How a nation, a people, or a society takes care of its needy.
The word religion is mentioned five times in the Bible. Only once is it in a positive sense:
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27
That Word You Use - Religion What did the word Religion mean when it was written in the constitution? More detail on the word "religion".
Part of our understanding religion series includes these audio files on Civil Religion.
Liberty Radio Live - this is a 2 hour program with in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room. <mp3player width="300"></mp3player> Download
The Sabbath Hour - This is a one hour program on Freedomizer Radio to round out the day's discussions. The Sabbath Hour series make for a good entry-level discussion.
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I wanted everyone to know that false teachers have been around for some time getting better at spreading falsehoods about the gospel. There is the Gospel of Christ who was accepted by thousands of Jews and also by gentiles like the Roman centurion and Samaritans and people all over. Paul preached the gospel of Christ and his "good news" was no different than Christ's Gospel.
These kinds of drawing and the philosophies of deception they spread have been around for some time and are full of distortions and twists of what the Bible really says. Read more...
Pure Religion What is it and who does it? What is all this talk about religion?
The Opiate of Religion
Religion, NN Video Series:9-10 4:27
Interview at the University of Colorado
Part 1 A Challenge to modern religion - a strong delusion
The Merchants of Men The man and his religion.
Religion of the People From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 40
See more Forbidden Definitions