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Member Remedies

Members tell their stories...

Lucho Lopez-Torres


ingredients :

4 cups of water,

3 tablespoons of ground garlic,

2 tablespoon of honey,

the juice of one lemon,

2 bags of tea.

My Mother prepared this medicine and we were never sick. First, boil the water and tea and mix very well, then add the lemon juice and drink it hot. Drink 2 or 4 times per day. This is a very fast and effective natural remedy for a serious cold.



In my country, basically when somebody catches a cold or the flu with a cough, he eats an omelet with garlic, and a half teaspoon of pepper cooked in olive oil. He has to eat it two times per day for three days. Once in the morning and once in the evening. The following days he'll feel better. Try it while drinking a big glass of hot menthol tea. I did it several times and it worked.


There are two way to use it.

Ingredients :

Singapore mint oil


a small coin with a small wood handle we call "do cao gio"

one full pot of water,

a big blanket.

First you take a pot full of boiling water, then you put this pot on floor add four or five drops of Singapore mint oil menthol to the pot, if you like it hotter, you can add more oil menthol, depending on you. Cover the pot and yourself including the head with a big blanket, wait until you sweat, remember you should inhale the steam from the pot, after that you will feel fresh and good. The second remedy is to use a small coin with a small wood made handle attach to one side of the coin "do cao gio", you rub it on the skin on your back with mint oil menthol, until the skin turns red ,you may see it as a black or purple mark, if you have a serious cold. after that take a good rest. you will feel a lot better the next day. In Vietnam, when the people has a cold, they like to use these remedies, I recommended you to try it. It can relieve your sickness very fast.

Jose Antonio Samniego


ingredients = Cup full of red wine a piece of red thread

When I was child and I had a cough , my grandmother gave me this recipe, I didn't believe in home remedies, but this recipe cured my cough, and it made me feel good. To stop a Cough, pour a cup full of red wine in a bowl, add a piece of red thread, and boil it to 100¼C (212 ¼F) leaving it to cool down for a few minutes until it's lukewarm, and drinking it without the red thread before going to bed. Repeat this for three days. In fact I don't know how many people in my country use this home remedy, and if it works or not for them, but I'm completely sure that it works for me, so do it, and you shall see its results for yourself.

Balbarmaa Vaanjilnorov



2-3 unpeeled potatoes,

2-3 cloves of garlic,

a big pot, water,

3-4 teaspoons of baking soda,

a big blanket,

a dry warm towel -

If you get your yearly common cold this time you should try this remedy. In a big pot put some water (that has to be 2 levels more than the potatoes ) and potatoes , and cover. Bring it to a boil, and cook about 20 minutes. After that put the pot on the floor. Chop the garlic and put it in a small cup. Put chopped garlic and baking soda next to the pot. Sit next to the pot cover yourself with a big blanket and take off the lid and put all chopped garlic at once and 1 tea- spoon of baking soda every 5 minutes while you breathe the steam. Lean toward the pot and breathe the steam for about 20-30 minutes. After that put the lid on the pot.Without moving the blanket dry your sweat with the dry warm towel and go right to bed. The next day you'll be up and dancing around in no time. For best results, you should drink a cup of hot herbal tea with honey after using this remedy.

Cough and Hiccup Remedies Jenn


Water, and Honey to taste,

2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar,

Cayenne pepper

This is a home remedy I received from my Osteopath when suffering from a terrible cough. Boil water, add 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Add honey to taste, not too much though and as many shakes of Cayenne pepper as you can stand...the more the better. The heat in the cayenne pepper really helps soothe and get the virus out. This is very helpful in making a cough more productive. It doesn't taste very good, but it WORKS. I have since grown accustom to the taste and don't mind it so much anymore! Try it out! Let me know if it works for you....

Jon B



4 Tbs. of lemon juice

1 Cup of Honey

1/4 Cup Boiling water


Boil the water and take 1/4th of it. Mix the honey and the lemon juice in the water, put it in a jar in the refrigerator till all is ~COLD~. Take one Tbs as needed. This works well!