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"Religion is the recognition of all our duties as divine commands." Immanuel Kant

“Dare to think! Have the courage to use your own reason!’ is therefore the motto of the Enlightenment,” as stated in 1784 by the great German Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant.” Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

"The German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, believed that moral virtue was found in doing the right thing for the right reason. Motive was paramount. It was not just doing but the individual choice to do, to sacrifice for others. Invisible bonds are created in other realms of our existence that may seem more subtle but are in the wholeness of our reality are in fact the root and foundation of our own being.

That subtle foundation is what we call spirit. It is our true self which exists at the core of our nature. It has its own pattern or character, its own spiritual DNA. Its character molds our thoughts before we think them, aids in the weighing of our perception of the reality around us.

The truth is a clear vision of reality. It can only be perceived if we are willing to see the whole truth. Few people are willing to see the whole truth so they construct imaginary realities that block our vision. To see the whole truth would mean that we have to see the truth about our own selves which is not always pretty and some times painful. We cannot or will not see beyond those constructed but imaginary realities." See Sweden

The Occult is “that which is hidden”. But what is hidden from one person may be obvious to another. What are the mysteries that are hidden and what do they have to do with Spiritual DNA and Gene Expression or this Dendritic tree we call our mind by which we attempt to measure the Right Reason of the Mysteries of the Universe

There are many things that we call phenomena involving other worldly agency as mysticism and spirituality. But what we call a phenomenon is an observable fact or event. While the term was used by ancient like the Greek Pyrrhonist and the Roman Sextus Empiricus it seems to be Immanuel Kant who popularized the term for our time contrasting it with the noumenon, which cannot be directly observed. --- see Occult.

"Influenced by romanticism, Platonism, and Kantian philosophy, it taught that divinity pervades all nature and humanity, and its members held progressive views on feminism and communal living. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were central figures." Transcendentalist