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Some of this original page was do to news items about the racist views of the Black Lives Matter movement and conversations with other people who have a bigoted view of reality.

On an Anarcho-Capitalism group They were advocating reparation for all black slaves which of course means paying the children generations after the fact as if a debt is owed by the people of America.

There was an objection that all blacks are not slave descendants. They imagined in their Facebook day dreaming that they can find these slave descendants with DNA testing but no one seems to be interested or address the fact that almost no one is a descendant of slave owners. This of course is an entirely inane nonsensical approach to slavery.

But for people who claim to be Anarchist this whole approach of taking from hundreds of millions of people who had nothing to do with slavery of the past is totally hypocritical. Of course the reason they think this way is social guilt and personal self will egotism. They are so deluded in their keyboard fantasies of themselves as "wise Robin Hood type saviors" they do not realize they condemn themselves with judgement and the desire to use rulers to extract from a mass group who was not responsible for the original deeds.

This same group would oppose the idea that their parents sold them into bondage a generation or more before as surety for debt of their own welfare state. They actually think that they can inherit freedom from their parents when their parents sold their birthright for a pot of benefits. They are suffering from a Cognitive dissonance. They do not understand the Mysteries of the universe.

Gregory posted:

I read down this list of comments and I kept thinking one thing. Are there any real anarchists on this group? This whole thread is about using rulers to force reparation for black slavery.

Considering the fact that less than 5% of Americans owned slaves then you should only take from those who are descendants of slave owners. Then to be fair you would have to know what kind of slave owner they were since most slaves lived in the same home as their owners and ate the same food. You should be able to subtract the cost of the civil war and the thousands who died freeing the slaves and all the welfare paid already.

And then why should I pay. My grandfather was a Quaker who smuggled slaves in the underground railroad. Now you want to tax me too...
And of course the original Africans who sold the slaves in Africa and the Muslims who traded them... Can any one prove that they are descendants of people who never enslaved anyone else?

Blacks were doing better and better after slavery. Certainly people got abused but so did Chinese, Japanese and Irish along with many others. The more people work and strive together to overcome hardships of life the stronger they become as individuals and communities.

Most of what we see as "generational poverty" has come about with the war on poverty. "Do gooders" who do not understand what makes people stronger as a society went along with the pouring out of benefits among the poor. It has ruined the strong family bonds that was improving the lot of African Americans.
Welfare has been the great destroyer of the black community and you guys want to pay some imagined ill conceived calculated reparation like some high minded Robin Hood.

The statistics for the decimation of the black community follows the increase of welfare. The same thing is happening among other races as they become addicted to the benefits provided by men who exercise authority one over the other.

Booker T Washington said it best "Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work."

What is this "choice they made to right the wrong they and their ancestors had inflicted on the the people enslaved." stated by George Godwyn It is bigoted prejudice to lump all Americans and their ancestors in to some giant guilty national group. And then to attempt to burden them with the acts of a few by extracting funds from them is the antithesis of anarchism. Remember less than 5% of Americans owned slaves. Few of them in the north.

George Godwyn asked:

what the hell are you talking about?

Gregory responded:

Society is born in the family. Healthy strong family units produce strong communities. Today, one out of two children in the United States will live in a single-parent family at some time before they reach age 18. In 1900 depending on where you gather your statistics 3 to 9 percent of the Children were in single-parent families. The difference goes beyond numbers because approximately 75 percent of black and white single parents were widows not the result of out of wedlock births or abandonment.
In 1900, less than 40 years after slavery ended, out-of-wedlock births were rare. These births amongst black families only accounted for a few percentage points of the births. Most pregnancies in unmarried women were rapidly followed by marriage while unmarried women typically gave up their babies for adoption. Today, even with countless abortions, black women of live births stand at 72.2 percent of the unmarried. That is a product of misplaced social guilt and state welfare.
I have been saying less than 5% owned slaves where in fact . according to the 1860 federal census reports less than 1.4% of Americans owned slaves.
Considering that there has been a vast influx of immigrants to America since 1860 probably only a tiny fraction of 1% of Americans are descendants of slave owners.
One of the reasons you have lots of fun with the nonsense on this group is that if anyone brings in a bit of reality that contradicts the delusional status quo so common in these threads they are immediately set upon with name calling, expletives and ad hominems avoiding any hope of reason.
98% of Texas Confederate soldiers never owned a slave. Only 1 in 20 white people in the confederacy owned slaves. There is your 5% in the south. You cannot convict a man for what his father or family did. If you could then you are all guilty and cursed with the debt of your parent's covetous practices.
Also, Robert E Lee freed his slaves before the war. Since slaves were often more valuable than the land they worked that was a huge sacrifice.
"20% were part of slaveowning families." does not address the fact that less than 1% of Americans today are descendants of former slave owners and as Anarchists how are you going to force reparation. It is ridiculous and just more of the self indulgent liberal mind set to common today.
It is a nonsensical witch hunt to look for reparations 4 generations after the fact.
Who is going to pay for all the genetic testing to find the slaves and slave owners and all this is based on assumptions and dependent on "rulers" who will make it all happen.
All this on what claims to be an anarchist group. What self righteous hypocrisy?

At this point I was kicked off this group of trolls.

The common practice on this group is to attack in mass anyone who does not display the insidious self-righteousness and faulty logic of these liberals masquerading as anarchists. Their leader appear to be on the government dole which allows him to be home and post this nonsense. I noted that most of the "likes" came when people got home from work but the trolls were there at all hours.

So I messaged George Godwyn who booted me while leaving his fowl mouth henchmen to post vile comments about anyone who disagreed with the gods an groupies of their virtual domain:

Bobby who began the thread with the intention to bring about reparation posted 'If you have a stolen car wouldn't you have to give it back?'

These posts of Bobby and you are not even rationally connected and if it was then You better get back to Europe or where ever you are from because you are on stolen land. The idea of forcing reparation generations latter with no evidence where and who were the true violators of rights is so inane not worthy of my time or anyone else's. You delude yourself and your cronies feed your ego to your detriment and keep you ignorant of the truth.