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From forum... 27 Oct 2001

UCC Redemption proponents offer 'cure all claims' and 'silver bullet solutions' to present dilemmas in the struggle for freedom and independence. One of the reasons the world is in such trouble today is because we are to willing to sign on to offers that sound to good to be true. If we will grab at straws in desperation why not grab at strawmen? I believe there are some deadly flaws hidden among the truths of the UCC redemption process.

Before going to Ur, Abraham and his people lived in the Indus Valley. They left because of conflict with the Asuras who were "The mercantile caste". What do they mean Mercantile caste and what was the conflict all about?

When the Bible says Abraham was led throughout all the land of Canaan the term meant something particular. Canaan means merchants or traffickers which is what the Asuras were.

Trafficker of what?

Human sweat and blood. To live by the blood and sweat and toil of your brother rather than your own sweat is a form of social cannibalism. It was a covetous system imposed on men by men.

This is really what UCC is all about, merchants of mankind.

"For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." Revelation 18:3

Commerce has to do with the buying and selling of goods having "profit as the chief aim" which means 'gain'. Gain and profit is not a matter of mere exchange but includes the idea of increase, usually at someone else's expense.

In looking for a good definition of commerce the best one I found was from The Devil's Dictionary (C)1911 which says, "COMMERCE, n.. A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E."

It is interesting to note that the US Census is no longer done by the Department of Interior but by the Commerce Department. Birth Certificates are also registered with the Commerce Department, not only in this country but in many others. Many nations did so around 1957. So, is the Census merely an inventory of commodities available for trade or collateral?

Birth Certification by the Federal government through the State and local Counties is nothing more than adoption of a child as a child of the state where by the State becomes the father or Parens Patria.

It is not by consent or apparent consent alone that one may be subjugated as a commodity or mere Human Resource. It is also by participating deeds.

The Social Security systems also plays an important role in sealing the fate of a people (in other countries these systems are called by other names, all bound together by treaty). Social Security is both a Corban which Jesus warned against [see Mark 7:11] and a corvee system of statutory labor [not unlike that slavery in Egypt] where by a portion of your sweat, blood and tears becomes the property of the State in return for the security and protection of that exclusive corporate society.

"UCC Redemption" is supposed to protect you from the surety nature of the Social Security system.

What "UCC Redemption" does is make you solely responsible for any and all debt. It removes you from the collective debt but does not remove the liability. You become your own redeemer, beneficiary and fiduciary. You do not become the owner of your self but the owner of your debt and surety responsibility. Many will become angry at the idea that there may be a real debt. Let us assume for a moment spiritual and physical debt are as linked as body and soul.

Yet, Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil in dispute about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee [see Jude 1:9].

If you keep your Certificates and surety number [SSN] you will still fall under their power and nothing will stand between you and them. You will stand naked in the World.

Expatriation is the key. Abraham, Moses, Israel and the rest of the people, priests, and Levites often found it necessary to expatriate and separate themselves from the commercial parens patria type systems that have appeared throughout history. This was also true of the early "Christians". Redemption is the answer, but how should that redemption be accomplished?.

Moving from citizenship in the "United States federal democracy" [a legal corporation] into the American Republic in which that corporate government does exist is the first step to expatriation. But, in the law of nations, a true Republic has no standing except as a loose group of naked individuals standing on the land. An individual is not a nation.

In a true republic, the leaders are only "titular". Because of this, the representative leaders do not have real treaty-making powers. If they are granted such powers, the freedom of the individuals of the republic is diminished considerably.

The constitution did not create a Republic. It created the corporate US federal democracy within a Republic which, being organic, has continued to metamorphose itself into the present bestial state of control, exercising authority of elite men over the others. The more you are involved with this corporate entity, the more power it develops to regulate your life. It's ability to make agreements on your behalf is greatly expanded. The federal Government takes on the role of Parens Patria, your protector and father.

"Patronus (Lat.) In Roman Law. A modification of the Latin word Pater, father. A denomination applied by Romulus to the first senators of Rome, and which they afterwards bore."

"A person who stood in the relation of protector to another who was called his 'client.'" Black's 3rd Ed. page 1338.

"Excise (excise taxes or tribute), in its origin, is the patrimonial right of emperors and kings." Vectigal, origina ipsa, jus Caesarum et regum patrimoniale est.

Government and its power is based on indebtedness or the right of the Father over his sons or adopted children. Adoption often begins with certification.

Expatriation in the United States Code is found in TITTLE 8 - ALIENS AND NATIONALITY CHAPTER 12

To expatriate alone does not include repatriation to another sovereignty. There has never been any Nation or Kingdom that has presented the perfect law of Liberty better than the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

[See TITLE 15, Sec. 15h. Applicability of Parens Patriae actions: STATUTE- Sections 15c, 15d, 15e, 15f, and 15g of this title shall apply in any State, unless such State provides by law for its non-applicability in such State.]

