Cognitive dissonance

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Cognitive dissonance, in psychology, is the mental stress experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time. This stress may also arise within an individual who holds a belief and performs a contradictory action.

One example has been where people know smoking is bad for you but continues to do it.

"The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance"

"When dissonance is present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person will actively avoid situations and information which would likely increase the dissonance"

This is where people will have to blot out the stress with a variety of addictions.

Music, movies, mind altering drugs, alcohol, tobacco and numerous things which they may claim helps them "deal with stress".

The reason they reach for these things is to avoid dealing with the stress and the cause of it. Seeking groups conventions or crowds of people who will think like you and assure you that you are okay despite the stress you. Because of the conflict between what you want to believe is true and what you do are doing is causing you stress you will seewk anything that will give you relief.

Cognitive dissonance, in psychology, is the mental stress that results from hypocrisy which is defined as "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense."

Another example is when people continue to sin but want to believe their are saved from sin. This would mean that most Churches promote the continuation of Cognitive dissonance by seeking to make people comfortable with their common hypocracy

There is a cognitive dissidence in modern Christians because they want to believe they are saved but they do not want to believe that he said what he said and that he said it was doers that count. They take the name o the Lord in vain when they call themselves Christians while they are not following Christ.

It is simply not a Christ thing to do to send men to your neighbors house and force your neighbor to contribute because you have no coat or need healthcare or want free education for your children. It is not loving your neighbor but it will make you a human resource or as Peter calls it merchandise. What should have been for your welfare will become a snare…

The fact is people are under a strong delusion. They often imagine they are saved and born again while they are not doing what Christ said or even believe they should do as he said.

Yet the people posing as Christians today have gone a whoring after other gods once you understand the word gods and how it was used and even defined in modern concordances. And those gods gain their authority over the people because the people apply for benefits from men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority by taking from their neighbor to provide those benefits. To desire those benefits at the expense of your neighbor, rich or poor is the definition of coveting which the new testament tells us not to do.