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Latest revision as of 13:46, 28 August 2019

Stoning in God's plan was not supposed to include hitting people in the head with rocks.

Actually, the Pharisees were told but the did not want to believe the truth. Many Jews did not participate in such hateful and evil practices as stoning because they knew what the Torah actually said. about stoning and animal sacrifice and stone altars. Some of the most popular and respected Jewish group at the time of Christ believed the Pharisees had it wrong and their interpretation of the Tanak was a fiction and a fraud. Jesus said they did error. Modern Christians have a false view of Moses which often gets in the way of their understanding of Christ and the early Church.

People often do not believe in the inspired authors of the ancient text but appear to believe in the translators and translations of men who were often not inspired. For thousands of years, men have known that the bible is full of allegories and metaphors to explain the precept upon precept that has expressed the name or character of God. The Bible tells us this. We are warned throughout the gospel to test the spirit to see if it is the Hoy Spirit.

Barry asks, " you believe allegories and metaphors could also be actual events just told in an allegory and metaphor form so not to point to one person or persons?

Most allegories and metaphor in the bible actually happen and were used to give humans something they could relate to. Is there some mystery Bible or text that you have found that know one else knows about that we should be reading the has a deeper explanation then the Bible?....or is there a certain Bible that we all should use. I really would like to look over the Bible you use to understand why you believe ..Stoning....doesn't actually mean picking up stones to throw at someone for a death sentence"

Do I "believe allegories and metaphors could also be actual events"? Sure. But to believe "Most allegories and metaphor in the bible actually happen" as he translators would have us think is an assumption. Even if things did happen as the translators suggest it is irrelevant to the message. Moses and Jesus were in agreement with each other so it should be safe to assume that the Pharisees were not in agreement with either and their interpretation of the Torah was wrong. Most Modern Christians have the same interpretation of the Old Testament as the Pharisees did concerning stoning, altars, etc. I use the King James English Bible but I also read the Greek and Hebrew text. All the pages I have shared with you and all the links on those pages explain step by step why the Modern Christian is in serious need of repentance just like the Pharisees were.