59 ἀγοράζω agorazo [ag-or-ad’-zo] from 58 agora "any collection of men, congregation, or assembly"; v; TDNT-1:124,19; [{See TDNT 17 }] AV-buy 28, redeem 3; 31
- 1) to be in the market place, to attend it [{(agorazei) Matthew 13:44, Revelation 18:11 (ēgorasen)Matthew 13:46; (agorazontas)Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15 }]
- 2) to do business there, buy or sell [{(agorasōsin)#Mt 14:15; John 4:8; Mark 6:36 }]
- 3) of idle people: to haunt the market place, lounge there