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Saul had such a problem with depression once he had power that he tried to kill those who loved him and then killed himself. Many people with mental and emotional conflicts resulting from "anxiety" that lead to depression do things to sabotage themselves and their relationships.
Is there a solution that can help us overcome this depression naturally?
These pages and audio may help you understand why you have depression, but you may need to learn to still your own mind to explore the conflicts within it.
It is also important to have a support group based on trust and love in the pursuit of the peace of mind which will alleviate common sources of stress and depression. If you join the Living Network we may be able to help you deal with many of these feelings and pains you are now experiencing.
Recording #1 Play or download

Recording #2 Play or download

The problem today with depression and anxiety is that we have created a culture where survival no longer requires that you care about others as much as you care about yourself, causing social bonds to degenerate, which isolates us even in a crowd. We were not meant to be alone.


Depression, anxiety disorders, including paranoia, phobias, PTSD, panic attacks, bipolar behaviors, or even schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) all include elements of "cognitive dissonance".

Dissonance is simply a "lack of agreement" so cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."

Resolving these conflicts that produce the cognitive dissonance may alleviate some of the symptoms and the side effects associated with depression, but it is not the symptoms nor their triggers that generate the individuals' vulnerability.

Smoking, alcohol, and drug use including almost all forms of addictions and what may be listed as dysphoria or disorders along with many common compulsive behaviors or thoughts can lead to relationship, work, and of course marital problems. Anger, fear, anxiety are just evidence of some level of dissonance within the individual.


That inconsistency or lack of agreement in our own minds, opinions, or thoughts create anxiety, feelings of fear, and other emotions that lead to feelings of hopelessness and depression if left unchecked.

All this takes place in the mind under the influence of some level of denial or avoidance of issues, memories of past or present traumas often because of an associated pain.

There are solutions to the problem, and there are ways to relieve the symptoms of the problem. While the problem may originate from external trauma, the internal reaction with that trauma may lead to conflict and avoidance, even denial which perpetuate the symptoms that can compound the emotional and mental stress.

A chemical imbalance

Dealing with the basic sources of the stress and conflict is key, but that often requires external assistance. But what type of assistance produces the most complete and long-term solution?

There are no adequate studies that have proven that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. While some chemistry of the brain might accompany these conditions we know correlation is not causation and then there is a question of if the chemistry is found to be different which came first the depression or the chemical change.

There is no doubt that thoughts and emotions may stimulate the release of hormones in the body and mind. Taking antidepressant drugs or choosing to take external drugs alone cannot restore an internal balance with consistency nor deal with the underlying dissonance, trauma, or denial which is likely the source of the problem. The feelings of depression are evidence of a problem. Removing the evidence is not the same as removing the problem.

The cause of the effect

Finding the cause and effect you are feeling may lead to a permanent solution without the side effects and dependency associated with chemical solutions to mental and emotional difficulties.

Psychiatry Exposed Vol. 5 Dr. Irving Kirsch "The Placebo Effect" Time 2:30

Most prescriptions for antidepressants are written without any specific diagnosis by doctors. Antidepressants are among the most difficult drugs to get off of and by their nature create an Addiction. More difficult than alcohol and opiates. What is euphemistically called “discontinuation syndrome,” is really just chemical addiction withdrawal. That withdrawal can be fiercely debilitating physically and with severe psychological reactions. Antidepressants can cause violent side effects, including suicide and homicide. The truth is, antidepressant can cause chemical imbalance in the brain.

The feeling of anxiety, phobias, OCD behavior or even panic disorders are seldom medical conditions and should not be treated with medication without considering the side effects. They are emotional disorders which are the result of unresolved mental trauma. Medication actually can mask and prevent resolution while creating new problems.

Irving Kirsch: The Emperor's new drugs: Medication and placebo in the treatment of depression ... or watch 1:17:09 Time 1:21:54

Much of the feeling that medication is helping is the result of the placebo effect of taking the pills rather than the pills themselves. Some estimate that the placebo effect account for more than 80 percent of the positive effects.

Dietary modifications

Dietary modifications can do the same, and the side effects are actually beneficial to the over all health of the body itself.

Adding more healthy fats and oils with less sugar, processed dairy, and excessive processed gluten is a proactive action that can lead to more positive attitude and approach. Taking some natural supplements like vitamin-B and probiotics or consuming them in certain foods can have a great balancing effect in the body and the mind while lowering metabolic stresses and/or inflammation. Reduction in exposure to toxins like fluoride or use of other drugs like Tylenol, statins, or even chemicals in cleaners can have a positive physical as well as mental feeling of control with a more positive outlook.

Creating a routine of physical activity and modifying your approach to getting deep sleep along with Meditation can go a long way to removing the symptoms of depression.

Ultimately, you will need to deal with underlying emotional issues from the past that plague our present relationships and views. Forgiveness works, but meditation and interaction with others you trust and even those who often have their own issues can be a primary source of emotional progress.

Big Pharma – Real Time with Bill Maher – HBO Time 2:56

We want to believe that medical science will fix us. The need to continue to believe that is an addiction in itself. It is an exercise of faith in something you think is greater than, smarter than, better than yourself.

While the medical establishment can help with many things, your own body and mind is the key to good health mentally and physically. Life is a journey and no one can take it for you, but if you gather with others who care and love each other with no hope of personal gain, no need or proclivity toward judgment, the journey will certainly be more rewarding.

But to really gather with such people, you must come together with love for them as much as love of self. On our page on cognitive dissonance, we discuss interactive therapies that may help individuals uncover and understand a path to internal healing of the mind and body.

Willingness to have the conversation with others who do love you with no personal hope of gain is a step we should all be willing to take to restore true hope and health.

"It is the dead end of self-indulgence and our failure to create missions worth sacrificing for that has led to the epidemic of depression afflicting the Western world today." Guerric of the Mepkin Abbey

The best way to relieve the symptoms of depression is to start caring about others as much as yourself.

Be willing to see the truth about yourself in the company of others who are walking the same journey with a love for the destination of life and willingness to know the truth. The truth will set you free from the depression that has haunted you.

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