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How robotics will affect society? Provided ID could not be validated. Here the Brookings Institute gathered sharp, successful individuals who suggested that in the future over ¼ of males will be unemployed and a 1/3 of jobs will be in health care.


  • Are there Ways to encourage voluntarism?
  • But then talks about Guaranteed Basic Income for individual.
  • Gives them individual bargaining power.
    =Power? individual power or collective coercion??
  • GBI VS GBCOON Guaranteed Basic Coercion of our neighbor
  • Reward cannot come from a bureaucracies of coercion
  • Reward must come from the market (commerce) and Charity.
  • Charity can only come from the heart
poetry, youtube,
  • Barista at Starbucks- auto manufacturer..
  • reward individual initiative.
  • Just give money without strings ...Liberia vs Venice Beach
  • reward individual initiative INDIVIDUALY
  • Coercion vs choice
  • entrepreneurs a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

early 19th century (denoting the director of a musical institution): from French, from entreprendre ‘undertake’ (see enterprise).

enterprisea project or undertaking, typically one that is difficult or requires effort.

a business or company.

WE must DECIDE WHAT KIND OF society? Let the people individually DECIDE WHAT KIND OF SOCIETY.

IN A COERCIVE SOCIETY YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE THE MORE WE INVEST BACK INTO OURSELVES. TOUCHSCREEN RATHER THAN MICROPHONE HE FOUND HARD????? GO TO COLLEGE TWICE AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT COST 100000 DOLLARS. YOU TUBE.... Does not want to make learning mandatory but ????? Private religion vs Public religion Religion redefined. Tesla car learning and teaching every car by feedback from every car... ???about robot overlords

What is a robot???? Are we robots??? Compassion - touchscreen - touch each others back to 1/3 of the people in healthcare are we making ourselves sick???? liquid democracy.... directive democracy... among people who only have compassion for SELF-ADMINISTERED

He thinks Social Security created a more robust society keeping people out of card board boxes.

Volunteer - expand our desire to volunteer -REMOVE coercion – cared by loved one?touchscreen Return choice to people and you have much less to vote on... Force choice or choose choice.

I-phone was publicly funded but profits were privately returned because gov’s don’t use their money

Allow former drivers replaced by robots allowed to own the means of productions.

  – suggested JUST allow the government to do it will be more efficient???? REALLY????


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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

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