Conflict of Orders
Conflict of the Orders or Struggle of the Orders was a two hundred year struggle to form and maintain a pure republic according to the ancient traditions of Libera res publica.
For the most part it was a conflict of rights and power between the Plebeians[1] and Patricians [2] of the ancient Roman Republic.
The Plebeians sought an equality of rights with the Patricians. This conflict helped to develop a Constitution of the Roman Republic.
During a war with two neighboring all the Plebeians left the city. Secessio plebis was a spontaneous exercise of power by Rome's plebeian, similar to a general strike. The Greeks referenced this type of call to leave the city an "ekklesia". The result of this secession was the concession by the "Fathers" of the office of Plebeian Tribune along with the guarantee of certain natural rights.
This was a major step toward the reacquisition of power or what would be called the right to choose or liberty by the Plebeians.
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- ↑ the plebs were the general body of free Romans who were not patricians. A determined by the census based on wealth and access to the king, an ordinary or common Roman.
- ↑ Patrician, Latin term patricius, the Greek: πατρίκιος, patrikios, originally referred to a group of ruling class families in ancient Rome, aristocrats. The first 100 men appointed as senators were referred to as "fathers" (patres), and the descendants of those men became the Patrician class