Template:Types of offerings

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Types of offerings

Some categorize the offerings of the Old Testaments into five divisions:

the Burnt Offerings,
the Grain Offering,
the Peace Offering or Sin offering[1],
the Purification Offering, and
the Reparation Offering.

You will also see the sin offering, wave offering, freewill offerings and even drink offering.

All these offerings had some descriptions to give us some idea of their meaning or purpose. But through Sophistry the true meaning and purpose has been lost in a plethora of theologies and mindless rituals unmoored from their original purpose.

Understanding what the Burnt Offerings purpose was is key to understanding the altars of Clay and Stone. Only then can you connect the essential to understanding the types of offerings and their purpose. Israel was a government without rulers, a nation with no king.

The grain offering was to worship God and acknowledge His provision by sharing those provisions given you to and with others. Grain could almost be used as money and precious. It was the lack of grain that brought them into bondage and could mean famine and death.

The peace offering is often considered a propitiatory or conciliatory offering because of some offence. It appears in Hebrew as [2] It is from a word that means "to be at peace" so, in fact, it is an offering "to bring peace". This often means paying recompense. It is also said to mean "to be complete, be sound". It could be cakes or leavened bread as a thanksgiving.

In 1 Samuel 13 Saul forces a burnt offering and a peace offering because he needs support for a war he sees coming. Samuel says his kingdom will not stand because he has done this foolish thing.

1 Samuel 13:13 And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever.

  1. 02403 ^האטח^ ChetTetAlefHey chatta’ah \@khat-taw-aw’\@ or ^תאטח^ chatta’th \@khat-tawth’\@ from 02398; n f; AV-sin 182, sin offering 116, punishment 3, purification for sin 2, purifying 1, sinful 1, sinner 1; 296
    1) sin, sinful
    2) sin, sin offering
    2a) sin
    2b) condition of sin, guilt of sin
    2c) punishment for sin
    2d) sin-offering
    2e) purification from sins of ceremonial uncleanness
  2. 08002 ^םלשׁ^ shelem \@sheh’- lem\@ from 07999 שָׁלַם‎ shalam to be in a covenant of peace; n m; AV-peace offerings 81, peace 6; 87
    1) peace offering, requital, sacrifice for alliance or friendship
    1a) voluntary sacrifice of thanks
    • 07999 שָׁלַם‎ shalam make peace; 08000 שְׁלַם‎ shëlam finish; 08001 שְׁלָם‎ shëlam welfare, (from 07965 שָׁלוֹם‎ shalowm welfare, safe, health); 08002 שֶׁלֶם‎ shelem peace offering; 08003 שָׁלֵם‎ shalem complete, safe, peaceful, perfect, whole; 08004 שָׁלֵם‎ Shalem Melchizedek's polis; 08005 שִׁלֵּם‎ shillem recompense; 08006 שִׁלֵּם‎ Shillem repaid; 08008 שַׂלְמָה salmah‎ garment and 08010 שְׁלמֹה‎ Shëlomoh which is the name of Solomon, from 07965 שָׁלוֹם‎ shalowm translated peace 175, well 14, peaceably 9, welfare 5,