Parens Patria action is not applicable in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth because we are commanded so:

And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. (Matthew 23:9)

To make such a statement was a shock to those who thought man's governments and the Roman political and judicial system, its peace and commerce was good for society and business. Since Rome and the US are identical systems, modern Christian "patriots" would find that statement unbearable if they ever understood it.

In the original Greek text we find the Latin word pater, meaning 'father'. Pater was used everyday as a title of address in reference to the Senators of Rome and of course the Emperor (and before him the pro council) was referred to as 'the father of the senate' and therefore 'the Empire'. The Romans developed an elected congress called patres consritpi, the conscripted fathers.

So, we can assume that the people of the day when they heard the word pater, they knew what Jesus was saying.

The Apostate Church and church type organizations do not preach the good news of the kingdom of Heaven on earth nor the perfect law of Liberty. They instead crown men kings over other men, call for submission to those who would rob widows and orphans, who would take your sons to run before their chariots, who would kill the innocent and mine the wombs of your daughters, who devour the weak and covet the wealth of all. They have hidden the Kingdom of Heaven from the people and have turned God's world upside down and Making the word of God of none effect through their traditions

So, where is the Kingdom of God on earth? We always think of Kingdoms as land, but the most essential ingredient is that of men which are made of land anyway. Abraham knew this and so did Moses and Jesus.

Land has always been an essential ingredient to sovereignty, even of a Parens Patria position of the Father. In this case, the land the individual freed men are standing on is generally not their own land, nor do the individual states still have title to their land.

Land ownership, of some amount, somewhere is essential to the Law of Nations. It establishes domicile and freedom. This is why God has always had His kingdom of Heaven on earth. Often through individual Patriarchs from Adam to Noah and Shem to Abraham and Moses to David and finally Jesus the king.

With expatriation and repatriation one need not claim fraud or mistake but there may be a reason to do one or the other. The prodigal son, Luke 15:13.

I do not deny that there has been fraud in the creation of this world system, but I do believe that fraud should not be our first claim to voiding the relationship. The reason that I prefer the claim of "mistake" in reference to these constructive contracts is because 'mistake' focuses our attention on the beam in our own eye rather than the speck or beam in their eye. If we do not deal with our own foolishness we will simply be deceived again. Also it puts the burden of proof on them. A minor point but it sets the stage for where we should be going.

Since intent is the key element of a lawful contract, e.g. a meeting of the minds, the claim of "mistake" on our parts will work just as well as the claim of fraud. As distasteful as it may sound, in both cases, whatever tax that appears on the books should be paid-up for a number of reasons.

Many will tell you that you can leave such imagined obligations behind and "they can't touch you". This was not the advise Jesus gave Peter. Neither Jesus nor Peter owed the tax, nor did the remaining disciples. But because Peter made the mistake of saying that his master paid the tax, Jesus advised him to pay it. If Jesus is not reason enough, then I will point out that if you claim other than US citizenship by virtue of Rule 877 of the IRS codes (for what appears to be tax evasion), they have already claimed the right to confiscate all your property. This is done regularly and will continue to be done.

According to their own laws, you may expatriate to another recognized country at any time as long as you do not do so to evade taxes or apparent obligation of a preexisting nature. See:

"The 666 section" ..."HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 1996," also known as Public Law 104-191 - 104th Congress, An Act." ... section 511 through 513 that provides for the forfeiture of property of anyone who losses his/her United States Citizenship (within the meaning of section 877 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). ...

Should you use the UCC forms to escape the power of this system?

The use of the "UCC Redemption" form (UCC-1 Finance Statement) is a claim that there was no 'mistake', that you agree with the constructive contracts, and you are taking the responsibility for any debt. You may claim fraud, but that is just saying that you believe those managing things have committed fraud. You are now taking over their responsibility that was once held collectively. The UCC is not within the U.S. alone, but worldwide.

It is that SSN number [and the certified membership it expands and represents] that brings you into debt subjugation and or vulnerability.

"Redemption is deliverance from the power of an alien dominion and the enjoyment of the resulting freedom. It involves the idea of restoration to one who possesses a more fundamental right or interest. The best example of redemption in the Old Testament was the deliverance of the children of Israel from bondage, from the dominion of the alien power in Egypt." according to Zondervan's Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible

There is only one nation whose king has not joined with the New World Order of Rome and yet is recognized by that order: The Kingdom of God on earth. They have proclaimed His Kingdom in an official document nailed on the cross and sealed in blood and renewed in modern Law. If they back out now, then their own blood is forfeited. They have a blood debt to the kingdom of God on earth.

