached.

He is forming a Congregation of Record in Australia and linking with others in New Zealand and Asia. He is also a trustee of Friends of His Church.

Email: vernuccio at gmail dot com

Phone: six one three, 400, three four nine, 100 (international)