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04383 ^לושׁכמ^ mikshowl \@mik-shole’ MemKafShinVavLamed or ^לשׁכמ^ mikshol \@mik-shole’\@ from 03782; n m; AV-stumblingblock 8, offence 2, ruins 2, offend 1, fall 1; 14

1) a stumbling, means or occasion of stumbling, stumbling block 1a) stumbling, fall 1b) means or occasion of stumbling, stumbling block
  • מ ם Mem Fountain of water, a flow, a fountain of the Divine Wisdom [massive, overpower chaos] (Numeric value: 40)
  • כ ך Kaf K Crown: To Actualize Potential power from spiritual to physical realm [to cover, strength] (Numeric value: 20)
  • ש Shin Eternal Flame of Spiritual Revelation, bound to the coal of righteousness, the Divine Essence. [sun... teeth... consume destroy] (Numeric value: 300)
  • ו Vav Connection, Connecting realms and worlds or the dividing veil between them. [nail... And, Add, secure, hook] (Numeric value: 6)
  • ל Lamed means Aspiration of the Heart or to learn or even direct like a shepherd. It has to do with what the Hand produces, [hand is די YodDalet] or directs with staff, whip... like the tongue may direct. (Numeric value: 30)
  • 03782 לשׁכ KafShinLamed kashal is a primitive root; v; translated fall 27, stumble 19, cast down 4, feeble 4, overthrown 2, ruin 2, bereave + 07921 1, decayed 1, faileth 1, utterly 1, weak 1, variant 2; 65 defined 1) to stumble, stagger, totter