Template:Censorship notes
Censorship notes
Censorship notes is included here but not in the essays on Free speech and conversations, etc.
Hidden information
23 minute Video https://www.dailywire.com/episode/1-fauci
Daily Wire explores the history of the politics surrounding Covid-19, and reveals shocking details about both Anthony Fauci's role in hiding critical information from the American people as well as worrisome unanswered questions surrounding the origins of the virus.
The problem in America go much deeper and have been eroding our ability for decades. The whole story and the hidden history is explored on our Keys of the Kingdom podcasts.
There is fact based news and then there is "fake news" sponsoring a narrative. What is clearly not happening in Canada is an insurrection but an actual demonstration that is a part of true democratic process of voicing concerns about government overreach in an extremely peaceful manner.
Six Provinces Lift Mandates
But China is still torturing people.
You may not be able to see the video if you are not subscribed but you should be able to listen. I have not found a link where they are not censoring yet like Roman's Rumble channel.
According to the military, DMED of the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch’s (AFHSB) since they began vaccinating the military there has been a --300% increase in cancer diagnoses, --1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, --myocardial infarction –269% increase, --Bell’s palsy – 291% increase --congenital malformations (for children of military personnel)– 156% increase --female infertility – 471% increase --pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase
Hidden information https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/ horowitz-whistleblowers-share-dod-medical-data-that-blows-vaccine-safety-debate-wide-open
Dear Network
Dear Network began as a series of messages to the whole network. They are often both announcements and timeless messages about how networks of people coming together may set themselves free by working diligently to set their neighbor free.
Network Notes
Network Notes are also daily answers in response to questions that come in from the network on topics of concern. Although there is a network of participants with experience and comprehension, people continue to send questions that have, or may hold significance for the whole Network or for those seeking to be a part of a larger effort in their quest for Community. Network Notes is an attempt to address some of these inquiries.
Thoughts for the Day
Thought for the day, though also addressing topics that arise from the Network and the world in general through news of the day or history itself, often offers more of a timeless focus. These thoughts are sent to the whole network like the Network Notes with links to existing articles and resources that address topics in more depth.
Network is where you can meet local people who are willing to work on the ground where you live. This is where CORE groups can be formed as a matter of personal testimony. This is where meaningful relationships may be nurtured and worthwhile work may be accomplished. If a free society is to remain free, the participants must care about the liberty and freedom of others as much as they care about their own.
It is in that Living Network of local groups voluntarily coming together that the perfect law of liberty begins to be practiced in Free Assemblies and in real ways of righteous service of one to another.