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Social Contracts

Social contracts make use of at least two legal concepts or structures. One can be called a trust and the other is a corporation.

Governments cannot exist unless men create them. Man may vest something of himself into the forming of a government. As God formed man and breathed life into him, so also may men form and breathe life into a government body or body politic.

And we may also give something of value to men we trust for a particular purpose, whereby the government becomes a trust. If what we give is given entirely it may be called a sacred purpose trust. Governments may make use of both concepts of trust and corporation.

The most common form of government used throughout history is not the centralized governments of control and top down authority so commonly seen today. A diversified and voluntary network of people bound by a common faith, mutual hope, and practiced charity has often formed successful governments throughout history. In fact, “our modern reliance on government to make law and establish order is not the historical norm.”[1]

Voluntary governments like that of Israel before the rise of the kings depended on the people freely choosing to give a share of their wealth in sacrifice or what was called Corban [Nbrq][2] to fulfill the needs of society. That which was given in the form of substance and service sustained the government of the people, with the offerings by the people, for the sake of a free people.

If Jesus talks about an “unrighteous Mammon”[3]is there a righteous mammon? The Aramaic word for entrusted wealth is called Ma’amon.[4] That which was freely given was righteous. That which was taken awayby force without daily free choice is unrighteous.

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Table of Contents of The Higher Liberty The Higher Liberty

Table of Contents

Romans 13
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 1
Social Contracts
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 2
Higher Power
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 3
Terms of the Times
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 4
Koine Debate
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 6
Usage of Scholars
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 7
No King but Caesar
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 9
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 12
A Pure Republic
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 13
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 14
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 16
Church and State
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 18
Separation of Church and State
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 20
A Kingdom not of this world
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 22
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 23
The Natural Law
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 25
These Cometh of Evil?
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 26
The Rule of Right
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 28
One form of Government
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 29
The Natural Error
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 32
Consent thou Not
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 34
The Curse and the Contract
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 36
The Price of Surety
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 37
Elements of the World and the Kingdom
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 38
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 39
Religion of the People
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 40
Mighty Hunters
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 41
The Covetous Prayers
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 42
The Gospel of Love
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 43
The Gospel of the Freedom
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 44
For Conscience Sake
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 45
Daily Bread
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 46
Fathers upon the earth
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 47
Modern Christians
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 48
The gods Many
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 49
Sacrificed to Idols
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 50
Denying the Kingdom at Hand
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 52
1 Peter 2:13 54

Supreme, Higher, Better, Excellence
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 56

Unheard Cries
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 58
Titus 3:1
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 59
Obey Magistrates
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 60
Be the Magistrate
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 61
Public Servants
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 62
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 63
The Office of Diakonos
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 64
Deaconus of Tens
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 65
Union and Discipline
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 66
Executive Officers
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 67
The Apostolic Church
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 68
Public Minister, Servants of a State
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 70
Christian Welfare
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 71
The Iniquity
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 72
Leaven of the State
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 73
Seven Men
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 74
Choose Your Seven
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 76
Seven Adversaries
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 77
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 78
Two Disciples
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 79
Foolish Virgins
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 80
Tithing In Conscience
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 81
Service that Serves
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 82
Things Change
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 83
Flesh Pots of Micah
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 84
It Shall Not Be So
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 85
Bread and Pottage
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 86
A Knife to Thy Throat
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 89
Fathers and Children
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 91
Disputation, Polemics, and Apologetics
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 92
Nicolaitan and Balaam
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 94

A Plan that Worked
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 95
A Holy Different Society
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 97
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 98
Phase One, the Foundation
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 100
The Purpose of Production
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 102
Security and Strategic Support
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 103
Phase Two, National Growth
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 104
Free Exercise
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 106
Governments May Tempt
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 109
Compelling Interest
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 110
Temporal and Extratemporal
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 111
The Realm of Religion
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 112
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 113
In Those Days and These
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 114
The King of His Citizens
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 115
Two Forms of National Government
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 116
Them that Rule over you
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 118
Mystery Babylon
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 119
The Beloved Anarchist
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 120
Integral Church
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 121
Crying Out
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 122
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 123
Professing Christ
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 124
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 125
The Logos, the Letter.
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 127
The Person of Christ
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 128
Community Rules
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 130
No Logos
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 132
White Stones
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 134
The Spiritual Journey to the Kingdom
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 138
The Past
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 140
The Future
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 141
Resist Not Evil
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 142
Good and Bad News
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 143
The Kingdom of God
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 144

Appendix 1. Exousia
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 145
Appendix 2. Diakonos
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 153
Appendix 3. Leitourgos
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 155
Appendix 4. Huperetes
From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 156
About the Author 166
About the Cover 166
About this Book 167

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The Blessed Strategy | Daily ministration | Fervent Charity | Perfect law of liberty |
Covetous Practices | Romans 13 | The Way | Fellowship | Free Assemblies |
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  1. The Enterprise of Law: Justice without the State by Dr. Bruce L. Benson.
  2. Corban. offering 68, oblation 12, offered 1, sacrifice 1. offering, oblation
  3. Luke 6:9 “... Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteous­ness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?”
  4. Mammon, an Aramaic word mamon meaning ‘wealth’ … derived from Ma’amon, something entrusted to safe keeping.” Encyclopedia Britannica.