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Stages of grief

We may commonly be told that there are 5 stages of grief:

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance are often the products of failing to deal with events in the moment which magnify reactions into compound levels of trauma.

Are these stages inevitable and natural or are they the result of a mental or spiritual even social policy that is flawed.

1. Denial and Isolation

When we believe something is taken from us, the first reaction is to rationalize or deny the idea,or refuse to even look at the information presented in what ever form it comes in to avoid the overwhelming emotions that may began to flood into our minds. We may block out the words, condemn the source or hide from the facts or even the possibility of their truth.

This is merely a blocking action and does not alter the truth where ever it lies.

2. Anger

A turtle can only withdraw for a period of time. Denial and isolation never address the reality. The fear of intense and painful reality in the form of emotion and physical trauma is deflected from our vulnerable nature and redirected into what we often imagine is a stronger shield which is anger. The anger may cause pain of its own and compel a need more emotional release. This may be directed toward inanimate objects, institutions, strangers, friends or family. Anger may even be directed at that which you have lost.

Why anger? Anger and fear are correlative. The more you fear the more anger will become a factor. The antithesis of anger and fear is forgiveness and faith which is probity requiring an element of giving.

3. Bargaining

Anger and fear are simply dealing with the symptoms and not the problem and eventually feelings of helplessness and vulnerability leak into our consciousness from our hidden unconsciousness. Anger and fear lead to the blame game which prolongs the ultimately required loving acceptance. Bargaining is just another form of stalling in which you solicit numerous strategy laying blame, accusations and will fluctuate backe to denial and anger in a cycle that prolongs resolution

4. Depression. Depression is the result of refusal to accept things in the moment. Choosing anger and fear rather than forgiveness and faith distracts us from acting righteously. The choice we make is the result of the way we had already been in a habit of following before this particular trauma. So if you are following these stages of grief it would be good if you realized in the core of your being that you have been a victim going down the wrong path from the beginning.

Denying the truth should not be a part of your nature from the beginning. The use of anger to offset or release the pain of fear has never been a solution. But the anger makes us aware of our personal lack of faith already existent in our life.

Be of good cheer!

The present events and path of your grief is allowing you to become aware of this inner problem in relationship to others and the world. So repent of your fear and do what is right. As a doer you will have no time or inclination to be depressed.

The pain which comes from these stages of grief may be eased by reassurance from others but that too does not deal with the real source of the trauma. We may need assistance and comfort from others but if we do not deal with our inclination for denial, fear and anger we will not grow or be strengthened.

5. Acceptance

Reaching a beneficial state of acceptance will be determined by the path you have followed in dealing with your belief in the loss as a trauma.

Real acceptance is what you should have done in the first moment but failing to do so is the result of many conditions. If we follow the five stages of grief without addressing why we are trapped in that cycle of response we may seem to accept but what we are really doing is resignation.

In resignation we are conquered with no power against are denial but it is not acceptance of the truth. Resignation is denial of the power of man assigned to him by God.

  1. Mankind should so love the truth that he can accept it at any time.
  2. Mankind should be full of forgiveness and faith that fear and anger are never required to deal with that truth or what comes posing as truth.
  3. Mankind should have no need to bargain if he has accepted the truth without delay so he can devote his energy in providing or the truth.
  4. Mankind should be at peace with the truth which allows him to manifest patience and what appears as perseverance which can bring pacification to pandemonium and blessings to where trauma prevailed.
  5. Mankind should be able to function in a positive way from the first moment having never denied that which he always seeks, the truth.

We will inevitably go through these stages of grief but we should never resign ourselves to them with the belief that they are inescapably.

  1. Denial delays deliverance.
  2. Anger and fear are overcome by forgiveness and faith.
  3. Bargaining with, resisting reality of or accusing elements of the world taints Truth with a lie.
  4. Depression has no place in a heart of a doer of righteousness where love of truth prevails.
  5. Loving Acceptance brings peace.

Every moment of grief is an opportunity for salvation.

Grief and love

Grief may come upon us when we loose something we love involuntarily so that grief might be evidence that we did love. But what was the nature of that love?

If our love was self-serving we may feel grief.

Grief is not the best evidence of love but rather true voluntary Sacrifice. It is sacrifice that is more the ultimate proof of love because it is voluntarily letting go of something you love or value for the benefit of another.

We have known throughout history that charity by way of the authority of the state , also called "legal charity", will enslave the people.

It is the pervasive systems of social welfare through the exercising authority of the State condemned by Christ that is not only breaking down the family but even the very moral fabric and mind of society.

"The masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force and violence. The people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others... institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their [[force][s massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch." Polybius 150 tear before John the Baptist and Jesus preached the solution.

