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High Blood Pressure

One in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure. But nearly one-third of those people don't know they have high blood pressure

Meditate... regularly Dash diet...fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy ...Think goat milk if you need milk ... whole grain including oats, Buy the groat and roll your own.... Fish and fish oils, poultry, and nuts.

Leafy greens, legumes, broccoli, spinach, carrots, celery ... Do not be afraid of raw...Don't forget garlic and onions... Look for foods with magnesium, potassium, and calcium and zinc...supplements of minerals and vitamins including vitamins E and C.

Cut down on red meat and sugars, high saturated fat, cholesterol etc. Regular meals, watch food combinations and when you eat. Don't eat on the run... sit down, eat in pleasant conditions

Meditation, Low salt... especially if you are sodium sensitive. Lots of water. Regular exercise 30-minute a day...

No smoking...

Minimal alcohol and watch the coffee but don't stress about it...

Did I say meditation,

Is it genetic? Moderate your weight if it is a problem.

Are we dealing with menopause too? There are herbs like Black Cohosh...

Habits are the big killer... break the bad habits and make new good ones.

Blood Pressure Drugs are More Dangerous than High Blood Pressure.

Dr. Bruce West, a natural heart specialist in Monterrey, CA, says it's natural for blood pressure to increase somewhat as people age (His website is HealthAlert.com at [1]). Because the arteries age, it takes more blood pressure to get enough blood to vital organs. Blood pressure drugs lower blood pressure by weakening the heart. This tends to result in strokes, heart attacks and especially congestive heart failure.

Fructose & Sugar are Major Causes of High Blood Pressure etc.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, of Schaumburg, IL, (whose website is Mercola.com [2]), had an article in 2010 about a finding that fructose is a major cause of high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes etc.

The main sources of fructose are HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, honey, molasses and maple syrup. Avoid processed foods as they generally contain HFCS or sugar.