Building A Sacred Trust

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Most people also don't really think about what "giving up a personal estate" or "personal inheritance" means. We've heard a lot of "religious zealots" talk about "relationships". And they're right; but they're usually all about superficial, skin deep, relationships based on a specific eschatology, like holding certain ceremonial doctrines, or saying certain words, and even saying words a certain way. That is not the relationships that enable someone to sell all that they have and lay it at the feet of the Apostles.

How many people have the character or spirit to give up their house, car, land, business, to move out of their house so that someone else might be able to move in and use it. Or sell it all and give ALL the proceeds up into a trust that the seller has absolutely no control over, and will likely not receive much of a personal benefit from, if any?

The first step in this network is to find someone that we, individually, give a little trust to by giving that individual the legal title to possession and use of our free will offerings to God. Not everything we own, just a tithe, just ten percent, as a guideline, of what we make or earn in a given week, month, quarter, year, etc. And we control what we give, how we give, who we entrust our gifts to God to, how much we give, etc.

This is what we call "establishing a Sacred Purpose Trust", the initial offering, gift, grant, establishes a trust with the Messiah, and the trustee is the individual we entrust with that initial and our subsequent offerings to do the will of the Christ. That individual is our "His Church" office. That individual is our "minister of record" (MoR). What we give, once given, is given up entirely, it's a burnt sacrifice. The minister now has total control over what we have entrusted to Christ and the minister must use our gift for Christ's purposes. If he/she doesn't, then we put a little trust in someone else and give them legal title to use what we give to Christ for Christ's purposes.

People talk about joining orders, they talk about wanting to be ordained, but where are they even doing a little bit of freely entrusting another individual with even a "mite" of what they have legal title to now? And they think they are ready for the real relationship of giving up everything they own to someone else in order to be a full time bond servant of Christ? Get out of here. It's all talk. Or at least that is what I have witnessed during my time on these Google groups. Most people don't really get it. They have what the bible calls "a form of godliness but deny the power there of".

If people won't even choose or license an individual to be their "His Church", their minister of record by freely choosing to give up just a "mite" of what they have legal title to now, why would anyone already in an order want to adopt them as their "brother or sister in Christ"? They wouldn't and they won't. I know a lot of people on this network, and in the many years that I have been on these Google groups, having had been chosen by Elders of families as their minister of record, their "His Church", having elected and entrusted an individual to serve me and my family as my "His Church", and who has served a lot of people, I can honestly say that I don't know anyone, yet, on these groups that I would personally adopt into my family, owning all things in common for Christ, because I don't see the spirit of Christ flowing freely in most people. Most people talk, and talk about what they "think" they want to selfishly do to "come out". And I should know. I was one of those selfish jerks for a very long time.

I "expatriated" many years ago to "get out" and "come out" because I thought I was "righteous", when all I was was self-righteous.

Honestly, I am seriously thinking of going back into the system because I would be better able to serve Christ in the system than erroneously thinking that I was "out" of the Egypt, having crossed over the Red Sea under my own delusional authority, having left all my family, friends, neighbors, and strangers in Egypt to perish and suffer just because I wanted out think that would get me closer to God, when in truth it took me way further away from God and His spirit.

Start with the little step. Choose a minister of record, choose to a His Church congregation of record with in a network or convention of Churches, start to freely give a little bit to Christ, trusting someone else with your offering, give up that little gift entirely to Christ and work at building that relationship. A relationship with Christ's spirit following through one other individual that the Father created for His purposes. Start a Sacred Purpose Trust with Christ, name a trustee, a minister, and give a little, work up to giving a lot, because if anyone truly seeks to be ordained they have to be willing to give it all up to someone else to control. And that takes a lot of faith, hope, trust, patience, giving, forgiving, and most of all love.

Scott in Iowa