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Source: Wikipedia

Linen in the Bible

Linen makes an appearance many times in the Bible, and it is no wonder because it is a wonderful fabric produced from flax, with incredible healing properties!

"You shall not wear a garment of diverse sorts, of wool and linen together."[1]

In 2003, a study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric. According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100. The study showed that if the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body. A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register. Nonorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70. However, if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body. This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric. Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero. Even wearing a wool sweater on top of a linen outfit in a study collapsed the electrical field. The reason for this could be that the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left. [2]

Benefits & Properties of Linen

  • Bed Sore Resistant: According to Japanese medical research studies, bed-ridden patients do NOT develop bedsores when linen bed sheets are used.
  • Compatible: The flax cell is highly compatible with the human cell. In fact, a microscopic cross sectional view of a flax stem looks much like an eye with an iris and pupil appearance. Because of its compatibility, the human body can completely dissolve the flax cell making it suitable for the purpose of being used as natural internal sutures during surgery.
  • Hygroscopic, Permeable: Linen rapidly absorbs moisture (water, sweat and other body fluids); yet, it also yields moisture rapidly making it highly hygroscopic. It evaporates quickly while absorbing as much as 20% of its dry weight. It’s also used in bandage dressings and woven into bandages because of its hygroscopic, air permeability and aseptic properties. For these same reasons linen sheets, underwear and clothing aid those suffering from yeast infections.
  • Hygienic: Linen is considered to be hygienic helping to relieve allergies and is used to filter fallout, radiation and gamma rays.
  • Filters: Homes are known to collect radioactive gas such as radon, especially after the installation of tightly sealing plastic windows. Radon is believed to form as a result of disintegrating uranium contained in the ground as well from building materials. Leaving windows open or using linen curtains and linen sheets help reduce the harmful effects of such including chemtrails by catch or filtering with flax linen. Linen is also used to filter and protect against chemical medium, noise and dust. This may be beneficial to those with sensitive skin, asthma or respiratory problems.
  • Thermogenic: Linen is comprised of heat conductivity and high air permeability properties. Its heat conductivity is 5 times higher than wool’s and 19 times than that of silk. Linen is COOLER in the SUMMER helping to relieve the skin of excess heat (great for menopausal hot flashes) and WARMS by insulating the body in the Winter. In hot weather, those dressed in linen are found to have a skin temperature 3°-4°C below that of silk or cotton wearers. Some studies indicate that persons wearing linen clothing perspire 1 ½ times less than when dressed in cotton clothes and twice as less than when dressed in viscose clothes. This is because linen conducts electricity taking heat AWAY from the Body. Meanwhile, in cold weather, linen is able to help retain heat and warmth for the body making it an adaptogen.
  • Support Hormones: These properties help make a patient feel fresh and cool; yet, helps keep them warmer or cooler as it is an adaptogen to the present temperature needed. Menopausal women enjoy linen for these same reasons during times of hot flashes. Remember, ROSE GERANIUM also helps to balance the hormones and may help to control hot flashes.
  • Anti-static: Probably due to its 5,000 signature frequency and ability to reduce static in the body, Linen is known for helping to reduce fatigue and lift spirits. This may explain why it remains cleaner for longer periods of time and doesn’t cling to the body.
  • EMF Friendly: Some studies indicate that the body may be protected from damaging electromagnetic frequencies especially when near electronic appliances, computers, Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc. Much research is being done and tools being produced to protect and shield the body’s cells from the disturbance of “bad” frequencies for the body. In contrast, “good” frequencies may help to repair the resonance state in the body’s cells and may include SHeMeN (essential oils), Dual Laser Light therapy, Linen, EMF BIO SHIELDS, raw fruits and vegetables and color therapy.
  • Purity of White: The studies on the color white and the reflection of light in linen is known to increase the body’s frequency energy adding more life and energy to those wearing and using linen. In contrast, those wearing or around black lose energy and life. Remember, WHITE represents and ECHADness or perfect union of all the other colors in the rainbow which is full of frequencies in perfect harmony given for our blessings by YHWH.
  • Promotes Restful Sleep: Reported by many to promote better rest and sleep.
  • Durability: Linen is durable. Unlike some cottons that yellow with time, linen is prone to remain white and softer with each wash.
  • Hypo-allergenic: Helps avoid allergies causes by other fibers.
  • Burns: Burn and sunburn victims and those with problematic or hypersensitive skin or who suffer from dermatological disorders are often prescribed to sleep in or on white linen bedding to help relieve pain and discomfort.
  • Promotes Good Stewardship: Helps us to be good stewards of YHWH’s creation and promote a balanced environment since flax is a renewable resource and the linen produced from it is fully BIOdegradable.
  • Anti-Viral: Recent research conducted has confirmed that choosing pure linen sheets and clothing allowing for daily contact with the flax fabric may help to promote and increase the blood levels of immunoglobulin A which, in turn, may protect the mucus membranes of the mouth, respiratory tract and digestive tract from microbes and viruses. A deficiency of this element may subject internal organs including the liver and heart to be at a higher risk of yielding to disease. This may explain the popular service offered by leading European Spas of wrapping the body with pure damp linen fabric in a procedure which is considered to be effectual in cleansing the skin of organism slags and leaving the skin revitalized producing a restorative effect on the body.
  • Odor Resistant: Pure linen helps to destroy bad odors. Linen insoles used in the internal surfaces of footwear can help to absorb surpluses of moisture which, in turn, helps to suppress harmful microorganisms, bacteria and fungi which, I allowed to develop, create unpleasant odors. Using 1 – 2 drops of PURIFY or TEA TREE oil when inserting the linen into the shoes may also help to reduce growth of viruses, staph and fungi.
  • Fertility Support: Recent studies have demonstrated that female fertility may be significantly increased by sleeping and procreating on pure white linen sheets. Wearing clothing that allows air permeability for both men and women may help with temperature adaptation and balancing for the body which, in turn, may help support better health and reproduction.

Source: Living Stones Tabernacle


  1. Deuteronomy 22:11
  2. Linen Frequency Study[1]