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07093 קֵץ‎ KufTzadik qets [kates] contracted from 07112 KufTzadik the verb to cut off, an extremity; n m; [BDB-893b] [{See TWOT on 2060 @@ "2060a" }] AV-end 52, after 10, border 3, infinite 1, process 1; 67

1) end
1a) end, at the end of (of time)
1b) end (of space)
  • ק Kuf or Kof Omnipresence - Redemption of Fallen Sparks The paradoxical union Reish and a Zayin holiness or separateness omnipresence of God [Cord and needle 𐤒 ... back of head neck... the last or least] (Numeric value: 100)
  • צ ץ Tzadik is always related to The Faith of the Righteous One, the foundation of the word "to hunt" or Harvest even eat or desire. [Harvest, pant, desire] (Numeric value: 90)