The best example of redemption is Jesus Christ. You are redeemed in His Kingdom when you expatriate from the one you are in and repatriate to His.

Moses, by adoption, became the heir to the house of Pharaoh and therefore had title to the household of Pharaoh. When he said let my people go, he was talking about his property. Moses did not want to rule over the people, but set them free within the limits they could endure. This was not unlike like Abraham when he "exited" Haran and built his alter of earth, adamic clay.

Abraham had gone from, exited, the Indus Valley to Ur, Ur to Haran and finally expatriated when his father simply started another UCC authoritarian system in Haran. Moses Expatriated. He left his father's family.

Israel was a Theocratic Republic with individual patriarchal families at its core until the people went under a King. The Israelites expatriated again under Rehoboam. The Kingdom of Judah became the remnant of the Kingdom of God on earth under the Parens Patria of the House of David.

Jesus was the Highest son of David and therefore king of Judea. He was proclaimed by the people and by Rome which the Kingdom of Judea had invited into the country for the sole purpose of making such decisions. Jesus was a King according to the World Order then and now. He would not appeal to Rome, treaty with it or submit to its authority and neither would his followers which included at first of tens of thousands of those citizens of Judea who followed the way of Jesus. They then spread out through out all the nations.

Jesus appointed ministers to His Kingdom. "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;" [Luke 22:29]. They were not like the rulers and princes of the gentiles (nations). They could not exercise authority one over the other but were true servants, clerks of the Kingdom. These ministers and clerks spread a faith that created a dark age for tyrants.

There had been a split in the kingdom. Those that followed Jesus were the true Kingdom of God on earth, the Kingdom of Heaven which was "at hand". Those that denounced their inheritance by saying they had no king but Caesar were out, barring themselves from the promise.

In the following years this Kingdom of Heaven on earth was spread through out the world. Men were free to choose another king or not. For years Kings and centralized governments were constantly set back on their road to conquest. Why? Because Christianity was offering a new government of Liberty that operated on charity, love and faith through individual responsibility.

It was not like the government of the gentiles that exercised authority one over the other so in history it does not stand out like the dictators, depots and tyrants so well recorded in our public school texts as heroes of civilization. About mid millennium one of these would be Caesar had ventured out of his castle long enough to raise the ardor and contempt of the people. Men marched on his princely lair to teach him that tyranny would not be tolerated. His emissary went to meet this militia of freemen in hopes of negotiating a peace. After several weeks he came back frustrated saying he could make no treaty with their King for they say they are all kings.

Today, in the world, the United Nations, and the New World Order recognize the Kingdom of Jesus, but they are focusing on the false clerks and ministers who claim to be that Church. This is what happened at the time of Jesus with those who had usurped the priesthood by lies, distortions and the bloodshed of Zacharias and the prophets.

"The law of Truth was in His mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity. For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he [is] the messenger of the LORD of hosts. But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the LORD of hosts. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law. Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?" (Malachi 2:6, 10)

If you come out of the U.S. but continue in the ways of Canaan, then you have gained little to nothing. If you use "UCC Redemption" so you can continue to use the numbers of that system, then you are still bound. Social Security is a Corban system which Jesus preached against. There is no such system in the Kingdom of Heaven.

"And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Revelation 18:23

If a father and mother wish to be cared for in their old age they better start taken care of their children and raising them to be men and women of independence, love, patience and charity. Social Security System is also a Corvee system of statutory labor that Moses had led men out of. Our children are not held in service to them by anything more than our service, and love to them. If you have not rid yourself of the numbers of the system or its nature then you are not free of these systems. If you claim UCC redemption, then the debt is on you. To redeem is to take ownership by paying a special price. If UCC redeems you, then you must pay the price.

If you are redeemed in the Kingdom of Jesus on earth, which is still at hand, then His Blood, His Kingdom and His Coverture stands between the armies of Pharaoh and you. The seas will part before you.

We should find out what the Kingdom of Heaven on earth really is all about and what it really looks like and repatriate there for He, Yeshua, has provided our redemption in His Kingdom on earth where in which a real salvation is waiting for our times.

The ekklesia church does not sell the truth nor freedom with multilevel marketing plans. We do not charge for admission to the sermon on the mount. We are not Patriots of our Father in Heaven for profit. What we have received, we freely give.

The Church, like the Levites and porters, was instituted for a reason. "For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (see 2 Peter 1:11).

This is what we hope to do as brothers at The ekklesia Church with the same Father in Heaven coming together in His name, e.g. with the Character of Christ.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (Romans 8:14,15)

You are Welcome to join the Network in seeking the Kingdom. Peace be on your house