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Exodus: Episode 16

"Jordan and the scholars trace Moses' journey from Numbers to the end of Deuteronomy. Despite being able to see the promised land, Moses is unable to enter it before his death, but his name becomes a symbol of Israel and God's promise to His people." Daily Wire

Worshiping idols goes deeper once you actually understand why Cain's sacrifice was not accepted.

It was not the "hope of the promise land that united the Israelites" but the nature and purpose of their altars of sacrifice.

At 4:00 Jonathan talks about the structure of the story from Edon to the flood and back to Edon.

JP 6:40 sees the giants as a whole including the State, it's principles and culture.

The decent into chaos is prevented not merely because of a drive for equality but an insistence of "equality of responsibility".

The ideology of equality of outcome is an usurpation of the "equality of responsibility".