Stages of grief

We may commonly be told that there are 5 stages of grief:

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance are often the products of failing to deal with events in the moment which magnify reactions into compound levels of trauma.

Are these stages inevitable and natural or are they the result of a mental or spiritual even social policy that is flawed.

1. Denial and Isolation

When we believe something is taken from us, the first reaction is to rationalize or deny the idea,or refuse to even look at the information presented in what ever form it comes in to avoid the overwhelming emotions that may began to flood into our minds. We may block out the words, condemn the source or hide from the facts or even the possibility of their truth.

This is merely a blocking action and does not alter the truth where ever it lies.

2. Anger

A turtle can only withdraw for a period of time. Denial and isolation never address the reality. The fear of intense and painful reality in the form of emotion and physical trauma is deflected from our vulnerable nature and redirected into what we often imagine is a stronger shield which is anger. The anger may cause pain of its own and compel a need more emotional release. This may be directed toward inanimate objects, institutions, strangers, friends or family. Anger may even be directed at that which you have lost.

Why anger? Anger and fear are correlative. The more you fear the more anger will become a factor. The antithesis of anger and fear is forgiveness and faith which is probity requiring an element of giving.

3. Bargaining

Anger and fear are simply dealing with the symptoms and not the problem and eventually feelings of helplessness and vulnerability leak into our consciousness from our hidden unconsciousness. Anger and fear lead to the blame game which prolongs the ultimately required loving acceptance. Bargaining is just another form of stalling in which you solicit numerous strategy laying blame, accusations and will fluctuate backe to denial and anger in a cycle that prolongs resolution

4. Depression. Depression is the result of refusal to accept things in the moment. Choosing anger and fear rather than forgiveness and faith distracts us from acting righteously. The choice we make is the result of the way we had already been in a habit of following before this particular trauma. So if you are following these stages of grief it would be good if you realized in the core of your being that you have been a victim going down the wrong path from the beginning.

Denying the truth should not be a part of your nature from the beginning. The use of anger to offset or release the pain of fear has never been a solution. But the anger makes us aware of our personal lack of faith already existent in our life.

Be of good cheer!

The present events and path of your grief is allowing you to become aware of this inner problem in relationship to others and the world. So repent of your fear and do what is right. As a doer you will have no time or inclination to be depressed.

The pain which comes from these stages of grief may be eased by reassurance from others but that too does not deal with the real source of the trauma. We may need assistance and comfort from others but if we do not deal with our inclination for denial, fear and anger we will not grow or be strengthened.

5. Acceptance

Reaching a beneficial state of acceptance will be determined by the path you have followed in dealing with your belief in the loss as a trauma.

Real acceptance is what you should have done in the first moment but failing to do so is the result of many conditions. If we follow the five stages of grief without addressing why we are trapped in that cycle of response we may seem to accept but what we are really doing is resignation.

In resignation we are conquered with no power against are denial but it is not acceptance of the truth. Resignation is denial of the power of man assigned to him by God.

  1. Mankind should so love the truth that he can accept it at any time.
  2. Mankind should be full of forgiveness and faith that fear and anger are never required to deal with that truth or what comes posing as truth.
  3. Mankind should have no need to bargain if he has accepted the truth without delay so he can devote his energy in providing or the truth.
  4. Mankind should be at peace with the truth which allows him to manifest patience and what appears as perseverance which can bring pacification to pandemonium and blessings to where trauma prevailed.
  5. Mankind should be able to function in a positive way from the first moment having never denied that which he always seeks, the truth.

We will inevitably go through these stages of grief but we should never resign ourselves to them with the belief that they are inescapably.

  1. Denial delays deliverance.
  2. Anger and fear are overcome by forgiveness and faith.
  3. Bargaining with, resisting reality of or accusing elements of the world taints Truth with a lie.
  4. Depression has no place in a heart of a doer of righteousness where love of truth prevails.
  5. Loving Acceptance brings peace.

Every moment of grief is an opportunity for salvation.

Grief and love

Grief may come upon us when we loose something we love involuntarily so that grief might be evidence that we did love. But what was the nature of that love?

If our love was self-serving we may feel grief.

Grief is not the best evidence of love but rather true voluntary Sacrifice. It is sacrifice that is more the ultimate proof of love because it is voluntarily letting go of something you love or value for the benefit of another.

We have known throughout history that charity by way of the authority of the state , also called "legal charity", will enslave the people.

It is the pervasive systems of social welfare through the exercising authority of the State condemned by Christ that is not only breaking down the family but even the very moral fabric and mind of society.

"The masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force and violence. The people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others... institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their [[force][s massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch." Polybius 150 tear before John the Baptist and Jesus preached the solution.