Eric Holder
History of Holder

According to Wikipedia Eric Himpton Holder Jr. is an American lawyer who served as the 82nd Attorney General of the United States from 2009 to 2015. Holder, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama, was the first African American to hold the position of U.S. Attorney General.
But Eric Holder also represents an ideology that has been brainwashing people in America about what is right and wrong.
The Sheriff David Ward at Malheur Wildlife Refuge[1] could have walked right up to the protesters, who have a right to carry in Oregon, and talk to them and even pray with them just like he did with the Hammond family. Tim Titus did[2].
But he was quoted as saying, "You said you were here to help the citizens of Harney County... That help ended when that protest became an armed occupation."
Unless Harney County is not in America the protesters are not outsiders and can be there in Harney County. There is a long history of protest by occupation in America. Occupying government areas is a common form of protest used for years to get media attention. There is no threatening of people, no hostages, no injuries or damage being done.
Just to give you some historical perspective I personally remember back in 1970 when leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), took over a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters at Columbia University. The occupation lasted five days and I remember claims that they were armed and demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” (There should be some footage of this somewhere.)
I also remember that there was a Dean's office that was occupied until demands were met. Evidently that was the Dean of Freshman, Henry Coleman.
What I did not know was that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder evidently participated in the militant take over of the ROTC headquarters. I pray that the same caution and consideration exercised by law enforcement back then is exercised by the law enforcement under men like U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
Oregon Militia Leader Says Government Is “Putting People Into Poverty” A group in Oregon are occupying some public building on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon on Saturday as part of a demonstration against abuse by bureaucracies of the U.S. government. The occupation was also in protest of the prison sentences to he Hammonds. Ammon Bundy wants to "bring a peaceful resolution" But they also what justice for those who were abused. Time 14:14
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said "Our prayers right now are with everyone involved in what’s happening with Oregon, and especially those in law enforcement that are risking their lives,"
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said “You can’t be lawless,"... "We live in a republic. There are ways to change the laws of this country and the policies. If we get frustrated with it, that’s why we have elections. That’s why we have people we can hold accountable.”
Published on Jan 17, 2016 "We come in and we take this land and we always take it for less than it is worth." (Park Service Employee at Mary Martin's retirement from the Mojave Preserve.) The dinner was a public event. In this clip, the woman brags about how they wrestled a $40 million mine located in the park for $2.5 million dollars from two "little guys that had been in the 2nd World War" (their words, not mine). She continues, "which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it. " FYI - The 111,000+ acres referred to on the whiteboard do not include the land that was taken away from the ranchers. Time 9:24
That is also why protesting is a common and accepted form of petitioning government including peaceably occupying public buildings and areas.
Is the government cheating people?
Is the government taking land from the people?
Are these bureaucracies stealing land and abusing the rights of the people using an unchecked and abusive approach to eat out the substance of the people?
Have the people become prey to a system that has become a beast?
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- ↑ I have personally known David, mentioned in the articles covering the The_Occupy_Refuge_Movement, and family for years
- ↑ see The_Occupy_Refuge_Movement#Tim Titus visits Occupy Movement