Bitcoin Wastes Energy

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Understanding bitcoin's relationship to energy not only helps one understand how it will provide more energy abundance, but also undermines the accusation of bitcoin being fiat "created from nothing."

Balancing the Grid

Bitcoin transforms otherwise wasted energy into something valuable. And bitcoin makes it economically feasible to build-out the grid to ensure extra energy is available during emergencies in which power can be easily redirected by simply shutting down bitcoin miners.
(16-minute video)

Bitcoin mining helps balance the Texas grid by consuming power when it is not needed and turning the miners off when there is extra demand.
(3-minute video)

Bringing Energy to Africa

A bitcoin mining company called Gridless is helping to bring much-needed electrification to Africa by harnessing hydroelectric and other power that has otherwise been wasted because it is too remote to economically transmit it to larger cities.
(5-minute video)

(4-minute video)

Flare Gas

Flare gas and stranded gas from the oil-drilling industry has always been a huge to atmospheric pollution. Bitcoin miners are now converting that environmental waste to bitcoin.
(9-minute video)

180kw Off-Grid Bitcoin Mine in the Remote Canadian Oil Patch
(12-minute video)

Disposed Tires

Bitcoin miners are solving the tire disposal environmental disaster by turning those tires into energy.
(9-minute video)

Coal Mine Tailings

Mountains of waste coal pollute the Pennsylvania countryside. Bitcoin miners are transforming this environmental disaster into energy.
(6-minute video)

Landfill Emissions

Bitcoin mobile mining installed on landfills are mitigating methane pollution from landfill emissions.
(4-minute video)

Heating Greenhouses

Bitcoin mining heating greenhouses in the Netherlands, turning excess energy into a tool for growing flowers.
(3-minute video)

Mining Bitcoin with Discarded Vegetable Oil

(31-minute video)

Recycling Heat

50% of the world's energy is used for heating. It just so happens that heat is a side benefit of mining bitcoin. (4-minute video)

Lawrence Livermore Chart (LLNL Chart)

According to the LLNL Energy Chart, 61% of distributed energy is rejected. Bitcoin mining will begin eating a significant chunk of that.

Related page: Energy as Money

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